Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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Amu/ C-H AY HAIR • Safely, quickly — and at home — you can overcome the handicap of gray, faded or streaked hair. With a small brush and Brownatone, you can impart a rich, naturalappearing shade of blonde, brown or black. Used and approved for over twenty-five years by American women everywhere. Millions of bottles sold is your assurance of satisfaction. Retain your youthful charm — LOOK 10 YEARS YOUNGER Brownatone is dependable — guaranteed absolutely harmless for tinting gray hair. Active coloring agent is purely 'vegetable. Cannot affect waving of hair. Is economical and lasting — will not wash out. Brownatone imparts a rich, beautiful shade with amazing speed. Simply "touch-up" as new gray hair appears. Easy to apply. Just brush or comb it in. Shades "Blonde to Medium Brown" and "Dark Brown to Black" cover every need. Brownatone is only 50c at drug or toilet counters every where — always on a moneyback guarantee — or send for test bottle. The Kenton Ph. Co. 255 Brownatone Bldg. ^ Covington, Kentucky ^jTV Please send test bottle of S j BROWNATONE. and interesting booklet. Enclosed is a 3c stamp to cover, partly, cost of packing, mailing. State shadewanted Name Address. City BROWNATONE L_TINTS GRAY HAIR SAFELY. YOU CAN EARN Cash / Daily/ # Demonstrating Matthews Distinctive Frocks, Beautipit Lingerie, Men's Shirts, etc. Dignified, pleasant work, full or spare time. Women build permanent, satisfactory incomes, representing nationally known Matthews Line, which features the newest and smartest in styles and fabrics at moderate prices. New Models every few weeks. Prompt service — money-back guarantee. Our customers must be satisfied. Beautiful Sales Album Free. Big season just starting — write today. MATTHEWS MFG. CO., Inc., Dept. 0, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. 96 RADIO M I RROR Melt the butter in a double boiler, add flour, salt and pepper, and milk, and cook until smooth and thick. Add cheese. When cheese has melted, add spinach (it must be drained thoroughly and run through a colander), minced onion and beaten egg yolks. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites and pour into battered casserole. Set casserole in shallow pan containing hot water and bake in moderate oven for forty-five minutes. Aunt Maria gave me four other recipes which I should like to pass on to you — sweet potato pie, tomato and pineapple salad, beef casserole and ham casserole. Just send a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your request to Mrs. Margaret Simpson, Radio Mirror, // East 42nd St., New York, N. Y. What Do You Want to Know? (Continued from page 60) but was side-tracked by music. He and Poley McClintock started an orchestra during their college days. The band grew in leaps and bounds until it became the successful outfit it is today. Fred's mar ried and has two children, a boy and a girl. Poley is also married and is the proud father of a son. Virginia of Richmond, Va. — Richard Maxwell was born in Mansfield, Ohio, the son of a singer and artist. He studied voice for twenty years and made his radio debut in 1923. His first professional job was a choir boy at five cents a week; appeared as a chorus boy in "Lady in Ermine" at the age of twenty-one; was in "Music Box Revue" and "Greenwich Village Follies." Dick likes to fish, golf and play tennis. He has thousands of tropical fish. Weighs 175 pounds, is five feet-eleven inches tall, has brown hair and hazel eyes. Radio Mirror did run a picture of Richard Maxwell a short time ago — in the "For Your Radio Scrapbook" department. Andrew M., Schenectady, New York — Glen Gray has a sustaining program on station WJZ. You can address him in care of this station, Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. Elizabeth C. H., Mohall, N. Dakota— For the information you want, and pictures of Kirsten Flagstad, address her in care of the Metropolitan Opera Company, 40th Street and Broadway, New York, New York. A letter addressed to Lily Pons, in care of RKO Pictures, Hollywood, Calif., will reach her. Nino Martini's letters are always forwarded to him when addressed to the Columbia Broadcasting Company, 485 Madison Avenue, New York; Nelson Eddy when addressed in care of the Columbia Broadcasting Company, 7th & Bixel Streets, Los Angeles, California. COMING NEXT MONTH! Words and music of Horace Heidt's beautiful theme song, "I'll Love You in My Dreams," the third in RADIO MIRROR's unique series of the songs you love to hear. i^SATIOW Opens Up Stopped-Up Nose ARZE NASAL O The Great New Head-Cold Fighter Fights Head Colds Makes Breathing Easy A?,nD®tggf*ts FREE ENTIRELY FREE Send No Money-Nothing to Buy-No Obligations Here is a special advertising offer made solely for the purpose of acquainting you with the remarkable action of this great new head-cold-fighter, a test bottle of which will be sent on receipt of the coupon. Don't delay. Be sure to take advantage of this sensational Free Special Offer at once. No letter needed. Send only your name and address on the coupon, and mail today. SEND NO MONEY-0NLYY0UR NAME For Free Sample write name ^^ and address plainly and send i to ARZEN, 544 S. Wells ^m i Street, Chicago, Dept. 43 | CATARRH^" SINUS CHART— FREE Guaranteed Relief or No Pay. Stop hawking — stuffed-up nose — bad breath—Sinus irritation — phlegm-filled throat. Send Post Card or letter for New Treatment Chart and Money-Back Offer. 40,000 Druggists sell Hall's Catarrh Medicine! 63rd year in business. Write today! F. J. CHENEY & CO., DEPT; 233. TOLEDO, Qj Old Leg Trouble Easy to use Viscose Home Method. Heals many old leg sores caused by leg congestion, varicose veins, swollen legs and injuries or no cost for trial if it fails to show results in 10 days. Describe the cause of your trouble and get a FREE BOOK. Dr. R . G. Clason Viscose Co. 140 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. III. GREEN MOUNTAIN ASTHMATIC COMPOUND has brought quick relief to thousands who had suffered for years. Asthmatic paroxysms are quickly soothed and by the pleasant smoke vapor relieved by the pleasant smoke vapor of Dr. Guild's Green Mountain Asthmatic Compound. Standard remedy at all druggists. Powder, 25«i and $1. Cigarettes, 50* for 24. Write for FREE package of cigarettes and powder. The J. H. Guild Co., Dept. MW-2 Rupert, Vt. How to Remove Leg or Arm Hair IN 3 MINUTES Without Danger of Coarser or Stubbier New Growth Everywhere you go, everyone is talking about or using De Miracle. Its vogue seems to have started when it became known that this marvelous discovery made it simple and easy to get rid of leg or arm hair, without danger of faster, coarser or stubbier new growth. No Razor — just dampen hair with De Miracle and then rinse hair away with water. It leaves the skin as smooth, soft and hair-free as a baby's. Leaves no dark hair stubble and does not make hair grow faster, coarser, or stubbier. Try it today. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded Bejlliracfi Special Now 4£7*» $2.00 Size $1 .00 Size w M \r Now $1 .33 At All Drug and Department Stores