Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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Don't neglect your CHILD'S COLD D< "on't let chest colds or croupy coughs go untreated. Rub Children's Musterole on child's throat and chest at once. This milder form of regular Musterole penetrates, warms, and stimulates local circulation. Floods the bronchial tubes with its soothing, relieving vapors. Musterole brings relief naturally because it's a "counter-irritant" — NOT just a salve. Recommended by many doctors and nurses. Three kinds: Regular Strength, Children's (mild), /^^JF end Extra Strong, 4Gy each. CHILDREN'S YOUR and free book "Patent Protection" iilutitratiriK i. portant meohanioal principle? and xplaining patent procedure fully. Promptness, low fees, deferred payments, 36 years' experience. Write immediately for free copy of our book. VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., 218-C Victor Bldg., WASH., D. C. BAD NAILS brittle, peeling1, splitting, breaking nails. as nothing else can. Avoids hard rafrged cuticle. Ends hang nails. Used in 25,000 Beauty Shops. ENDORSED BY WELL KNOWN HOLLYWOOD MAKEUP ARTISTS and leading beauty experts. Used by Physicians, Surgeons, Nurses. Try "STENO"— have strong, smart, healthy nails. CDCri TRIAL PACKAGE and Advice on Beautifying the ■ ■»*-fc" Nails by leading beauty experts. Send 10c for packing and mailing. IMPERIAL BRANDS, 537 S. Dearborn St., Chicago r-MONEY-i can be made at home with our plan, now in its 9th successful year. Make HAND HOOKED RUGS for our store on famous Hollywood Blvd. We furnish complete outfit and instructions reasonably. References, others' experiences and all details sent free. HOLLYWOOD STUDIO STORES, Dept. 5 5657 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. PHOTO Enlargements Clear enlargement, bust, fall WATfcy length or part group, pets or other subjects made from any photo, snapshot or tintype at low price of 49c each; 3 for $1.00. Send aa many photoB as yon desire. Re-<_ turn of original photos guaranteed. SEND NO MONEY -Jast mail photo with name and ad dreas. In a few days postman will "* fa iROQ deliver beaatifnl enlargement that ** » " " will never fade. Pay only 49c pine postage or Bend 50c— 8 for 31. 00, and we will pay postage ourselveo. BEAUTIFULLY CpCCfToacq CARVED FRAMEPff tEiwith t M 11 x 14 inches „j HIGH anality of our work we will frame, until further notice, au pastel col. ©red enlargements FREE. Illustrations of beautifully carved frames lor your choice will be Bent with your enlargement. Don't delay. Act now. Mail your Photos today. Write NEW ERA PORTRAIT COMPANY 11 E. HURON STREET DEPT. 715 CHICAGO. ILLINOIS FASCINATING WORK LUXURIOUS SURROUNDINGS SPLENDID .OPPORTUNITIES Train NOW for hotel, club and institutional field. Salaries up to $1,500 to $5,000 a year, living often included. Previous experience proved unnecessary. Qualify at home, in leisure time. National Placement Service FREE of extra charge. Write name and address in margin and mail this ad today for FREE Book. Check positions in which you're interested. ( ) Manager ( ) Steward ( ) Assistant Manager ( ) Hostess ( ) ChieforFloorClerk ( ) Housekeeper ( ) Auditor ( ) Cashier LEWIS HOTEL TRAINING SCHOOLS .Room PC-8913 Washington, D. C. RADIO MIRROR dancer Bill Robinson made an excellent subject because he confines his tapping pretty much to one spot on the set. It would be difficult for the television camera, with its present limitations, to follow a fast Astaire-Rogers routine that covered a lot of space and danced up and down steps and through doors the way Astaire-Rogers routines are apt to do. Dorothy Page went Hollywood on the cameramen and explaining her best "camera angles" and refusing to be photographed from disadvantageous slants — a customary thing in the cinema city but a bit of a nuisance in 3-H at present. All was forgiven, however, when she turned in an excellent performance. The inconoscope camera is not so much concerned these days with how beautiful its feminine stars appear as it is in developing clearer, more perfected pictures. Television is in a hurry to get good enough to come to your house and mine — and when it does come it will open a thrilling new vista of enjoyment for all of us. The Reviewing Stand (Continued from page 58) PROFESSIONAL PARADE Network: Time: Day: Sponsor: NBC Blue 9:00 P. M. E.S.T. Wednesday. Sustaining. There isn't a show on the air with a worthier purpose than this one, and it's pretty entertaining as well. NBC has donated an hour a week (not too good a time, for Fred Allen's Town Hall Tonight is the opposition program) to be filled with talent from the Works Progress Administration's theatrical projects. You'll hear many an old favorite of vaudeville days doing his stuff for the air — people both you and unfortunately the vaudeville booking agents had forgotten. Fred Niblo, one-time movie director, handles the master of ceremonies assignment with ease. Many of the people he introduces are personal friends of long standing, and he presents them informally and intimately. When the program's a little older, vaudeville units are to be made up of the people who've been on the program, and sent around the country, a la the Major Bowes units. And thus radio, which did its little bit to hand vaudeville a knockout blow, is now making amends by helping to revive the patient. POETIC MELODIES Network: CBS Time: 7:00 P. M. E.S.T. Day: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs Sponsor: Wrigley This is such an unpretentious little program you're likely to miss it, and that would be too bad, for it's a quiet and pleasant quarter-hour's entertainment. Jack Fulton, of the high tenor voice, sings to the accompaniment of Billy Mills' orchestra, and then while Jack rests, Franklin MacCormack, of the impressive baritone, reads poetry against an orchestral background. Some of the poetry, incidentally, is love stuff, and surprisingly passionate for radio. The verses are read very finely and sensitively, and if you enjoy hearing poetry read aloud, you'll certainly enjoy this. Happy Relief From Painful Backache Caused by Tired Kidneys Many of those gnawing, nagging, painful backaches people blame on colds or strains are often caused by tired kidneys — and may be relieved when treated in the right way. The kidneys are Nature's chief way of taking excess acids and poisonous waste out of the blood. Most people pass about 3 pints a day or about 3 pounds of waste. If the 15 miles of kidney tubes and filters don't work well, poisonous waste matter stays in the blood. These poisons may start nagging backaches, rheumatic pains, lumbago, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Doan's Pills, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. They give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from the blood. Get Doan's Pills. ON APPROVAL I We defy you to tell this ring I from one costing $300,001 To Iprove it to you, we'll send it Ion for 25 cents to cover cost of Ishipping, packing, etc. Pay lonly $1.50 a month till the Itotal balance of $6 is paid. Ilf you do not think it the ■ most exquisite piece of jewelry lyou ever owned; if your friends Ido not marvel at the glorious I brilliance of the magnificent ■ full carat facsimile diamond, Ireturn it and we will refund 'your money. Wear at our risk. Ring shipped by return mail, postage prepaid. Rush 25 cents in stamps or coin to: BRADLEY, DEPT. 383A, NEWTON, MASS. TAegeJlRAYHAIR Remedy is Made at Home You can now make at home a better gray hair remedy than you can buy, by following this simple recipe: To half pint of water add one ounce bay rum, a small box of Barbo Compound and one-fourth ounce of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it yourself at very little cost. Apply to the hair twice a week until the desired shade is obtained. Barbo imparts colorto streaked, faded or gray hair, makes it soft and glossy and takes years off your looks. It will not color the scalp, is not sticky or greasy and does not rub off. CLEAR-LOOKING SKIN/M? EVERYONE! .New Cream Hides Blemishes! | LUC K 1 LV \ ■T'J0 'onSer need a conspicuous blemish I I , H-1' causeyouembarrassment!Nowyou USED) M can instantly conceal a Birthmark, 'Hinp it"( m Scar> En™. Bruise, Pimples, Freckles. jiiur-ii j , m jjark Circles Under Eyes or any skin / discoloration with "Hide-it". Won't ijf rub off, peel or crack. Perspiration or Sg _ water won't affect it. Lasts all day H— — a _ "J^-.T atDept.andDrug AIM? m.\> Stores. 10c size at HIDES BLEMISHES Ten Cent Stores. TRI/\£.CIark-MillnerCo.,666St.ClairSt.,Dept.l4-C, Chicago I enclose 10c (Canada 15c) for "Hide-it" in snadechecked: □ Light D Medium □ Brunette □ Sun Tan Name Town Address State 92