Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO M IRROR PREVENT BLACKHEADS Sensational Beautifier Refines Skin Women all over the country who formerly were miserable over a skin beladen with blackheads, whiteheads, large pores and other skin faults, are now enthusiastic about a new beautifier. This remarkable preparation, which contains oxygen, penetrates into the mouths of the pores and prevents the formation of fatty blackheads. When the oxygen frees the pores of disfiguring dirt and grease, the skin resumes its natural, clean appearance. It becomes soft and smooth to the touch. The name of this new beautifier is Dioxogen Cream. It is the only preparation in the world containing Dioxogen, and is approved by Good Housekeeping Bureau. Prove to yourself that you too can have a skin free from blackheads, open pores and other skin faults. Dioxogen Cream is not drying and benefits any type of skin to which it is applied. 50^ and $1 jars at dept. stores and high class drug stores. DIOXOGEN #CREAM Denisons plays l60Years%fHffS We supply all entertainment needs for dramatic clubs, schools, lodges, etc., and for every occasion. T. S. Denison & Co., 623 S. Wabash, Dept. 28, Chicago ITCH ...STOPPED IN ONE MINUTE... Are you tormented with the itching tortures of eczema, rashes, athlete's foot, eruptions, or other skin afflictions? For quick and happy relief, use cooling, antiseptic.liquid D.D.D. PRESCRIPTION. Its gentle oils soothe the irritated skin. Clear, greaseless and stainless— dries fast. Stops the most intense itching instantly. A 35o trial bottle, at drug stores, proves it — or money back. Old Faces Made Young! Men as Well as Women Can Now Look Young. A famous French beauty specialist recently astonished New York society by demonstrating that wrinkles, scrawny neck, "crow's feet", double chin and other marks of age are easily banished by spending only 5 minutes a day in your own home by an easy method of facial rejuvenation that any one can do. . No cosmetics, no massage, R no beauty parlor aids. The method is fully ex _ plained with photographs in I , ' ^L a thrilling book sent free up Wjm JB^ on request in plain wrapper. ^^■■■^^~-~ Pauline Palmer,1435C Armour Blvd., Kansas City.Mo, Write before supply is exhausted. Name City State Short Cuts to Cooking {Continued from page 53) ones. And to this day I rely on them when planning meals. They save time and trouble, and add interest to menus by providing out of season products, and with modern canning methods the flavor and the valuable minerals which all vegetables contain, reach you unimpaired. "I'm mad about potatoes and sweet potatoes but have always resented the time it takes to peel and cook them, and how grateful I am to the man who first thought of putting them in cans! One of my favorite combinations is pork chops cooked with tomatoes and canned sweet potato patties with marshmallows. "Sprinkle salt into a heavy iron skillet and heat the skillet until the salt begins to brown. Sear the chops on both sides, pouring off the fat as it appears. When the chops are brown, reduce the heat, add the tomatoes, cover and simmer until the chops are tender. While the chops are cooking, make cakes of the canned sweet potatoes and brown them in a little of the fat poured from the chops. Just before serving, top each sweet potato cake with a marshmallow and set the pan under the broiler flame until the marshmallows are brown." If you have never tried French fried canned baby artichokes with steak, you don't, according to Irene, know what you've been missing. Simply drain and dry the tiny artichokes and cook them in deep fat (390° F.) until the edges of the leaves begin to brown. Irene also recommends corn pudding, asparagus loaf and spinach souffle. They are grand, useful recipes, too — equally delicious as the main course for luncheon or supper, or served as a vegetable with meat meals. Corn Pudding I egg 1 cup milk 1 tbl. flour 2 tsp. sugar 1 tbl. melted butter 1 can corn Salt and pepper to taste Beat together the egg, milk and dry ingredients, and stir in the corn. Add melted butter and turn into buttered casserole. Bake in moderate oven until the pudding sets (about forty-five minutes.) Asparagus Loaf 1 egg 1 cup milk 1 cup cracker crumbs 1 tsp. minced onion 1 tbl. melted butter 1 can asparagus Salt and pepper to taste Heat the milk and beat the egg, and blend all ingredients except the asparagus. Let mixture stand so that crumbs may absorb some of the liquid, while you drain and chop the asparagus. Combine asparagus with milk mixture, turn into buttered casserole and bake in moderate oven for thirty minutes. Spinach Souffle 3 tbl. butter 3 tbl. flour 1 cup milk 3 eggs Yz lb. grated American cheese Y-2. tsp. minced onion 1 can spinach Salt and pepper to taste ,o. you. Home 77 C\ever Oenmson-cto" Right in your own home you can make colorful boxes, baskets, book-ends— mats, lamp-shades, flowers. Also attractive dress accessories — bags, belts, hats. It's ever so easy with "Very Best" Dennison Crepe, for this splendid craft material is amazingly workable, durable, artistic. Costs little — at stationery, department, or drug stores. Send 10c with coupon for fascinating 24-page book, "New Dennison-craft Ideas," containing pictures and directions for making 77 craft novelties. Why not include some of the other practical books listed below? DENNISON'S, Dept.C-145,Framingham, Mass. Please send books checked below — I enclose 10 cents for each. New Dennison-craft Ideas Birthday Parties Gay Decorations Gay Costumes Showers and Announcements Flower Making Fun for All Name _ Street {or R.F.D.) City State.. '^ftiSV^.ctmt^yrv (B/wpe> . Spend 1 2 weeks in Coyne Shops '—Learn by doing—many earn "while learning. Free employment service after graduation. Yon don't need advanced education. SEND FOR BIG NEW FREE BOOK. randmy "pay tuition after graduation" plan. "H.C. Lewis, Pros., COYNE ELECTRICAL SCHOOL 500 South Paulina Street, Dept. 37-64 Chicago, 111. What made their hair grow? Mtere is the Answer "New Hair came after I began using Kotalko, and kept on growing," writes Mr. H. A. Wild. "In a short time I had a splendid head of hair, which has been perfect ever since." Mary H. Little also has luxuriant hair now after using Kotalko. Yet for years her head, as she describes it, "was almost as bare as the back of my hand." Many other men and women attest that hair has stopped falling excessively, dandruff has been decreased, new luxuriant hair growth has been developed where roots were alive, after using Kotalko to stimulate scalp action. Are your hair roots alive but dormant? If so, why not use Kotalko? Encourage new growth of hair to live on sustenance available in your scalp. Kotalko is sold at drug stores everywhere. FREE BOX To prove the efficacy of Kotalko, for men's, women's and children's hair. Use coupon. Kotalko Co., B-53, General P. 0., New York Please send me proof Box of KOTALKO. Name Full Address 95