Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO M I RROR powder before putting them on in the morning. It helps, too, to alternate your pairs of shoes day by day, changing them with your costume, and it's so comforting to slip into another pair during the evening. All these things will promote comfortable, odorless foot health. And now for those annoying corns and calluses which, incidentally, can be just as serious as any other foot condition! A corn is not an infection, it has no root — it is simply made up of layers of dead skin which cause a painful pressure on sensitive nerves. It should never be cut, and home-made remedies and treatments should be avoided, since all but the most serious can be quickly and safely removed with the reliable preparations now available at any drugstore. As we've already seen, ordinary calluses can be eliminated by the daily use of cuticle remover and pumice stone. Watch out for cuts and bruises on your feet and take care of them immediately; they're dangerous because our feet are kept so confined and in such close contact with dyes and other irritants. Guard against mild rubs and soreness with a bit of sticking plaster on the tender spot before donning your shoes; the plaster will stick even better if you've just given your feet a comfortable massage with the cream rubbing alcohol I've already mentioned. OF course, you know how good it feels to slip your shoes off and wriggle your toes. That's because our toes need exercise, oh, so badly! Relaxing and stretching our feet, rotating them on the ankles, is good for restoring circulation and strengthening the muscles. Try this, too: Whenever you're dressing or undressing — whenever, indeed, you have your shoes off —walk around on tiptoe; that does wonders for the arch. If your arches need strengthening (and most people's do, you know), here are two excellent exercises recommended by specialists. In the first, you stand on a telephone book or large catalogue with your toes hanging over; curl your toes over the edge and swing your weight up on the balls of your feet; repeat several times. In the second, you stand pigeon-toed with your feet several inches apart; standing in this position, simply roll your weight to the outside edges of your feet, then back again; don't lift your heels from the floor and don't let your ankles sag inward on the return trip, repeat. And there you are! Just follow these simple instructions for the care of those all-important feet and I'll guarantee you'll soon be a member of the Beauty and Health Brigade — in good standing! Have you ever given your feet a refreshing massage with a good "foot ice"? Would you like to have a fascinating chart showing all the latest shades of nail polish in their true colors? Then send for my March beauty leaflet — it contains a great deal of information about preparations for home foot care which everyone should know. Just address your query, accompanied by a large, stamped, self-addressed envelope, to Joyce Anderson, Radio Mirror, III East 42nd Street, New York City. DO YOU WANT TO REDUCE? You can, if you will read Marion Talley's real working rules which helped her win her fight against overweight. These secrets will be published in full in next month's RADIO MIRROR. A GIRL CAN'T BE TOO CAREFUL ...AND THE LOVELIER WAY TO AVOID OFFENDING IS A BATH WITH PERFUMED CASHMERE BOUQUET SOAP! f% lw I :: to queer you ^rspirauon 2. when vnn ^ How much moteJh °ffendlnS-' te> too, With Cash 0llur'ng y°u'« flovver-Jifee D^Wre Bo«quet's -P costs onlyI0S;fca4Wely $&$Merp) Ma, wtafc. <3y. KEEPS COMPLEXIONS LOVELY, TOO! Cashmere Bouquet's lather is so gentle and caressing, yet it goes right down into each pore and removes every bit of dirt and cosmetics . . . makes your skin radiantly clear, alluringly smooth. No wonder fastidious women everywhere now use nothing but this pure, creamy-white soap for both the face and bath. Why don't you vise it too? ^^^''^lli^^ jgf now only IO> at all drug, department, and ten-cent stores THE ARISTOCRAT OF ALL FINE SOAPS 67