Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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FOR BABY! Kleinert's *SOFTEX Baby Pants are made of soft transparent SILK, fully waterproofed. They weigh less than an ounce — and are unbelievably durable. When you buy *SOFTEX, you are buying real COMFORT for your baby! *Softex is a SILK fabric, waterproofed without the use of rubber. ^. * T. M. Beg. U. S. Pat. Off. * BABY PANTS SOFTEX 485 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK, N. Y. Be a Radio Expert Learn at Home—Make Good Money Many men we trained at home in spare time make $30, 850, $75 a week. Many make $5, $10, $15 a week m spare time while learning. Illustrated 64-page book describes Radio's opportunities and how you can become a Eadio Expert through our practical home training. Television training is included. Money Back Agreement protects you. Book of facts FREE. Write National Radio Institute, Dept. 7-CT. Washington, D. C. HOW CORNS COME BACKBIGGER.UGLIER -unless removed ROOF AND ALL • Thousands are praising this new, scientific BlueJay method that ends a corn. Blue-Jay, the tiny medicated plaster, stops the pain instantly — then in 3 days the entire corn lifts out Root and All. BlueJay is easy to use. Held snugly in place by WetPruf adhesive. 25|S for 6. Get Blue-Jay today. BLUE-JAY BAUER S. BLACK SCIENTIFIC CORN PLASTERS * A plug of dead cells root-like in form and position. If left may serve as focal point for renewed development. 98 RADIO M IRROR National Amateur Night and Town Hall, I am sure he must have considered it. His amateur hour has meant a great deal to Major Bowes, much more than can be measured in money or fame. It has meant engrossing work in a field where he was the acknowledged master. It may be that today he is wondering what he can find to replace the amateurs if he should be forced by lack of public interest to drop them. A variety show? Too similar, I am sure he would say, to the halfdozen others on the air. There's one program that could solve Major Bowes' problem. An obscure sustaining program which has been running on the NBC Blue network at the same time one of the big evening shows was occupying the Red chain. Professional Parade, it's called; and it presents all the old-time stars of vaudeville who have been out of work for the past few years. The theatrical division of the Federal Works Progress Administration and NBC cooperate to give these stars of an almostvanished profession their chances on the air. Under Major Bowes' guidance, this could be an important program — as packed with human interest and emotional appeal as the Amateur Hour, and perhaps even morp entertaining. Many of these veteran troupers of vaudeville are old friends of the Major's, and richly deserving of the help he has given hundreds of unknown youngsters. In them, perhaps he could find the answer to the question: 'After the amateurs — what?" Only one man — Major Bowes himself — can answer all the questions about his amateurs which everyone is asking. In the next issue of Radio Mirror, Major Bowes writes his own reply. Read why he cannot agree with the conclusions drawn in the article you have just read, and learn exactly what he has planned for the future. Don't miss this important feature in the April More News {Continued from page 9) INSIDE STUFF!— An orchestra had been hired for Rudy Vallee's visit to Hollywood when Fay Webb's sad death caused a change of plans. Vallee's coast trip was postponed until spring because it was feared it might look as though the star, who remained outside California for so long, was taking advantage of the tragedy to come here after her death. Ironically, he'd have come had she lived! ODDS AND ENDS— The Dorothy Paige-Armand Lusk heat wave has been turned off because he got tired of waiting for her "yes" and went back to Texas . . . So Dot consoles herself with a rich and handsome New York stock broker . . . Tony Martin is using the eeney-meeneymo system and alternately squiring Frances Langford and Alice Faye . . . Incidentally, although Frances spent a lot of time during her recent Florida visit with her schooldays sweetheart, Jimmy Chase, the romance is in cold storage . . . Tearing a page from the book of Miss Leaping Lena Levinsky, who piloted her prize fighting brother, Kingfish Levinsky, of Chicago, pretty Gertrude Neisen has become manager (or is it manageress?) of a heavy Finds Way To Have Young Looking Skin at 35! SMART, modern women no longer submit to the tragedy of "old skin" just because they are 30, 35, 40! A wonderful new creme, applied at night like cold cream, acts a scientific way to free the skin of that veil of semi-visible darkening particles which ordinary creams cannot remove after a certain age. So gentle and quick — often only 5 days is time enough to bring out a glorious rose petal softness and fineness and white, clear look of youth. And, the way it eliminates common surface blemishes— ugly pimples, blackheads, freckles — is a revelation ! Ask for this creme — Golden Peacock Bleach Creme at all drug and department stores. You Can Regain Perfect Speech, if you STAMMER Send today for beautifully illustrated book entitled "DON'T STAMMER," which describes the Bogue Unit Method for the scientific correction of stammering and stuttering. Method successfully used at Bogue Institute for 36 years — since 1901. Endorsed by physicians. Full information concerning correction of stammering sent free. No obligation. Benjamin N. Bogue, Dept. f 152, Circle Tower, Indianapolis, lnd. Lack of MIKE technique, ' often Unnecessary DOWNFALL. EVEI2V VOICE can broadcast under . T\|eio Discovery? re/ia!7ir}^.tih^r/7xr//a/i. EJfTPIO ARTS QCQPEMV ,-fo^ofc^' ilttlila \t Kl Also BARGAIN .EXTRAW^"'"'1 2 BUNDLES $ J,l»l?rsTG. 5 YARDS EXTRA [Ginghams, Percales, Prints, Voiles, | Chambrays, Shirtings, Crepes, etc New clean goods direct from us at a big \ saving. Latest assorted Colors. Newest jj patterns for dresses. Our finest quality. (send NO MONEY XTuTJti j delivery charge, 20 yard bundle $1.29 >stage paid, money with order. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. ^EASTERN TEXTILE COMPANY i Dept. E-40, Greenfield. Mass. Every roach that nibbles the bait in Gator Roach Hives must die. Bait delicious to roaches lasts lor weeks, thus killing new colonies that move in. Positively guaranteed effective. On the market for fifteen years. Sold in fourteen ■ ■ lor ntteen years, sola in tourteen L1"!,'"" I foreign countries. Get some today. I^S"."".'?*"] 3 sets (9 hives) $1.20 postpaid, if h """"' 4 your dealer has none. DeSoto Chemical Co., Box 4, Arcadia, Fla. CATOR ROACH HIVES FAST— QUICK DIRECT ACTION OF TURPO The Wonderful New Cold-Chaser Relieves that Cold Just rub Turpo freely on throat, chest, forehead, temples and outside of nose, also a little Turpo in each nostril before retiring at night. AT ALL DRUGGISTS I I Writ END FOR FREE SAMPIE . Write name and address plainly!, land send to Turpo, 544 S. Wei Is I. Street, Chicago, Dept. 33 ,