Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR good news for J.T is now common knowledge that the three foremost things in restoring lost weight are food . . . digestive juices. . .and red-blood-cells. Digestive juices of the stomach make use of the food you eat . . . red-blood-cells aid in turning the digested food into firm flesh. S.S.S. Tonic is of great benefit in both. S.S.S. Tonic whets the appetite. Foods taste better. . .natural digestive juices are stimulated and finally the very food you eat is of more body value. A very important step back to health. Forget about underweight worries if you are deficient in stomach digestive juices and red-blood-cells. . .just take S.S.S. Tonic immediately before each meal. Shortly you will be delighted with the way you will feel. . .your friends will compliment you on the way you will look. S.S.S. Tonic is especially designed to build sturdy health. . .its remarkable value is time tried and scientifically proven. . .that's why it makes you feel like yourself again. At all drug stores in two convenient sizes. The large size at a saving in price. There is no substitute for this time tested remedy. No ethical druggist will suggest something "just as good." I S.S.S. Co. a team in love — but not quite to the altar point. Grade and Eddie, outside of their versatile talents and brunette good looks, were chosen because they have the wellrounded personalities necessary for sight as well as sound artists. In their work they pretend to be nothing more than a couple of youngsters fresh from the middle west who are trying to get along in the world. That's the way they look, the way they sound and the way they act. Which is the perfect harmonious combination for a television performer. At first the Honeymooners found the iconoscope camera very hard to please. Being veteran radio artists they suddenly had to change all their habits and tricks to fit a new set-up and that was not easy. For one thing, in writing their scripts they had to write them like stage plays instead of radio plays. And there's a great difference between the two. In radio there must never be a moment's silence to bore the listener with "dead air;" consequently they were accustomed to talking between themselves every second of the time. But in television, as in the movies or on the 'stage, pauses when the audience sees but does not hear are absolutely necessary — else the dialogue becomes as monotonous as a cracked phonograph record. The Honeymooners' worst problem at first was learning to keep quiet part of the time and fill the silence with pantomime. As simple as it sounds, over-talking was a hard old habit to break. Too, they couldn't act with scripts, with the next line and the next instruction printed before them. They had to memorize everything and find things to do with their hands that were accustomed to holding a batch of typewritten pages. With the mike hung high over their heads instead of in front of their faces they had to give up some of their pet microphone tricks, such as covering their mouths with their fingers to get a certain vocal effect, or whispering close into the mike to make a whisper sound genuine. In fact, Grace and Eddie had to learn practically a whole new method of acting. And very wisely, as a foundation for becoming big television stars in the future, they have put themselves in the hands of an expert dramatic coach. And every afternoon they can spare is spent making experiments with the engineers and apparatus of 3-H. When television becomes a widespread reality they'll have the jump on every other actor in radio, which should guarantee them a bright future before the camera. From the NBC Children's Hour program three-year-olds Diana Donnewirth and Jeannie Elkins were selected to be the first tots in television, and they've appeared on enough programs now to be called old-timers. Diana and Jeannie were lucky because they could sing, act, and were quick to grasp directions; because they had titian hair which televised especially well; and also because they were the youngest youngsters on NBC. But if only one of them can be the Shirley Temple of television it will have to be Diana since she's the baby of the duo by a sixweek difference in birthdays. TELEVISION'S guest stars have included 1 already some of the outstanding performers on the air. Jessica Dragonette, the Pickens sisters and Dorothy Page have sung. Irvin S. Cobb, Honeyboy and Sassafras, Ed Wynn and Graham McNamee have tried out their talents in 3-H. Cole Porter has sat under the Kleig lights at the piano and played some of his smartest tunes for the dialers. And tap HERE'S SPECIAL WORK OFFERING YOU ••• UP TO. 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