Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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LAST NIGHTFELT SICK • You may only make a bad matter worse when you force children to take harsh, griping, old-style laxatives. Give them FEEN-AMINT— the modern kind that's so gentle, so different in every way. It looks different, tastes different, IS different. They simply chew it like delicious chewing gum— and what a difference that chewing makes! FEELS FINE NOW • Next day the whole world looks bright — constipation forgotten! No griping, no disturbance of sleep, no nausea — this modern laxative works gently and surely in the lower bowel, not in the stomach. Preferred by more than 16 million grown-ups and children! Try FEEN-A-MINT— you'll find it the laxative you've been looking for. Write for free sample to Dept. 0-2, FEEN-A-MINT, Newark, N. J. FEEN-A-MINT THE CHEWING-GUM LAXATIVE THE 3 MINUTES OF CHEWING MAKE THE DIFFERENCE EASTER LILY The Natural Beauty and Fragrance of this SIBERIAN CORAL LILY with 12 to 20 Deep Scarlet Blooms from ONE Spike, will add a Spiritual Touch to each Easter occasion. Comes in Own POT with Bulb Fibre. Keep DAMP and it will bloom by Easter. Cellophane packed in Box. Postpaid for 25c, three for 50c. Order AT ONCE for the early Easter. Regal Bulb Co., Dept. 60, Westport, Conn. Many Happy Women Now Say IPAO&O'dMpEN (Pronounced PAR-I-O-JEN) • TABLETS* MAKE FEMININE HYGIENE Simple Quick Easy Dependable Pariogen requires no applicators or other accessories. The easy-to-use tablet alone is sufficient. Harmless, non-caustic, greaseless, odorless. Twelve tablets in glass container cost only one dollar. Don't hesitate to ask your druggist for Pariogen Tablets. If his supply should be temporarily exhausted, write us for free sample. Variogen "Tablets Pariogen Txillets "•^^^ffafo**...,...: AMERICAN DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. 420 S. Sixth St., Minneapolis iTir-i L2 J Minn. Dept. 273 RADIO M IRROR Opera Company. Her first radio appearance was over Chicago's WEBH in 1924 when only twelve years old. The studio was in the Edgewater Beach Hotel and she was willing to broadcast only because it meant an opportunity to use the toboggan on the hotel's grounds after each broadcast. Joan has appeared on many radio programs, including Ma Perkins, Orphan Annie, Lum and Abner, as well as in Paramount pictures. Her sports interest has continued since her early weakness for tobogganing and today she favors swimming, golf, and horse-back riding. SOUNDS IN THE NIGHT A pound's a pound the world around, but it's not necessarily so of a sound. For instance, when Don Winget, Jr., WLW's chief sound technician in Cincinnati, was faced with the problem of producing the sound of a man being stabbed, he couldn't stab a man and let it go at that. But that was exactly how it sounded to the listeners of WLW's True Detective Mysteries. In reality they heard Don plunging a knife into a head of cabbage. And how about those telephone voices sounding so real coming from your loudspeaker? Well, if it's Chicago's WLS Saturday night Feed Store program you're listening to you'll have to give Merle Housh credit. Merle, after considerable head scratching and pondering, finally conceived the idea of fitting a cardboard box over the microphone. Then, after a trombone mute had been placed in each end of the box, you were certain the voice you heard came over a telephone. Certain, that is, until now. But not all the sound effects are so easy to invent. Chicago's WBBM producer, Phil Bowman, was stuck with the script, Cadets of the Air, calling for the sound of a soldier rushing up to the microphone and gasping for his breath before speaking. Neither actors nor sound effects men could produce the desired effect. Finally the producer ordered a cadet to sprint five times around the studio and then deliver the lines into the mike. That was fine. The boy did a perfect panting sound but he was so winded he couldn't speak — and one of his fellow cadets had to read his lines. * * * PROSPERITY NOTES Springfield, Mo.: Hoping to become Missouri's strongest signal in its territory, KWTO has installed $75,000 worth of new transmitting equipment and stepped its power up to 5,000 watts. Longview, Texas: KFRO has installed $1,500 worth of new equipment and is awaiting another $6,000 order of bigger and better sending apparatus. Chicago: WBBM's studio cat, Red, is hobbling around with a broken leg — but in a cast, no less. FANTASTIC Except for a peek-a-boo dancer, no one owes more to his fans than a radio celebrity. But even so a fan's reaction at times must baffle the microphoners. For instance, the trusting fan who wrote WBBM announcer Paul Luther and asked him to invest $4,000 anyway he saw fit. The listener said she knew by his voice that he was honest. How do I go about getting an announcing job, Paul? And Reginald Allen, WBT's Esso Reporter, knows a woman who shouts across the room, any room, at him whenever and wherever he appears — in a bar, hotel or railroad station. She just wants to hear REAL LIFE STORY :^'^i TIRED ALL THE TIME SHE TOLD HIM WHAT TO DO FEELS LIKE NEW! THANKS TO CLEVER WIFE.. TLTE wasn't himself. Had too many restless * -*■ nights, too many tired days. Seemed to lose his ambition. But his clever wife was too smart to let this go on. She insisted that he try Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) and he found out what a surprising difference it made to use a laxative of entirely vegetable origin. He didn't mind taking NRs at all, they were so gentle, and non-habit forming. They simply made him feel like a new man. Get a 25c box at any drugstore today. FREE KD TO-NIGHT I^VTOMORROW alright Beautiful Six-color 1937 Calendar-Thermometer. Also ■ samples of NR and Tunis. Send stamp for packing1 And ■ postage to A. H. Lewis Co. , Desk 88C-16, St. Louis. Mo. KNITTING YARNS WHgfcFcSEAsLE Direct from manufacturer. 1,000 samples FREE. Mail orders promptly filled. PICKWICK YARNS STAISL°kRD7oCONN LET'S GO PLACES AND DO THINGS MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED Men — Women — Don't act old. Feel Young again — full of pep and youthful ambition. "Step out and do thingB." Take ANGELA MATE. Harmless, no injurious drugs or dope. Delicious and stimulating. Praised by thousands and approved by many Physicians. Six weeks' supply, $1; _ CO. D. plus postage. NorthAmerican Mate Co.,Dept.27B,120 Greenwich St.,N.Y.C. NEW WAY! Ends Drudgery . . • Sells on Sight AMAZING NEW WALL CLEANER. Revolutionary invention. Banishes old-style housecleaning mess and muss forever. No dirty rags— no sticky "dough"— no red, swollen hands. No more dangerous stepladders. Literally erases dirt like magic from wallpaper and painted walls. Also cleans window shades, upholstered furniture, without work. SAVES REDECORATING! Ap E roved by Good Housekeeping Institute! ow priced. Lasts for years. Housewives wild about it-buy on sight. AGENTS WANTED. Hustlers cleaning up big money. SAMPLE OFFER: ftgfBSffKB locality who writes. No obligation. Get details. Be first— send in your name <today. KR|STEE MFG. CO., 434 Bar St., Akron. 0. Skin Itch Kills Romance Many shattered romances may be traced directly to ugly skin blemishes. Why tolerate itchy pimples, eczema, angry red blotches or other irritations resulting from external causes when you can get quick relief from soothing Peterson's Ointment. 35c at all druggists. Money refunded if one application does not delight you. Wonderful, too, for tired itchy feet and cracks between toes. Write for FREE SAMPLE to Peterson Ointment Co., Dept. JF-5 , Buffalo, N.Y. Think of it! At age 21 you can secure over $1000.00 of Old Line Legal Reserve Life Insurance. Proportionately large amounts for other ages — but the cost is the same — only $1.00 a month! Postal has paid out over $43,000,000 in 31 successful years. It has millions in assets and reserves. Just send coupon today with your name, address and exact date of birth and get full details and rates for your age by return mail. Act ■;~I_~_1~"-~~~* promptly. Insurance is vital! !■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ I Postal Life Insurance Company ,511 Fifth Ave., Dept. R. D. 220 ■ New York, N. Y. I Please mail details of your $1.00 a month 'Exact date and year of birth Occupation Name Address *City State 100