Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR Weak.Rundown.Pale TAKE THIS FAMOUS 1 WEEK TEST fTHAT HAS SHOWN THOUSANDS HOW TO BUILD UP HUSKY NEW RED BLOODED STRENGTI NEW ENERGY AND AT LEAST 5 EXTRA LBS. OR NO COST/ As a result of tests covering thousands of cases of skinniness, weakness, poor blood and a rundown condition — many leading authorities now agree that very frequently the trouble may be traced to iodine starvation, particularly as applied to certain important glands. When these glands — including the one important gland which largely controls the body's weight and strength — lack natural plant iodine, even diets rich in starches and fats often fail to add weight. That's why skinny people, in many cases, have huge appetites, yet stay skinny. Now, however, with the introduction of Seedol Kelpamalt, a mineral concentrate derived from a huge 90-foot sea vegetable harvested off the Pacific Coast — you can be assured of a rich, concentrated supply of this precious natural substance. Far richer in iodine than oysters, Seedol Kelpamalt at last makes it possible for the body to get the most good out of food. Its 12 other minerals act to stimulate and normalize the digestive glands which produce the juices that enable you to digest fats and starches, the weight and strength making elements in food. 3 Seedol Kelpamalt tablets contain more iron and copper than 1 lb. of spinach or 7'/2 lbs. of fresh tomatoes — more iodine than 1,386 lbs. of lettuce. Try Seedol Kelpamalt for one week. See if, like thousands of others, you don't feel better, sleep better, eat better, and add at least 3 to 5 husky new lbs. the first week. If you don't the trial is free. It costs_ you nothing! Your own doctor will approve this way. 100 jumbo size Seedol Kelpamalt Tablets — four to five times the size of ordinary tablets — cost but a few cents a day to use. Get Seedol Kelpamalt today. Seedol Kelpamalt is sold at all good drug stores. If your dealer has not yet received supply, send $1.00 for special in troductory size bottle of 65 tablets to the address at the right. ACCEPT THIS STARTLING NO RISK OFFER! Your Money Back If Kelpamalt Does Not 1. Improve appetite. 2. Add at least 3 to 5 lbs. of good, solid flesh. 3. Banish ordinary stomach distress. 4. Improve digestion 5. Help you to sleep sounder. 6. Give you new strength, energy and endurance . 7. Help you clear up your skin. SEEDOL KelpamaltZ^r Potted by professional models. m Manufacturer's Note:— Inferior products, sold as kelp and malt preparations— in imitation of the genuine Seedol Kelpamalt — are being offered as substitutes. The Kelpamalt Company will reward for information covering any case where an imitation product has been represented as the original Seedol Kelpamalt. Don't be fooled. Demand genuine Seedol Kelpamalt Tablets. They are easily assimilated, do not upset stomach nor injure teeth. Results guaranteed or money back. SPECIAL FREE OFFER Write today for fascinating instructive 50-page booklet on How to Build Strength, Energy and Add Lbs. Quickly. Mineral Contents of Food and their Effects on the Human Body. New facts about NATURAL IODINE. Standard weight and measurement charts. Daily Menus for weight building. Absolutely free. No obligation. Kelpamalt Co., Dept. 1112, 27 West 20th St., New York City. Name Street City should Show Boat care? Major Bowes' Hour isn't as popular as it used to be, either! DADIO lost one of its best-loved musi** cal directors when William Daly died from a heart attack early in December. Had he lived, you would have heard him directing just the sort of program he liked best, for he'd been signed as maestro of the Gladys Swarthout-Frank Chapman series which makes its bow in February. IN a quiet way, radio recreated history ' in the life of one of its players last month. The script of Today's Children had Fran Moran's baby being born on Christmas Eve. You knew that, but you didn't know that Bess Johnson, who plays Fran, had her own baby just eight years ago, on Christmas Eve; and much of the story of Today's Children before the baby was born was based upon Bess' own life during the weeks before little Jane Orr Perry, her real life daughter, opened her eyes to the world. There must have been heartache as well as pleasure for Bess as she read the lines of Today's Children — for she and her husband, Dr. Paul Perry, have been separated for some time now, and just recently the suit for their divorce was filed. * * * THERE'S more than one kind of emer■gency, but it's a word Helena Roy, Chicago radio actress, won't ever use lightly again. Every Friday the Junior Nurse Corps series gives a public broadcast, with all its cast in costume; and on a recent Friday afternoon Helena left her home wearing her white nurse's uniform, in her character of Aunt Jane. She was late, so she called a taxi and told the driver to hurry to the Wrigley Building, where the CBS studios are located. "Is it an emergency, Miss?" asked the driver, wide eyes on her uniform. "It certainly is," Helena answered — and started on the ride of her life. That taxi made the ten miles of city streets between Helena's home and the Wrigley Building in fourteen minutes. . . . And Helena spent all the time she saved, and more, lying down in the lounge, trying to recover. CINAL and exact report on Helen Hayes' ■broadcasting costume: confused at all the different descriptions of Helen Hayes' costume during her Bambi broadcasts, we sneaked in on one of them and checked up for ourselves. Helen wears the nightgown which is her first-act costume in "Queen Victoria," and over it she wears a dress which looks as if it might be a costume for the play, but isn't. She calls it her "zipper dress," she designed it herself, and it's fluffy and Victorian in style to go with her old-fashioned coiffure. On Monday nights Helen rehearses until five in the afternoon, has dinner, goes to the theater where "Queen Victoria" is a sell-out hit, puts on her make-up and the costume described above, and is at Radio City in plenty of time for the broadcast. After the broadcast it takes her exactly four minutes to get to the theater by taxi or her own car, going along a route she has found by experimentation is the fastest. At the theater she zips off the dress, puts on a long wig over her coiffure, and is ready for her entrance ten minutes after the play has started. For the rebroadcast at midnight she is in street clothes. She can't ever be late because they can't hold the curtain for her. At a theater 72