Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR next door "Idiot's Delight" is playing, and toward the end of that play a war breaks loose, with much shooting of cannon. ;By raising the curtain on "Queen Victoria" at a certain time, the war breaks out during one of the "Victoria" intermissions. If anything were going on on the stage the audience wouldn't be able to hear it over the warlike racket next door. THEY say that absence from the airwaves has mellowed our favorite storyteller, but we haven't mustered up enough nerve yet to put it to the test. When Alexander Woollcott was broadcasting last year he didn't like to give interviews, and said so. But an official of the CBS press department thought he'd try to break down the Town Crier's resistance, and called him on the phone. "Mr. Woollcott," he said sweetly, "can't 1 send a very capable magazine writer up to interview you?" "Oh," sighed the Town Crier in weary tones, "people are always coming up to interview me, and then they go away and write the most awful drivel!" "Well," pursued the publicity man. "can't I come up myself and see you? I'll write a really good story about you — one you'll be proud to have published!" he added modestly. There was a long pause on the other end of the wire, broken by a deep moan, a nicely rounded curse, and the words: "Oh well — / don't mind!" No. even though Alex is back on the air. we haven't gone around asking for an interview with him yet. HASH Arnold Johnson wants to broadcast one of his National Amateur Night programs on MBS direct from his 220-acre farm in Connecticut. He has a music room twice the size of the regular broadcast studio. . . . The bane of Arnold's life is having to come to the city so often to rehearse and stage his program. . . . Gertrude Niesen went out to Hollywood full of plans for living the simple life and getting away from the night-clubs where she's been singing for the past few years . . . So what happens? ... So they cast her in a movie as a night-club singer, and she spends six weeks on a set which is a careful replica of the smokiest of the breed. . . . For the first time in history a movie company has bought the title of a radio program. Pat Ballard sold the title of his MBS program, Melody Treasure Hunt, to Universal. They'll use it for_a series — "Melodv Treasure Hunt of 193/," M. T. H. of 1938, M. T. H. of 1939, and so on, a la Warner Brothers' "Gold Diggers," M-G-M's "Broadway Melody" and Paramount's "Big Broadcast." . . . Stoopnagle and Budd always stand at the microphone in Budd and Stoopnagle order, reading from left to right . . . nobody knows why . . . Filming on the movie version of One Man's Family started half-way through January . . . Floyd Gibbons, cornered during a Speed Show rehearsal, muttered mysterious threats of a new weekly program in the offing, but he and Vincent Lopez have been renewed on the Speed Show. . . Paul Whiteman's most prized possession is a flat platinum cigarette case given him by ExKing Edward when the latter was Prince of Wales. It's almost entirely crusted with diamonds because Pauls friends like to outline their heads or initials on it in those jewels. For Christmas the Canovas added a be-diamonded "Mr. P. W." to a collection which already includes outlines of the heads of Margaret Livingston, Paul's wife, and Mae West. Switching face powders may do you an injustice — Make you look years older than you really are ! How to find your most becoming face powder By \U^tOAj (ZdAM£A. Do you try one face powder this month and another the next? Do you choose face powder because this girl or that uses it? What may look good on one girl may look bad on another. Hit-or-miss methods of selecting your face powder, or your shade of face powder, put you at a great disadvantage. It means you have one complexion one day and another the next. It calls attention to your make-up all the time. If the shade you happen to choose is the wrong one, it makes you look years older than you really are. What you want, first of all, is the right kind of face powder. Secondly, the right shade. No. 1. The Right Kind of Face Powder A face powder must be soft. It must be smooth — absolutely smooth. Only a smooth powder will go on evenly and blend perfectly. Only a smooth powder will act as a blotter on the skin. It is the blotter-like qualities of face powder that absorb excessive oil and perspiration and prevent shine. Lady Esther Face Powder is soft — extremely soft and smooth. It contains no rough or sharp particles whatever. This you can prove by my famous "bite test." Because it is so smooth, Lady Esther Face Powder goes on evenly and blends perfectly. It also acts as a blotter on the skin. It absorbs the excessive oil and perspiration that causes that hated shine. No. 2. The Right Shade •First, the right powder — then the right shade! There is only one way to tell which is your most becoming shade and that is to try on all five basic shades. You must not assume that because you are a blonde or a brunette or a redhead that you must use a certain shade. Any artist or make-up expert will tel1 you that. You may be a blonde and yet have a very dark or olive skin; or a brunette and have a very light skin; or vice versa. What you want to do is NOT match your skin, but improve your appearance. You want, NOT a matching shade, but a flattering shade. I Say "Try," not "Buy" In my five shades I provide the most becoming one for you. What it is neither I, nor anyone else, can tell you in advance. You must try on all five shades. But I don't ask you to go into a store and buy all five shades of Lady Esther Face Powder. No, indeed! I say: "Here, take all the five shades of my face powder and try them all on ! Let your own eyes tell you which is your most becoming shade." Today! Decide today to make this telling face powder test. Mail the coupon below and by return mail you'll receive all five shades of Lady Esther Face Powder. Try on all five shades. Notice that one shade will instantly declare itself the one for you. Notice, too, how smooth my face powder is, ho w long it stays on and ho w well it prevents shine. One test will tell you volumes! The coupon below waits your mailing ! FREE (You can paste this on a penny postcard.) (31) Lady Esther, 2034 Ridge Avenue, Evanston, Illinois Please send me by return mail a liberal supply of all five shades of Lady Esther Face Powder; also a purse-size tube of your Lady Esther Four-Purpose Face Cream. Name City _ State (If you live in Canada, write Lady Esther, Lta\y Toronto, Ont.) 73