Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MI RROR Brilliant Teeth— Healthy Gums with this Double Protection YOUR teeth may look clean and white, even though your gums are soft and spongy. That's the insidious thing about half-way dental care. Forhan's Tooth Paste, created by an eminent dental surgeon, provides the double protection everyone needs. It does both vital jobs — cleans teeth and safeguards gums. After brushing your teeth, massage your gums, too, with Forhan's, just as dentists advise. Note how it stimulates the gums, how clean and fresh your mouth feels! Soon you can see the difference. Forhan's costs no more than most ordinary tooth pastes, and the big new tube saves you money. Buy Forhan's today, and end half-way care once for all. Also sold in Canada. FORMULA OF R. J. FORHAN, D.D.S. • Forhan's {CLEANS TEETH SAVES GUMS DOES BOTH JOBS i/un/miTT TIME COUNTS — don't risk delay in patenting your ideas. Write for new FREE book, "Patent Guide for the Inventor" and "Record of Invention" form. No charge for preliminary information. CLARENCE A. O'BRIEN & HYMAN BERMAN Registered Patent Attorneys | I -W Adams Bldg., Washington, D. C. S^H I N WITH Mercolized Wax 9 Any complexion can be made clearer, smoother, younger with Mercolized Wax. This single cream is a complete beauty treatment. Mercolized Wax absorbs the discolored blemished outer skin in tiny, invisible particles. Brings out the young, beautiful skin hidden beneath. Just pat Mercolized Wax on your skin every night like cold cream. It beautifies while you sleep. Mercolized Wax brings out your hidden beauty. USE Saxollte Astringent —a refreshing, stimulating skin tonic. Smooths out wrinkles and age lines. Refines coarse pores, -eliminates olliness. Dissolve Sazolite in one-half pint witch hazel. 86 but it was Floyd's job to plead with the American people not to be over confident. As soon as the Armistice was signed he returned to Paris, to establish and head a European press service for his paper, the Chicago Tribune, and also to be editor of the Paris edition of the Tribune. Both of these jobs he held until 1926. Floyd listened and reported through all the petty international bickering and wrangling which went on after the war, and as he listened he learned disillusionment. The world hadn't been taught its lesson. Here were the Allies back at the old game of grab, grab — not only from the defeated Germans but from each other. It was the grab-grab business which was responsible for the biggest scoop the Paris office of the Tribune ever accomplished — publishing the contents of the Versailles Treaty while France, England, and America were still trying to keep it secret. Floyd and his men on the Tribune staff had tried hard to be impartial to all sides in the endless discussions about the parceling out of territory, and had made many friends. Therefore, when one ally, Japan, was given the Shantung peninsula, which another ally, China, thought should rightfully go to her, the Chinese walked into the Tribune office with the treaty, offering to give it up for publication. It was wrapped up, Floyd says, in an old piece of red carpet; and Frazier Hunt tucked it in his suitcase, boarded a ship, and carried it across the Atlantic to the United States. BY 1920 Floyd was thoroughly disgusted ™ with the way American men were being kept along the Rhine, being used as a tlub against Germany by the Allies, and he started the first of his crusades. Across the front page of every issue of the Paris Tribune he began running the banner, "SEND THE BOYS HOME— TOOT SWEET!" Endlessly, in his disillusionment and anger at the way in which a war to end wars had degenerated into a tool in the hands of self-seeking politicians, he hammered at the injustice of keeping American men on foreign soil, away from their families and work. It was a popular crusade with the 1,500,000 American men in Europe, and Floyd surprised himself and the Tribune home office by running the paper at a $50,000 profit in one year. The Tribune hadn't ever expected to do more than break even on that venture. But Floyd couldn't send the $50,000 out of the country, so he sneaked the Tribune instructions to draw on him for that amount into the middle of a news dispatch, hoping the censors wouldn't notice. The censors didn't, a gratified Chicago office got the money, and rewarded Floyd with a $5,000 bonus. However, the bonus was paid in francs and a few weeks later the franc took such a tumble that the bonus shrank to a tenth its real value. Foreign correspondents get used to little things like this. From his headquarters in Paris, Floyd directed the activities of correspondents all over Europe and Asia. When a big story broke in some particular locality he would close all his other bureaus and rush every man to the center of excitement, smothering the story with reporters and beating all the other press services hollow. He did this when the great Russian famine broke out in the spring of 1921. He had twenty-one men converging on Russia from all points of the compass, but in this case even these tactics weren't much good. American correspondents just weren't being let into Russia. In Riga, Latvia, Maxim Litvinov, then Ugly Complexion Denies Vou life's Thrilling moments Po&Um (fiirei. Real -Help • Disagreeable surface pimples and ugly blotches caused by irritation are so embarrassing just when you want to look your best. Stop worrying about your complexion! Use Poslam a short time, AT OUR EXPENSE, and you will be amazed by the rapid improvement. Used successfully for thirty years to relieve surface pimples of acne and minor irritations of the skin. IT MUST BE GOOD to have stood this test. Poslam is a concentrated ointment that penetrates the outer layers of the skin and soothes irritation thereby aiding nature to bring back your skin's loveliness. Don't delay, get Poslam from your druggist today, only 50c or let us prove to you free what Poslam will do for your skin. FREE PROOF SAMPLE Make this amazing test. Free. No cost. No obligation. Send today for generous trial size of Poslam. Simply mail your name and address to: Sample Desk P. Poslam Co., 234 W. 54th Street, New York, N. Y. Relieve Pain In 9 Minutes Rheumatism To relieve the torturing pain of Rheumatism, Neuritis, Neuralgia or Lumbago in 9 minutes, get the Doctor's Prescription NURITO. Absolutely safe. No opiates, no narcotics. Does the work quickly — and must relieve your pain in nine minutes or money back at Druggist's. Don't suffer. Use guaranteed NURITO today DEFORMED OR INJURED BACK Thousands of Remarkable Cases V\\ Jr. i_ fe-f A Man, helpless, unable to stand or walk, yet was riding horseback and playing tennis within a year. An Old Lady of 72 years, suffered for many years, was helpless, found relief. A Little Child, paralyzed, was playing about the house in 3 weeks. A railroad man, dragged under a switch engine and his back broken, reports instant relief and ultimate cure. We have successfully treated over fifty-nine thousand cases in the past 30 years. 30 DAYS' TRIAL FREE We will prove its value in your own case. The Philo Burt Appliance is light, cool, elastic and easily adjusted — how different from the old torturing, plastercast, leather and celluloid jackets or steel braces. Every sufferer with a weakened, injured, diseased or deformed spine owes it to himself to investigate. Doctors recommend it. Price within reach of all. Send for Information Describe your case so we can give you definite information at once. PHILO BURT MFG. CO. 136-15 Odd Fellows Temple JAMESTOWN, N. Y. /