Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MI RROR Htm Through the day use Tangee . . . watch the blush-rose shade of youth appear . . .Tangee, with its magic Color Change Principle, changes from orange in the stick to blush-rose on your lips... Paris says, "A painted look is not in keeping with today's fashions." Tangee isn't paint — cannot give you a "painted look". Use Tangee Rouge for cheeks. It also has the magic Color Change Principle. Through the night .. .Tangee Up / Stick's special cream base softens I J and protects your lips . . .Tangee ' I Natural Lipstick's special cream 1 1 base protects lips. Do not confuse \ \ Tangee with ordinary cosmetics I J you must remove at night. Try U Tangee. 39^ and $1.10. Or send J coupon below for Tangee's 24 n Hour Miracle Make-Up Set. // Tangee Tfl World's Most Famous Lipstick ENDS THAT PAINTED LOOK • BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES! There is only one Tangee — don't let anyone switch you. Be sure to ask for TANGEE NATURAL. If you prefer more color for evening wear, ask for Tangee Theatrical. '24-HOUR MIRACLE MAKE-UP SET" The George W. Luft Co., 417 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C. Rush "24-Hour Miracle Make-Up Set" of miniature Tangee Lipstick. Rouge Compact, Creme Rouge, Face Powder. I enclose 10tf (stamps or coin). (15tf in Canada.) Check Shade of n •pipcv, n Rachel n Light Powder Desired u Flesn u Bac"eI U Rachel Address_ City The Personal History of Floyd Gibbons, Adventurer (Continued from page 50) non-sink garment like a vest, which he had brought along in preparation for a submarine attack; then hurried back up to his life-boat station on the deck. So completely had the passengers and crew feared the coming of the torpedo that there was almost no confusion. From his post Floyd looked down at the black, hissing waters. The ship was listing to starboard, which was the other side from Floyd, and his lifeboat hung down, not over the water, but over the slanting side of the ship. The passengers were loaded into the boat, and the crew started to lower it, but it stopped with a jerk in mid-air, stern down and bow up at an angle of fortyfive degrees. Someone hacked desperately with a hatchet at the lines; the ship dropped, and brought up with a jerk that almost threw some of the people overboard. Then, at last, the boat was lowered with an even keel to the crest of a rising wave. The ropes were cut, and the lifeboat pulled away from the sinking Laconia, which was slowly turning over. For a few minutes it was nightmare bedlam in the frail little craft, as the crew pulled on the oars frantically in their eagerness to put a safe distance between themselves and the ship. They were afraid it would blow up, or if it did not blow up, that the suction of its sinking would sink them, too. But it did not blow up, and it took a long time to sink. The party in the lifeboat heard a dull thud as the German submarine sent another torpedo after the first. Then it tilted at the stern; its nose rose up against the gray of the sky; it sank silently out of sight. ALL night long the lifeboat drifted. ** From across the darkness came the ■sounds from other lifeboats, lost in the immensity of the ocean. Now and then they sent up flares, hoping to attract the attention of a passing liner, and at last, toward dawn, they did see a glow of light coming from below the horizon. Slowly it grew brighter; the red and green riding lights of a ship appeared. It was H. M. S. Laburnum, an English ship. Dawn was melting the darkness when she finished picking up the survivors of the Laconia. But there were thirteen passengers and members of the crew of the Laconia which the Laburnum did not pick up. They had perished, lost at sea. The Laburnum steamed into Queenstown harbor, and a few minutes later Floyd Gibbons sat at a typewriter, composing a four thousand word story for his newspaper, the Chicago Tribune. He still believes it was the greatest piece of reporting he ever did, fresh as he was from the horror of that night in an open boat, with the stories of the other survivors still ringing in his ears. It was probably also the most important piece of reporting he ever did, for the sinking of the Laconia was the first of a series of "overt acts" on the part of Germany which brought America into the war, and — whether for good or ill — Floyd's account of it helped to inflame America's anger against Germany. The Word War has been described many times. I don't want to describe it again. The important thing is to tell you what it meant to Floyd Gibbons. Not that he spent the time from March to June, 1917, in London; nor how he saw MITURttL BE0UTV hair sparkhng with ^ the and beauty . . . »■ delicate over ly Suu*»e -ts an^ tones of "Koutn. hair natural color rinse, gives shade this needed emphas.s and V HBOWwems.BMwnM blondes and all in-between Arf-J^ ^ „ necessary to a smar^appea ^ stick and "nee cThe h[gnlisht your ible enough to accura ' c„anging urn _. „ -.arkage contains 6 IS biVi^i. upvF— write Golden Test it FREE writ ^ l °T STs A *» Bta.. S-Ple Learn Profitable Profession in QO days at Home balaries of Men and Women in the fascinating profession of Swedish Massage rnn as high as $40 to t $70 per week but many prefer to open their own of > fices. Large incomes from Doctors, hospitals, sanit> tariums, clubs and private patients come to those / • aft^^. who qualify through our training. ReducfisBL^ mW^mWfo. *ng fllone offers rich rewards for special) ists. Anatomy charts end supplies are §§ givenwjthourcourse.Writefordetails -* . 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Telephone your druggist for guaranteed Cystex (pronounced Siss-tex) today. 84