Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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Don't Sleep on Left Side, Crowds Heart GAS PRESSURE MAY CAUSE DISCOMFORT. RIGHT SIDE BEST. If you loss in bed and can't sleep on right side, try Adlerika. Just ONE dose relieves stomach GAS pressing on heart so you sleep soundly. Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowels and brings out foul matter you would never believe was in your system. This old matter may have poisoned you lor months and caused GAS, sour stomach, headache or nervousness. Dr. H. L. Shoub, New York, reports: "In addition to intestinal cleansing, Adlerika greatly reduces bacteria and colon bacilli." Mrs. Jas. Filler: "Gas on my stomach was so bad I could not eat or sleep. Even my heart seemed to hurt. The first dose of Adlerika brought me relief. Now I eat as I wish, sleep fine and never felt better." Give your bowels a REAL cleansing with Adlerika and see how good you feel. Just ONE dose relieves GAS and constipation. At all Leading Druggists. pnpp Special Trial Size of Adlerika mailed FHPP FREE to any adult. Write Dept. 157, " "fcfc ADLERIKA, ST. PAUL, MINN. "In£ant Care"*- 10c U. S. Government Official Handbook for Mothers We are authorized by the proper Federal Bureau to accept your order. Send 10c in coin or stamps to: Reader Service Bureau, Radio Mirror, 205 E. 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. Hair OFF BS Chin Unloved I once looked like this. Ugly hair on face . . . unloved . . . discouraged. Nothing helped. Depilatories, waxes, liquids . . . even razors failed. Then I discovered a simple, painless, inexpensive method. It worked ! Thousands have won beauty and love with the secret. My FREE Book, "How to Overcome Superfluous Hair," explains the method and proves actual success. Mailed in plain envelope. Also trial offer. No obligation. Write Mlle.AnnetteLanzette.P.O.Box 4040, Merchandise Mart, Dept. 321, Chicago. ON APPROVAL ♦♦♦ WE defy you to tell this ring from one costing $300.00! To prove it to you, we'll send it on for 25 cents to cover cost of packing, shipping, etc. Wear at oar risk. Pay only $1.50 monthly till the total balance of $6 is paid. If yon do not think it the most exquisite piece of jewelry you ever owned; if your friends do notmarvel at the glorious brilliance of the magnificent full carat facsimile diamond, return it and we will refund your money. King Bhipped postage fully paid to your door by return mail. Bush 25 cents in stamps or coin to BRADLEY, Dept. 383, NEWTON, MASS. Copyriebt 1937 Bradley RADIO M IRROR Is Major Bowes Dropping His Amateurs? (Continued from page 21) Bowes' own program that amateurs aren't the drawing card they used to be. At one time, and not so very many months ago, either, Major Bowes and his Amateurs topped the leading radio popularity survey with a rating higher than that attained by any other program before or since. Today, the same popularity survey lists Major Bowes third. Jack Benny is first, and Fred Allen second, with a numerical rating of not much more than half his all-time high. Last winter, there were fourteen Major Bowes amateur vaudeville units on tour throughout the country. Today, as you'll discover when you listen to Major Bowes telling about them over the air, there are only eight. The Major Bowes touring units, nowadays, aren't designated by number as they used to be. They're all named for their specialties. For instance, there is the Swing Unit, composed of people who are good at playing that most modern form of music; the All-Girl Unit; the Sunshine Unit, organized especially to please Southern audiences; the Anniversary Unit, built up from acts which were on an anniversary radio program. The important and _ significant thing here is that each unit is now more than just a traveling aggregation of amateurs. Each is a smoothly running, unified stage show. The vaudeville units had to become professional in fact, if not in name, to survive. (AST winter Major Bowes and the ama■» teurs were making a series of moving picture shorts. Twelve short subjects were made, in New York, and distributed throughput the country. But this winter no moving pictures are being made. Just another indication of the dimming popularity of amateurs. For a while there was a story going the rounds of Broadway that Major Bowes was having difficulty finding enough amateurs to fill an hour every week. Variety, the show-business' trade paper, printed a story saying that he had offered vaudeville talent agencies commissions of from five to ten dollars for each acceptable amateur they sent him. The implication was that if an amateur went so far as to register with a vaudeville agent, he was no amateur. I asked Major Bowes whether or not this was true, and he assured me that there are still more applicants for places on the program than he can possibly use. As to the Variety story, he said, he had told several agents, personal friends of his, to send over some of those people who haunt every agency office, people who have never done any work on the stage, but who have come to the agent hoping he can do something to help them. As a rule, agents cannot book these people. Major Bowes offered them their chance, through the agents. The commission he gives the agents is no more than small change to them, enough to reimburse them for their trouble and the telephone calls; and the people they send him, he told me, are bona fide amateurs. There are the signs, the reasons for believing that the amateur hour's day is almost over. So far, if Major Bowes has seen them, he hasn't admitted it publicly. Naturally, it would be fatal for him to admit the possibility of dropping the amateurs until he had definitely made up his mind to do so; but after the changes in WHY DOES A WOMAN CLOSE HER EYES %^m^*-Q» (USE COUPON BELOW) • Psychologists say that she is an idealist and closes her eyes to "shut out the world of realities.". . . Many women would also like to "shut out" the everyday reality of rough, red, coarse skin that housework and weather inflicts upon them. And they could, by using the famous skin softener— ITALIAN BALM. Here is a genuinely inexpensive preparation. Composed of 1 6 scientifically selected, scientifically pure ingredients. For over 40 years, the preferred skin protector of the women of Canada — and the fastest-selling preparation of its kind today in thousands of communities all over America. . . . Non-sticky. Quick-drying. Approved by Good Housekeeping. . . . Give Italian Balm a week's trial — at no expense. Send for FREE bottle. (BtvmJztvncui Italian Balm THE ORIGINAL SKIN SOFTENER ,^flr^b*feb CAMPANA SALES CO. F^lL^k^W >-'04 Lincoln Highway, Batavia, 111. mm^^^B^^ Gentlemen: I have never tried ^JBa ^^^ Italian Balm. Please send me Vanity :| ^^^^ bottle FREE and postpaid. Name Address j City State ' In Canada. Camoana, Ltd., MG1304 Caledonia Road, Toronto MOTHER OF THREE EARNS $32-$35 A WEEK • "Thanks to Chicago School of Nursing, I have been able to support my three children and keep my home together," writes Mrs. A. E., Waterbury, Conn. And Mrs. E. is only one of thousands of men and women who have found that C.S.N, training opens the way to a well-paid dignified profession! C.S.N.-trained practical nurses all over the country are earning as much as $25 to $35 a week in private practice, in hospitals and sanitariums. Others, like Miss C. H., own nursing-homes. This easy-to-understand course, successful for 3 8 years and endorsed by physicians — enables men and women 13 to 60 to prepare themselves at home and in their spare time, for any type of practical nursing. Best of all, it is possible to earn while learning — Mrs. I\ McE. took her first case before completing the 7th lesson and earned $400 in three months! High school not necessary. Complete nurse's equipment included. Easy tuition payments. Decide now to send for "Splendid Oppohtdnities in Nursing," which shows you how you can win success as a nurse I CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING Dept. 183, 100 East Ohio Street, Chicago, III. Please send booklet and 32 sample lesson pages. Name_ City_ 97