Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO M I RROR Nervous? Irritable? Can your trouble be INTESTINAL TORPOR If you're not your usual self— tired, cross, irritable—in many cases the trouble is Intestinal Torpor. Intestinal Torpor — sluggish, torpid muscular activity in the intestinal tract, can often be relieved pleasantly. Don't resort to harsh, irritating cathartics. Use gentle-acting Stuart's Compound for quick, effective relief. Stuart's Laxative Compound contains nonnarcotic, non-habit forming ingredients, scientifically prepared to relieve distressing Intestinal Torpor. Stuart's Laxative Compound increases the muscular activity in the intestines. It helps you properly eliminate excess body wastes ina natural, healthful way. If you have that can't-work, headachy feeling due to Intestinal Torpor— try Stuart's Laxative Compound today! For 40 years, this dependable Compound has brought quick, effective relief to millions of men and women. Get a package from your druggist today. See for yourself how much better you can feel. STUART'S LAXATIVE COMPOUND STUART'S CALCIUM WAFERS " ▼ r VOI C E 1 100% Improvement Guaranteed 1 We band, strengthen the vocal organs — V^H not itrith singing lessons — but by fundamentally ^H Bound and scientifically correct silent exercises . , 9 and absolutely guarantee to improve any singing *-^l or speaking voice at least 100% . . . Write for ■HI wonderful voice book— sent free. Learn WHY yon Ipt,! can now have tbe voice yon want. No literature MjM sent to anyone under 17 unless signed by parent* i J PERFECT VOICE INSTITUTE, Studio 7913 64 E. Lake St., Chicago This Beautiful Lifelike NEWEST SENSA SEND ] TION! Send any NO MONEY! I snapshot or photo and we'll reproduce it in this beautiful onyxlike ring. Indestructible! (Hand-tinted Waterproof! 25c extra) Enclose strip of paper for ring size. Pay postman plus a few cents postage. If you send 59c we will pay postage. PHOTO MOVETTE RING CO., Dept. 2, 626 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. JO MONEY! 59c SUFFERERS FROM STD€RmOIL Dermoil is being used by thousands of men and women to secure relief from the effects of this ugly skin disease often mistaken for eczema. Apply it externally. Does not stain. Grateful users, often after years of suffering, report the scales have gone, the red patches gradually disappeared and their skin became clear again. Dermoil is backed by an agreement to give definite benefit in 2 weeks or money refunded. Beautiful book on Psoriasis and Dermoil Free, or send 25c for generous trial bottle and amazing proof of results. Give druggist's name and address. Your name not mentioned. Prove it yourself no matter how long you have suffered or what you have tried. Don't delay. Write Today. LAKE LABORATORIES, Box 6, Northwestern Station, Dept. M-19, Detroit, Mich. yr jtewmm RADIO »us'c sports Eimwwimt«i FITS POCKET EASI LY7ate StwiOi you,,' I BEAUTIFUL CLEAR TONE DIRECT FROM POCKET RADIO All one nnit— jnst like the bis; sets, but weighs J ©nly6oz. Carry itwith yon. Nothing to adjust. [ No batteries, tabes, or electric socket con-. necrJons required. \ Costs Nothing to Operate! Guaranteed! Brings in stations with fine tone quality. Tnnes^ broadcast baud . Accurately made, precisely I assembled, rigidly tested, assures excel* I lent performance. Should last for years. I Toning knob is the only moving part. Comes I — with easy instructions for use in camps, office, picnics, home, bed, etc. Listen to music, sports, prize fights, radio entertainment, etc. Thousands of Cathedral1' Radios have been sold all over the United States and foreign conntries. SFNIl Nfl MDNPY I Yoa shoald be delighted with the enjoyable 2 .U. muni. I . nujjo entertainment that you get out of the Cathedral" ' — the radio that combines performance and economy. Get yours today. Pay postman on arrival only $2.99 and post. Beor send $2.99 (we pay postage). Order now. Makes an ideal gift. tie Giant Radio Co., 3959 Lincoln Ave. Dept. 105. Chicago weight boxer. Her protege, Bob Nestle, in his first start under Gertrude's auspices, kayoed Johnny Miller .... Incidentally, although Miss Leaping Lena Levinsky can holler louder than Miss Niesen, Miss Niesen can sing better than Miss Leaping Lena Levinsky, which makes it a Mexican standoff . . . That stain on Jimmy Grier's coat is where Joy Hodges was weeping on his shoulder over Larry Cotton, NBC singer, who is too, too far away in Chicago . . . Nelson Eddy moved into the Fred Niblo estate, which he bought, just in time to give one of his famous Sunday night supper parties for the cast of his show before hitting the trail on his concert tour . . . When handsome Jim Harper, of Bob Taplinger's coast office, greets Ginger Rogers affectionately, it's because he once played in vaudeville with her. . . . Francia White never misses a weekly Philharmonic concert, and is always dressed up like Mrs. Astor's horse — but alone . . . Camel Caravan is slipping Jack Oakie a mere $3,500 every pay day . . . Sid Silvers, who is one of M-G-M's highest paid writers, and a bright light of the Jolson show, never went to school, showing what an education will do for you even if you never get it! . . . The reason Bob Ripley demanded to be taken around to all the cemeteries on his first Hollywood visit was because they're always gold mines for "Believe it or Nots" . . . Don Ameche entertained Archbishop Howard, of Portland, and Elmer Layden, Notre Dame football mentor under whom he played in prep school days . . . Ben Alexander, NBC protege and Republic star, set for spring water show sponsored by Ralph and Frank Morgan . . . Al Jolson will tell you all about his hospital sojourn, and what the docs told him about his faulty pump . . . Don Wilson's series of Paramount shorts is entitled "Eyes on the Ball" . . . Igor Gorin smashed the concert record at San Diego held by Nelson Eddy, but Clara E. Herbert takes a deep bow for having managed both affairs. Coast-to-Coast Highlights (Continued from page 12) Frances Carton, offer radio a double attraction— since beauty plays no small part in the popularity of these two talented actresses. Over WBBM, KMBC, KMOX, WCCO, WJAX, WFLA. WLW, WHO, and KOIL, they both combine their screen and stage experience to portray their fine characterizations in Kitty Keene, Inc. Frances, who's the Kitty Keene, made her first appearance in Indianapolis, Indiana, April 2, 1913, which makes the five feet six and a half inches, 122-pound, brown-eyed "Kitty" a twenty-three-yearold actress today. Since her first amateur appearance in "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" in the Children's Theatre during 1931, she has crowded an enviable record into her professional career. Foremost were her appearances in "Uncle Tom's Cabin" with DeWolf Hopper, and the Fox film productions, "White Parade" and "Music in the Air." She has appeared before the microphone in many radio programs prior to her present one. Among the many possessions she prizes, her favorite is an autographed picture of Leslie Howard, received from him when she was a child. Joan is the five feet four inches, 104pound, blue-eyed Jill of the program. She made her first appearance in Flint, Michigan, also twenty-three years ago. Studying dancing as a child, she was chosen from the school's many pupils to play child parts with the Chicago Grand Yet Standing or Reclining Gave Me No Relief!" What suffering1 Piles cause! What they do to you, physically and mentally! But pain is not the worst thing about Piles — they can develop into something very serious. For the treatment of Piles, there is nothing better than to try Pazo Ointment. Pazo is definitely effective. Almost instantly it relieves the distress due to Piles— the pain, soreness and itching. Effective for 3 Reasons! First, Pazo is soothing, which tends to relieve inflammation, soreness and itching. Second, it is lubricating , which tends to soften hard parts and make passage easy. Third, it is astringent, which tends to reduce swollen parts and check bleeding. Pazo comes in tubes fitted with a special Pile Pipe for application high up in the rectum. It also now comes in suppository form. Those who prefer suppositories will find Pazo Suppositories the most satisfactory. All drug stores sell Pazo, but a trial tube (with Pile Pipe) will be sent on request. Mail coupon and enclose 10c (coin or stamps) to help cover cost of packing1 and postage. MAIL! GROVE LABORATORIES, INC. Dept. 75-MC, St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: Please send trial tube Pazo. I enclose 10c to help cover packing and mailing. Na City Slate This offer is good only in U. S. and Canada. Canadian residents may write H. R. Madill & Co., 64 Wellington Street, West, Toronto, Ont. Goodbye GRAY HAIRS! (FREE TestA shows way to I end them / No matter whether your hair is beginning to gray — or is entirely gray, you can bring youthful color to every faded strand. The color will be natural looking. It will match the original shade, whether black, brown, auburn, blonde. Just comb a water-white liquid through hair and gray goes. Leaves hair soft and lustrous — takes curl or wave. Nothing to rub or wash off. This way SAFE. <S~lX Test it FREE ~ We send complete Test Package. Apply to single lock snipped from hair. See results first. No risk. Just mail coupon. —MARY T.GOLDMAN ■ 3366 Goldman Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Name Street City Color of your hair ? . . State . 99