Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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wise love. This is why they are not nervous or spoiled, why they have been able to defeat their handicaps with such flying colors. But, I wonder, if you're saying, it is impossible for a mother who is poor and overworked to keep up a regular routine and always to be sweet-tempered. Dr. Dafoe points out that a planned, sensibly-thought-out routine will actually save work and give more time for a mother to rest while a good baby naps. And it will surely give any mother new purpose to realize that her child will mirror her own courage and love, as well as her mistakes and limitations. And now for Dr. Dafoe's sane, common sense rules, drawn up in a convenient list which you can set up in the nursery for reference at all times. If some of them seem hard, remember that every one of the thirty you find here is applied daily to the five most charming babies in the world. I — As soon as you know you're going to have a child, visit a doctor. 2 — Don't drink when expecting or nursing, although parties, dancing or smoking are all right in moderation. 3 — Always nurse your baby if physically possible. A — Have baby's routine firmly established when he's three months old. Begin your regular sleeping and feeding schedule on the third day after birth. 5 — Feed the baby, wake him, bathe him, put him to sleep at the same minute every day. Change your routine gradually without fuss as the child grows older. Establish regularity in babyhood, keep it up all during childhood. 6 — Baby should sleep 90% of every 24 hours during his first three months. 7 — Put him outdoors to sleep every day RADIO MIRROR when the weather is not too moist or windy. A cold, still day is fine for children. The Quints started sleeping outdoors in zero weather at five months. 8 — Outdoors or at night keep baby warm, not hot. If you overclothe him or put on so many blankets that he perspires, the fresh air does him no good. 9 — When older, give him an hour and a half of outdoor play each morning and afternoon. The Quints have these periods from 9:15 to 10:45 and from 2:30 to 4:00. 10 — BOIL diapers, bottles, nipples, cow's milk, in fact "everything but the baby." I ! — If feeding baby at breast, wash nipples before and after the nursing. 12 — Never touch baby until you've washed your hands in hot water and soap. 13 — Keep windows open at night in cold weather as well as warm, but avoid drafts. In winter, air out nursery twice a day. 14 — Don't let baby go to sleep in your arms; don't walk him to sleep or lie down with him. And NEVER wake him up to show him off to friends. 15 — Baby should sleep alone, not with an older child, NEVER with mother. He should go to sleep every night IN THE DARK WITH THE DOOR CLOSED. 16 — If a child doesn't eat enough at a regular meal, don't feed him until next meal. Teach him to like new dishes by not giving him anything else. Hunger will teach him to eat properly. Even a small baby can go for 24 hours with nothing but water without harmful results. 17 — Begin orange juice when the baby is two weeks old. First a teaspoonful, gradually increased to a tablespoonful. Double the amount with tomato juice. Begin cod liver oil at the same time. The Quints get this mixture of cod liver oil and orange or tomato juice twice a day: 6:45 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. 18 — For about an hour before a meal organize a child's play so it will be quiet. The Quints have songs, story telling, clay modelling and cut-outs at such times. 19 — Proper diet prevents teething trouble. The Quints, who get lots of leafy vegetables, whole wheat bread, cereals, fruit juice AND NO CANDY never suffer the least bit with new teeth. 20 — Give a baby or young child at least one bath a day. The Quints have two. At 7:30 and 5:30. 21 — The baby should get his first tub bath when two weeks old. Before this he should be cleaned with a warm olive oil rub. 22 — The temperature of the bath should be 100 degrees at first, then 95, then 90. For older babies, 85. 23 — Don't bathe baby within an hour before or after a heavy meal. Give him a little drink of boiled water before putting him into the tub. 24 — Don't give a child under three a live pet or unwashable toy. 25 — DON'T USE a mechanical baby walker. Or a play pen, toy, or bed coated with paint that has lead or zinc in it. 26 — Send a report of baby's weight to his doctor every week; visit him for a short talk every month; have him examine baby thoroughly every four months. 27 — Let the baby climb, jump, take chances, play hard. If you overprotect him you make him dependent and cowardly. 28 — Don't punish a child physically. Or threaten, frighten or bribe him. Putting him alone in a room which is NOT dark until he has been quiet a while is the best punishment. 29 — Don't make your child a show-off by teaching him parlor tricks or applauding "cute" poses. 30 — Never lie or break promises to a child. TOLD THEM WE'D HI THERE, NEP— ABOUT TIME */OU SHOWEO UP Sfiftf WHERE'S SRACEf i:nm»7j« FEELING ANY BETTER <3f?ACE "50U MISSEP A ^.-e^ij GOOt> TIME LAST/Sj^ NIGHT MED \Nl*S/y\ THE LIFE THE PARTY HE SAID hap a eocx> EVENING I'M AFRAlP HE WAS QUITE PUT OUT WITH ME FOR. BACKING POWM BUT I'fASOTIREf* LATELY, NOTHING^ ANfiT FUN DON'T LET UNDERFED BLOOD MAKE YOU FEEL 'DONE UP* That "all-in" feeling so many people have at this time of year is often a sign of rundown condition. Usually this tired feeling conies when your blood is underfed and does not carry enough of the right kind of nourishment to your muscles and nerves. Fleischmann's fresh Yeast supplies your blood with vitamins and other needed food elements. Your blood then carries more and better food to your nerves and muscles. Eat 3 cakes of Fleischmann's Yeast daily, a cake about lA hour before meals, plain or in water. Start now. m FLEISCHMANN'S FRESH yEAST CONTAINS 4 VITAMINS \H APPITION TO HOQMONE-UKE SUBSTANCES, WHICM MELP THE POPV 6ET GREATER VALUE FPOM THE FOOP YOU EAT, ANP 6BTYT FASTER Jr*95&k 1 ITS YOUR BLOOP THAT wFEEPS"YOUR BODY... One of the important functions of your blood stream is to carry nourishment from your food to the muscle and nerve tissues of your entire body. When you find you get overtired at the least extra effort, it is usually a sign that your blood is not supplied with enough food. What you need is something to help your blood get more nourishment from your food. Copyright, 1936, Standard Brands Incorporated