Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO M I RROR IF YOU SUFFER FROM ASTHMATIC ATTACKS FOR 70 YEARS thousands suffering from asthmatic paroxysms have depended upon Dr. Schiffmann's ASTHMADOR... druggists throughout the world have recommended and sold it as a quick and dependable aid to relief. You, too, should experience the same beneficial results. Try it now! Ask your druggist for Schife mann's ASTHMADOR — in powder, cigarette or pipe-mixture form. Or send for FREE supply of all three. R. SCHIFFMANN CO., Los Angeles, California. Dept. M BABY coming? See your doctor regularly. Ask him about Hygeia Bottles and Nipples. These wide mouth bottles are easily cleaned. Nipple is easily kept germ free. Don't take chances. These are 4?* safest . . . ASK YOUR DOCTOR! 1 Qmooth, satiny skin — a radiantly clear, youthful complexion — men admire them and modern style demands them. To be truly lovely, you must rid your skin of ugly pimples on face and body. And thousands are doing it, with complete success. The real cause of disorders resulting in ugly pimples may be nothing in the world except a lack of_ the yeast vitamins B and G. When these elements are not present in the human diet in sufficient quantities, the intestinal tract becomes weak and sluggish. Its function is badly impaired. Constipation is likely to ensue and this, in turn, often shows up in pimply skin. Countless men and women have found that in such cases, Yeast Foam Tablets work wonders. This pure dry yeast supplies vitamins B and G in abundant quantities YEAST FOAM TABLETS You'll Like the Taste! and thus tends to restore the intestinal tract to normal — in those instances of vitamin deficiency. With the intestinal tract again in healthy function, pimples should quickly disappear. Unlike ordinary yeast, Yeast Foam Tablets are pasteurized and hence cannot cause gas or fermentation. They are easy to swallow and most people relish their clean, nut-like taste. They keep, too. Start now. Try Yeast Foam Tablets and give them the chance to give you the same welcome relief they have brought to so many others. JSfEWt VES ? Vitamin B, known as the anti-neuritic vitamin, is absolutely necessary to sound, steady nerves. Lack of enough vitamin B causes -polyneuritis — the inflammation of many nerves. Yeast Foam Tablets, so rich in the B factor, prevent and correct nervous conditions caused by vitamin B deficiency. Mail Coupon for Trial Sample ■■■ » NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO. 1750 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. Please send FREE TRIAL sample of Yeast Foam Tablets. (Only 1 sample per family.) Name . m Address ■ ■ ■ I City State. been so willing to cut her tours short and get back. Her career always before had been everything to Kate. For it she had denied herself the ordinary pleasures other young women took for granted. Now all that was over. Kate had her orphans. But something was happening back in New York that Kate didn't know about. For weeks Ted kept it from her, hoping he could straighten it out. Certain relatives of the four orphans, people in comfortable circumstances, had learned somehow that Kate Smith, famous radio star, was taking care of Tonio, Billy, Bessie and Jane. One by one they kept coming to Ted's office, asking for money, insisting that this and that thing be done. When Ted finally began refusing them, they grew threatening, made even more demands. And worst still, the secret began to spread further. The time came when it seemed to Ted as if every friend and relative of every child in the orphanage knew that Kate Smith was paying for the four babies. These friends came singly, in pairs, in family delegations, to see Ted, to try to play on his sympathies. And finally, Ted knew, he must tell Kate, had to tell her, though he knew that it would break her heart. So one morning he explained everything. "I'm afraid," he said gently, "that there's only one way out of it — " Kate did not immediately reply. His words were still sinking in — still hurting. She had come, in her life, to know something of inhumanity and cruelty; but this new example of it was well nigh incredible. It had stunned her. Ted picked up a file of belligerent letters. "I'm afraid it's the only way," he repeated, his gaze upon her troubled eyes. "I know it's tough — I hate to see you give them up. . . ." A dead silence filled the room "How can I ?" Kate asked, finally, in a strange voice. "But if you have to — ?" There was a longer silence, broken only by the patter of rain and the lash of the winter wind against the apartment's casement windows. Then, Kate said: "I guess, Ted, you're right — I couldn't have believed it — " Ted got up and reached for his coat. Helen Broderick and Victor Moore have a regular network show now — Twin Stars, Friday nights over NBC. 82