Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MI RROR K—STOlen FROM THE SOUTH SEAS MAIDEN THE SECRET OF HER STRANGE ENCHANTMENT. . . TATTOO FOR LIPS, INSTEAD OF PASTY COATING ^loL TATTOO YOUR LIPS The New TATTOO gives lips exciting South Sea redness that's transparent, pasteless, highly indelible . . . yet makes them moist, lustrous, smooth, soft. . .endlessly yielding!' Luscious South Sea-ish stain that replaces pasty lipstick, arch-enemy of blissful adventure . . . that's the New Tattoo. Moist and shimmering, it appears on lips . . . ever so tempting . . . but so clearly transparent its charm has a realness that doesn't suffer when adoring eyes come closer. And how his heart will pound at the touch of lips so smooth ... so caressingly soft! A magic ingredient contained in the New Tattoo actually makes lips just that soft. Yes, it reallv does. Tattoo your lips! THE NEW TATTOO CORAL • EXOTIC • NATURAL PASTEL • HAWAI IAN PYREX FREE^/eoM cJhoJdf i&ruS Mothers, send for this colorful chart today. Keep a lasting record of your a t/jj )>t4%' -wl \ child's development from : birth to 4 years. Here's your opportunity to have absolutely free, authentic figures (adapted from U. S. Dept. of Labor statistics) on what your baby's growth should be. Fill in the coupon below now. PYREX BRAND NURSING BOTTLES K-^Lj^' Pyrex Nursing Bottles, Dept. WI 10 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, III. Please send me a free copy of the "Pyrex Health and Weight Chart." NAME ADDRESS authoritative; useful and -FREE with 3 Gerber labels (or send lOtf). This interesting booklet written by a Registered Nurse, gives valuable information on baby's care, feeding, playing, training, clothing, bathing, exercising, etc. Accepted by the Council on Foods, of the American Medical Association. Of interest to every mother or mother to be. Address : Dept. 113, Gerber Products Company, Fremont, Michigan. Qirbtrii Shaker-Cooked Strained Foods 10 VARIETIES FOR BABY with a doubtful gag depends upon (1) the personal prejudices of the member of the editing department who gets the script first (2) the importance of the comedian's sponsor and (3) the importance of the comedian himself. At least, that's the only logical explanation of some of the things that happen. A famous mystery story which has been broadcast several times was banned only recently because it dealt with vampires. But it hadn't been banned before. Glaringly off-color lines have been left in scripts and mild, inoffensive ones deleted. I can't tell you any of those that were left in, because the U. S. Postal authorities draw the line when it comes to them, but I can tell you a few which were taken out. A speech calling a man a cad and a bounder was cut because "cad" and "bounder" are vulgar. And a line about "Chief Sitting Bull and his son Standing Invitation" was also out; for some reason which completely eludes me. It's all very confusing, as more than one script writer has complained to me, but it's also irritating, not only to script writers but to people who have the good of radio at heart. Let's be fair. It isn't entirely the fault of the networks. They aren't being picky just for the fun of it. Radio's a non-selective medium of entertainment. It's heard by every member of the family and every class of society, and when so many different kinds of people are listening it's pretty hard not to offend a few of them. But the best of humor often isn't in "good taste" and it nearly always offends somebody, somewhere. Even Mark Twain offended many people with what he wrote before he was recognized as the great genius we know him to be today. UOW can anybody deny that a hearty ri laugh at some injustice or stupidity is the best way of wiping out that injustice or stupidity? We need to laugh at ourselves, to laugh at the changing scene; and radio comedians, even better than writers for newspapers and magazines, can help us do it. Imagine the restrictions comedians like Fred Allen or Jack Benny must face, depending as they do upon its timeliness for so much of their humor — and imagine how much funnier they could be, and how good for us, if those restrictions were removed. And besides, there's good evidence to prove that not as many feelings as the networks think would be hurt if some of the political and professional bans were lifted. On a few occasions when a comedian has written a sketch which his network didn't like and wanted to censor, the comedian or his sponsor has gone to bat for the sketch and agreed to take all the blame for any complaints it might call forth. Every time this has happened a few isolated kicks have drifted in — three or four out of an audience of millions — accompanied by dozens of letters approving the program. Maybe the great American public is tougher than the networks think! There's a secret force in Milton Berle's life that has kept him be fore the public since he was six years old. Don't miss the amazing story about him in the APRIL RADIO MIRROR 76