Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO M I RROR didn't know what to do. Finally, during a trip back home for Thanksgiving, I went into a huddle with the tenant farmer, and we sat and talked the whole business out. 1 should have done that two years ago. But now I seemed able to make decisons. And whether my decisions were right or wrong, I have the satisfaction of knowing I have at last disposed of a troublesome problem once and for all. Certainly I worry less than I ever did before. 1 believe most women worry because of a condition of physical weariness rather than because they actually have something to worry about. Naturally when you're not feeling up to par, things look darkest. Conversely; when your body is healthy, your mind is clear, and you see things in their proper perspective. Physical bouyancy banishes worry. Even the gravest problems become just things to be grappled with, and overcome. In my case there is, for example, the matter of the three thousand miles between myself and my husband. He is, you know, a highly successful voice teacher in New York. Naturally he feels, as a man must, that he cannot give up his work because of mine. We have been separated nearly all of our married life, by circumstance. Something must be done about it, of course. What? I do not knownow. But when the time comes to do something — whatever it may be— I shall know. And I shall do it. FRIENDS have complimented me frequently in recent months — but let me tell you, the compliments, while they were meant to be pleasant, were rude awakenings. Few of us, I suppose, ever pause to consider the impressions we make on other people. It certainly came as a distinct shock to me to learn that when I first came to Hollywood everyone thought me frigid, unsociable— to put it bluntly, high hat. I only learned that when I began to receive compliments for having overcome it! Imagine being told you've overcome something you never knew existed! I never meant to be unsociable. I was absorbed in my work and naturally reticent. Now I feel more comfortable, more at ease. It isn't so much the loss of that twenty pounds that has worked the metamorphosis, 1 suppose, as it is the means I adopted by which to lose it. The exercise, the sensible eating. Of course, at present I do not get about much socially, because I simply haven't the time. Most evenings it is nine o'clock before I can call it a day, and then I'd rather get myself a simple supper than rush off somewhere. But between pictures I am enjoying my fling, a fling I couldn't take before. I am learning how to play — and laugh. It has taken me a long while, I suppose, to get to my point — but I did so want women, all women, to understand. A healthy body is is not alone the concern of a picture star, or even of a woman who merely seeks to be attractive. Every woman owes it to herself, to her family, to her friends, to her associates, to keep fit. Her happiness depends upon it. Every woman may be re-born into a new world. I know. I have been — and I can sum it up in three simple words. Health is happiness. Now that you have read of the -miracle reducing wrought for Marion Talley, wouldn't you like to know exactly how she succeeded in losing twenty pounds? What she ate and the exercises she took that changed her into a beautiful star? Next month, Marion reveals exclusively for Radio Mirror readers her complete reducing secrets. Don't miss this feature if you want new glamor in your own life. MY HUSBAND A LOVES A SPAGHETTI J MEAL. WE HAVE < ONE OFTEN/ ) SHES A GREAT LITTLE MANAGERSERVES GOOD FOOD AND SAVES MONEY/ ^*^' A SATISFYING DELICIOUS MAIN DISH JUST try the two menus suggested at the right and see how your family will relish them. They might not get excited over ordinary ready -cooked spaghetti. But they will over Franco American. They'll rave about its tangy, tempting cheese-and-tomato sauce made with eleven different ingredients . . . seasoned to savory perfection. FrancoAmerican has been called a "millionaire's dish." Yet a can holding three to four portions is usually no more than ten cents — less than it costs to prepare spaghetti at home! Get FrancoAmerican from your grocer today. Try these delicious spaghetti meals: SERVES 3-COSTS 45 CENTS FrancoAmerican Spaghetti Brussels Sprouts Buttered Squash Hearts of Lettuce Salad Brown Betty with Lemon Sauce Tea SERVES 3-COSTS 55 CENTS Spaghetti Meat Scallop (Casserole dish combining Franco-American with ll/i cups of any leftover meat, ground) Buttered Beets Coleslaw Fruit Cup Sugar Cookies Coffee Franco -American SPAGHETTI •7 , s*e, THE Kl N C i WITH TH E Cs&C/ui GOOD SAU C E MADE BY THE MAKERS OF CAMPBELL'S SOUPS 65