Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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PINAUD'S NEW, IMPROVED SIX-TWELVE CREAMY MASCARA prepared in France Silky, heavy eyelashes that look naturally beautiful. Get them from this Improved creamy mascara . . . Never makes you look made-up . . . Permanent, runproof, smudge proof ... in black, brown, blue, green. Complete Eye Make-up requires PINAUD'S SIX-TWELVE EVE SHADOW PINAUD'S SIX-TWELVE EYEBROW PENCIL HOUSE OF PlNAUD NEW YORK PHOTO Amazing Offer! Send 3 negatives (FILMS) with this ad and 25c, coin (No Stamps); receive postpaid 3 Beautiful Professional 5x7 inch Enlargements; 6 for 50c; 12 for SI; postpaid. 1 for 10c, pluB 5o postage. Neg. Ret. Canada too, M3 Unique Art Service. 18 E. 58th St. N. Y. C. ENLARGEMENTS 10' ITIIAA.AVED9AA tfcECI^.Mf * CLASS PINS jSr RING! 7| 60 (^Invisible under sleekest frocks absolutely secure . . . quick to fasten ... form-fitting . . . adjustable. The American Girl Personal Belt is made 1 of Lastex and may be laundered. At your Dept. store or send 25c I stamps or coin to AMERICAN GIRL PRODUCTS CO Box 1342. Sioux City. Iowa CORNS AGE YOUR FACE ! A painful corn puts more wrinkles in your face in a week than a beauty specialist can take out in a year. Don't suffer! Just rub on Mosco — stainless, pleasant and easy to use. Mosco removes corns, relieves bunions and ingrowing toenails. No knife, plasters, cloths or soaking necessary. At druggists. Jar 30c. Write for Free Sample The Mosb Co., Dept. Mo 3-7, Rochester, N. Y. m MnOPn REMOVES CORKS UOllU AND CALLOUSES SALARY TO START $90 to $175 MONTHLY MEN.. WOMEN A?e Ran?e 94 <, ) Railway Mail Clerk ■ ( ) P. O. Laborer t ( )R. F.D. Carrier i ( ) Special Agent t ( ) Customs Inspector ■ ( ) City Mail Carrier i ' ) P.O. Clerk t i ) Stock Clerk i ( ) Spec. Investigator i ( ) Typist ) POSTMASTER \ Elevator Conductor ) Auditor ) Stenographer ) U. S. Border Patrol ) Telephone Opr. ) Watchman ) Meat Inspector ) Secret Service Opr. ) File Clerk INSTRUCTION SERVICE, Depi.3l5-A, St.Uuis.Mc. Send me FREE particulars "How to Qualify for Government Positions' ' marked "X' r. Salaries, locations, opportunities, etc. ALL SENT FREE. Name Adciress.. RADIO MIRROR Freddy Martin: "Bye-lo-bye Lullaby." Archie Bleyer: "Kisses from My Violin to You." Clyde Lucas: Unpublished original by himself. Abe Lyman: "California, Here I Come," and "Lights Out." Horace Heidt: "I'll Love You in My Dreams." Leo Reisman: "On the Trail," from Ferde Grofe's "Grand Canyon Suite." Bob Crosby: "Summertime," from "Porgy and Bess." Enric Madriguera: "Melody" and "Adios," both by himself. Had enough? * * * Some of you've been writing in wanting to know about Jack Denny. Well, Jack used to be Norah Bayes' pianist. Later he organized a band and for some time played hotel engagements throughout the country without attracting much attention. He popped into the attention of the radio moguls when he secured an engagement at the Mt. Royal Hotel in Montreal, Canada, with a sustaining wire. As soon as his Mt. Royal stint was finished he was brought to New York and put to work in the Waldorf-Astoria. That was about four years ago, and now Mr. and Mrs. Denny have a lovely estate in Westchester. At present Jack and his boys are on tour. * * # Ruth Karelle, swing vocalist on a New York station, is an illustration of those paradoxes that make radio radio. She studied to be a concert pianist, but now gives the customers nothing but the hide-hottest of hi-de-ho vocalizing. * * * FOLLOWING THE LEADERS Braggiotti, Mario— Hotel Pierre, N. Y. Coleman, Emil— St. Regis Hotel, N. Y. Casa Loma — Rainbow Room, N. Y. Donahue, Al— Netherland Plaza Hotel, Cincinnati Duchin, Eddy— Hotel Plaza, N. Y. Fio Rito, Ted — On Coast Hall, George— Hotel Taft, N. Y. Goodman, Benny — Hotel Pennsylvania, N. Y. Hallett, Mai— Commodore Hotel, N. Y. Ravelin, Al — Blackstone Hotel, Chicago Lombardo, Guy — Roosevelt Hotel, N. Y. Olsen, George — Edgewater Beach, Chicago Osborne, Will— Roosevelt Hotel, New Orleans Shaw, Art— Adolphus Hotel, Dallas, Tex. For your convenience — and ours— use this coupon in writing to ask questions. We'll try to find all the answers. Ken Alden, Facing the Music, RADIO MIRROR, 122 East 42nd Street, New York City. I want to know more about: Orchestral Anatomy Theme Song Section Following the Leaders Or Name Address WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE... Without Calomel— And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go _ The liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. Your whole system is poisoned and you feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. Laxatives are only makeshifts. A mere bowel movement doesn't get at the cause. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you feel "up and up". Harmless, gentle, yet amazing in making bile 'flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by name. Stubbornly refuse anything else. 25c. HOW SKIN BLEMISHES Are Now Instantly Masked ^ Birthmarks, Pimples, Liver Spots, Freckles, Braises, Circles Under Eyes j i and other unsightly spots amazingly 1 '. masked with DERMALURE! Applied) in a minute — lasts all day. Water I proof. Blends perfectly. Light, Medium, Brunetteand Son Tan. $1 at Department arid * Drag Stores. Parse size at all 10-cent stores. For TRIAL SIZE Send 10 Cents, Mention Shade, to Dept.63. DERMALURE, Inc., Winnetka. Illinois KILL THE HAIRROOT Remove the hair permanently, safely, privately at nome, following simple directions. The Mahler Method positively prevents the hair from growing again. The delightful relief will bring happiness, freedom of mind and greater success. Backed by 35 years of successful use all over the world. Sena 6c in Stamps TODAY for Illustrated Booklet, "How to Remove Superfluous Hair Forever". D.J.Mahler Co., Dept.58-C, Providence, R.I. LEARN TO PLAY PIANO BY EAR NOTE READING NO SCALE PLAYING If you can whittle, sing, or hum a tune— You have TALENT. Let a popular Radio Pianlit trainyour hands to play Piano by Ear. TEN LESSON METHOD sent postpaid for $1.00, or pay U. S. Postman $1.00 plus postage. Nothing more to buy. Satisfaction assured — or your money refunded. Piano Accordion bass charts included Free. Order nowt MAJOR KORDgaf-JjgWM LIGHTEN YOUR HAIR the NEW CREAM WAY Little or as Much as You Want— Safely— Quickly! Not a Drug-Store Liquid! Lechler's Lightning Hair Lightener ng product; an antiseptic. You can use it to lighten the roots and scalp c — the ends of the hair like a liquid. Can't make the hair life O I leas, dry or brittle. Lightens blonde h*ir crown dark. Can $ I not streak or over-bleach. Actually Beneficial to I bleached hair and permanents. Used by famous stage I and screen beauties for over 20 years. HrTmless — guaran I teed. Mailed complete with application brush for only tPDhVP With first order — SB-page booklet r K&& "THE NEW ART OF LIGHTENING HAIR" LECHLER LABORATORIES, INC. 560 Broadway, Dept. A, New York, N. Y. iH'Ai.fLrrdll-fU Introducing Hose Guaranteed 4 to 8 Months Earnings start at once! Brand new Ford given" producers. Everybody buys hose. Guaranteed to wear from 4 to 8 months without holes, snags or runs or replaced FREE. Big repeat sales. Grace Wilber, Iowa, earned $37. 10 in 9 hours and received three new cars: Charles Mills, Minn., earned $120.00 in one week and received two new cars, as extra bonuses own hoae given as bonus, send hoae Rush name on penny card for mple outfit, details Act now! WILKNIT HOSIERY CO. Box 3A8. Midway Greenfield, Ohio