Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO M IRROR Who Are the First Real Stars of Television? talkies longer than we have) they immediately selected her for stardom in 3-H. Hildegarde, experts say, is even better in television than she is in radio. For the radio listener misses her gesticulations and facial expressions which are half the attractiveness of her songs; she's one of those rare personalities who are just as charming to watch as they are to listen to. Incidentally, the necessity of a star's being as entertaining to watch as to listen to is expected to cause a great upheaval among radio's biggest names when television finally arrives on a commercial basis. In television a star must have the looks and mainly the personality to match his voice and talent. Or else he's destined to be a hopelessly one-sided flop. A cameraman pointed out to me, as an incident illustrative of that, the case of a young male singer who is now very successful on the air. So virile and rich is his voice that women fans have imagined him to be tall, strong and romantic and have made quite an idol of him. Their illusions have never been shattered because no full-length pictures of the singer in question are ever printed. Consequently he is o. k. so far as sound broadcasting is concerned. RUT should he ever be exposed to the " television camera his feminine audience would doubtlessly suffer a distinct letdown. Although his features are not unattractive he's so short and thin he's practically tiny — which ruins him for looks. And unfortunately he sings his dashing romantic songs with what is called in show business a completely "dead pan" (Continued from page 47) — which ruins him for personality. Hildegarde, however, looks like she sings and sings like she looks, which makes her a perfect subject for the camera. Her hair is a dusty blonde that televises almost platinum. Everyone says she looks a lot like Ginger Rogers when she is made up for and photographed by television, although in real life she doesn't resemble Ginger a bit. Hildegarde likes everything about television but its discomforts, which is a pretty common complaint from all the youngster celebrities before the cameras. In the first place there are a dozen hours of tedious rehearsal for every hour of actual performance on the air. In radio you can rehearse your music and get it over with; but in television you must stand or sit endlessly under the glaring hot lights while innumerable pieces of apparatus are adjusted and changed and adjusted over again. Often Hildegarde goes to the studio immaculately gowned and flawlessly fingerwaved but by the time she finally appears on the air her gown is soaked with perspiration and her wave has fizzled into a damp tangle. Super-cooling is now being installed in 3-H to combat such conditions. Her greatest problem is keeping herself within the camera range. Since one of her favorite singing gestures is to throw her arms wide she sometimes misses cues at the wrong moment and has her arms apparently chopped off at the elbow, which is bad technique. An artist can know before a movie camera whether the scene is a long-shot or a close-up; but in television, with several differently ranged came ras clicking on and off, it's necessary to learn in detail beforehand exactly when to do what in the way of movement. That's probably the most tedious rehearsal problem of all. ANOTHER newcomer who is shining very brightly in television is a chic young lady named Betty Goodwin. You've probably never heard of Betty although she's been sitting at a typewriter in NBC's press department for several years writing about the stars. Little did she dream she'd be a television celebrity until the experts, out of a blue sky, approached her desk one day and invited her to the studio for a test. Betty began her career writing and announcing a woman's program over station KOMO in Seattle. On a vacation in Manhattan she landed a job at Radio City doing fashion publicity, going around to the stores to assemble outfits in which the stars could be photographed, and generally making her knack for clothes useful. Several times she was allowed to announce fashion shows on the network. So the television experts, looking for an announcer and mistress of ceremonies for their programs, singled out Betty as the ideal prospect. She had the time to give to rehearsals, the right kind of voice, a charming appearance and personality that perfectly matched her voice, and she knew a lot about clothes and cosmetics which would be valuable advice in the studio. To her tireless ingenuity many of television's discoveries about proper clothes and make-up can be attributed. THE FELLOWS NEVER LOOKED ...until she found a way to ADD 11 POUNDS QUICK Never had a date when she was thin. Now everybody remarks about her better looks, and she has all the dates she wants! "TKNOW what it is to be skinny, pale and dull eyed. J. The fellows never look at you and the whole world is cold and blue. I tried everything but nothing did any good until I got Ironized Yeast tablets. Soon I felt a lot peppier and stronger, my skin got smooth and in just 4 weeks I gained eleven pounds. Everybody says how pretty I've gotten and I have all the dates I want and have a grand time." Ella Craig, Lancaster, S. C. Thousands gain 10 to 25 lbs. Skinny, friendless girls who never could gain an ounce, have easily gained 10 to 25 pounds, normally rounded curves, this new easy way— in just a few weeks ! What is more, this new discovery has given them naturally clear skin and normally lovely color, new pep and charm, loads of new friends and popularity. Scientists recently discovered that ^thousands of people are thin and rundown for the single reason that they do not get enough Vitamin B and iron in their food. Without these elements you may lack appetite and not get the most body-building good out of what you eat. THIN MEN! LISTEN! Thousands of skinny, tired, pepless men who were not getting sufficient Vitamin B and iron, have changed in a few weeks to naturaUy developed "he-men" with new pep and normal good looks, with these pleasant little Ironized Yeast tablets. They're getting much more fun out of life and not only social but also business success. /Ci v fm, Now one of the richest known sources of Vitamin B is cultured ale yeast. By a new process the finest imported cultured ale yeast is now concentrated 7 times, making it 7 times more powerful. Then it is combined with 3 kinds of iron, pasteurized whole yeast and other valuable ingredients in pleasant little tablets known as Ironized Yeast tablets. If you, too, need these vital elements to aid in building you up, get these new "7-power" Ironized Yeast tablets from your druggist today. Note how Quickly they increase your appetite and help you get more benefit from the bodybuilding foods that are so essential. Then, day after day, watch flat chest develop and skinny limbs round out to natural attractiveness. See better color and natural beauty come to your cheeks. Soon you feel like an entirely different person, with new charm, new personality. Money-back guarantee No matter how skinny and rundown you may be from lack of sufficient Vitamin B and iron, try these new Ironized Yeast tablets just a short time and note the change. See if they don't aid in building you up in just a few weeks, as they have helped thousands of others. If not delighted with the benefits of the very first package, money back instantly. Special FREE offer! To start thousands building up their health right away, we make this absolutely FREE offer. Purchase a package of Ironized Yeast tablets at once, cut out the seal on the box and mail it to us with a clipping of this paragraph. We will send you a fascinating new book on health. "New Facts About Your Body." Remember, results with the very first package — or money refunded. At all druggists. Ironized Yeast Co., Inc., Dept. 223, Atlanta, Ga.