Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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How embarrassing for others — how cruelly disappointing to you — when the mouth wash you trust fails miserably! Zonite isn't just a temporary "coverup" for mouth odors, like ordinary mouth washes. Zonite actually destroys scientifically (oxidizes) the odor-causing materials, whether from odorous oils or from fermenting, food particles. Simply rinse the mouth and gargle thoroughly with a teaspoonf ul of Zonite in a half tumbler of water to kill onion breath and other strong mouth odors FORGOOD! Zonite TASTES like the real antiseptic it is. Not made to please the palate but to get results. Yet you'll get to like its refreshing after-effect (the taste and odor vanish in a few minutes) . Zonite is harmless to tissues. Get a bottle today and prove these remarkable results yourself. At all U. S. and Canadian druggists. The TASTE tells you Zonite gets real results BE SMAW ABOUT SORE THROAT FASTER RELIEF with Zonite because 5 times more germicidal than any other popular, nonpoisonous antiseptic. Zonite Products Corp., New York City, j ON APPROVAL YOUR CHOICE f. SEND 25 CENT MOW' WE defy yon to tell these magnificent, new, absolutely accurate 1937 model wrist watches from others costing $20.00 to $30,001 Guaranteed by 100-year-old, million-dollar FACTORY! SEND ONLY 25 CENTS to cover cost of packing, shipping, etc. Money back if not delighted. Pay only $3 monthly till total balance of $6 is paid. (Total price only $6 25.) Nothing more to pay. No red tape. Unconditional money back guarantee. Watch shipped same day. Both strap and link bracelet included FREE with either watch. We take all the risk. Send for your watch TODAY I _ — — MAIL COUPON NOW — — — BRADLEY, Dept.383B, Newton, MASS. Here's 25 cents. Rush my Watch and FREE wrist strap and link bracelet, by RETURN MAIL. I risk nothing. Name . Address Copyright 1937 Bradley RADIO MI RROR Jan Smuts, the Colonial governor. General Smuts listened benignly, and then proceeded to spoil Floyd's story, on which he had spent months and a lot of the Tribune's money. "You're quite right," Smuts agreed. "That automobile should have been admitted duty free. It must have been a mistake. I'll have the duty refunded." From Cape Town Floyd hopped briefly back into civilization, as represented by London, New York, Chicago, and Paris, and then was off to China. In Pekin, news came of the war against Abdul Krim in Morocco, and he traveled across Siberia to Europe again, through Europe and to Morocco. While Floyd was on his way back to Paris from Morocco, news reached him of the death of his mother in the French capital. For all those years since he first took over the Paris office she had been living there — not seeing him, perhaps, for months at a time, but always keeping a home for him to return to. Now, with her death, his last link with a spot he could call "home" was broken. THERE hasn't seemed to be a fitting opportunity to tell you about a chapter in Floyd's life upon which he himself looks back with regret — his marriage. As there hasn't been room in this story for it, there was never room in his life. The facts are that he was married in Chicago, in 1914. His wife remained in Chicago while he went to Mexico, stayed behind when he went to France. After America's entrance into the war she went to France, too, and was a nurse in the hospital where Floyd recovered from his wound. They were in love with each other, and they tried to make a success of their marriage. But it was an impossible situation. Floyd has never had a home, nor wanted one. The responsibilities of family life, of household goods and possessions, chafe and restrict him. At any moment he might be called away from Paris — to Russia, Timbuctoo, China. At last, in 1921, they separated, and in 1924 they were divorced. Now that his mother was dead, Floyd was truly a citizen of the whole world, tied nowhere. And it was fortunate that was the case for in a few more months something happened which knocked the life he had built up for himself right out from under him. He accompanied his mother's body back to the United States for burial; and on Christmas Day, 1925, he went on the air for the first time, over WGN, Chicago. He didn't think his radio duties were particularly significant nor important then. Neither did two other performers in the same studio, who for $75 a week supplied practically all of the music and comedy which went out from that station. Their names were Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll, and you know them today as Amos 'n' Andy. A few weeks in Chicago, talking over WGN, and Floyd was off once more to Europe on a roving, indefinite assignment. He'd been working for the Chicago Tribune almost fourteen years, and he supposed he'd go on working for it until he died. But as he sat in a sidewalk cafe in Bucharest, opening his mail, he found out differently. He held one letter a long time, staring at it unbelievingly. He'd been fired! With life suddenly freed of all responsibilities, the most romantic part of Floyd Gibbons' career begins. Next month's chapter of his enthralling life story tells you of his flirtations with death in China and Ethiopia — adventures Floyd has never written or even talked about before. Don't miss this final instalment. Ms ...A 7 DAY / SHAMPOO! (Posed by Professional model.) You Keep the Brilliance, Lustre and Loveliness this New Shampoo Gives Hair FOR A WHOLE WEEK! Ends Dull, Belween-Shampoo Look! A single wash with this amazing new type shampoo instantly removes the dull, dingy, oil and dust-laden film that leaves hair lifeless, mouse-colored and "old" looking, and enables you to keep that "JUST-SHAMPOOED" look all week. Done in a few minutes and at a cost of but a few pennies. New Blondex gives your hair that glorious, natural,, shimmering radiance that usually comes only in childhood. Blondes, browns and chestnuts invariably find New Blondex leaves their hair 2 to 4 shades lighter — soft, not hard or brittle. Start New Blondex today. Contains no harsh bleaches or dyes. New rombination package, SHAMPOO WITH FREE KINSE, now also in a 10c size at all stores. Tfe^BLONDEX "KSTSMKr t w WRITE? Writing short stories, articles on business, hobbies, travels, sports, etc., will enable you to earn extra money. In your own home, on your own time, the New York Copy-Desk Method teaches you how to write — the way newspaper men learn, by writing'. We have prepared a unique "Writing Aptitude Test" which tells whether you possess the fundamental qualities essential to successful writing. You'll enjoy this test. Write for it, without cost or obligation. NEWSPAPER INSTITUTE OF AMERICA Suite 527, One Park Avenue New York, N. Y. SEND FOR THIS FREE BOOK, m WHERE MANY TRAINED MEN EARN 430-$40-$SO A WEEK and UP/ My BigFree Electrical Book tells how YOU, TOO, can train for a BETTER JOB and MORE MONEY riffht in YOUR OWN HOME. The great, growing field of ELECTRICITY offers opportunities undreamed of a few years ago— steady jobs—interesting workgood pay— a real future. Learn to Earn Up to $5, $10 a Week or More in Your Spare Time While Training: This book also tells how I help you EARN EXTRA MONEYin your SPARE TIME while TAKING THE TRAINING. Onlya few of these small jobs each month should make the training PAY FOR ITSELF. Electric Institute Training also includes 20 big, im ?ortant features to help you INCREASE OUR EARNING POWER. 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