Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO M1RROK No Matter What Your Age No Need Now to Let Gray Hair Cheat You Now Comb Away Gray This Easy Way GRAY hair is risky. It screams: "You are getting old!" To end gray hair handicaps all you now have to do is comb it once a day for several days with a few drops of Kolor-Bak sprinkled on your comb, and afterwards regularly only once or twice a week to keep your hair looking nice. Kolor-Bak is a solution for artificially coloring gray hair that imparts color and charm and abolishes gray hair worries. Grayness disappears within a week or two and users report the change is so gradual and so perfect that their friends forget they ever had a gray hair and no one knew they did a thing to it. Make This Trial Test "Will you test Kolor-Bak without risking a single cent? Then, go to your drug or department store today and get a bottle of Kolor-Bak. Test it under our guarantee that it must make you look 10 years younger and far more attractive or we will pay back your money. > Cppp Buy a bottle of KOLOR-BAK / ■ ntC today and send top flap of cari ton to United Remedies, Dept. 443, } 544 So. Wells St., Chicago — and re$ ceive FREE AND POSTPAID a 50c I box of KUBAK Shampoo. at home: Learn to color photos and miniatures Id oil. No previons experience needed. Good demand. Send for free booklet, "Make Money at Home" and requirements. NATIONAL ART SCHOOL 3601 Michigan Ave. Dept. 1383 Chicago Chicago Hospital Develops New Treatment for Acid Stomach Ulcers and Colitis Stomach specialists on the staff of a well-known Chicago Hospital have announced a revolutionary new drugless treatment for ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. Remarkable results have been secured in these conditions, as well as in colitis and other similar acid conditions. Treatment is pure vegetable matter, and inexpensive. Sufferers can now secure a full $1.00 treatment for trial by clipping this ad and mailing it together with 25c only to defray packing charges. Booklet of valuable information and reports from Doctors and Hospitals will be sent free. Address Dept. 5. V. M. PRODUCTS. 500 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. This Genuine 50* W«.A.R0GERS SEAFOOD FORK WITH: You will be thrilled with the beauty of ' this 50c Nu-art design fork. Made and GUARANTEED by Oneida Ltd. A-l pure silverplate plua extra pure silver overlay where | greatest wear comes. Offered s only 10c to acquaint you with THE FINEST LOBSTER I W4 BAILENS YOU EVER TASTED Bailen's Lobster is the moBt licioua sea-food1 on the mark„„ , ALL PURE TENDER WHITE I MEAT. Exquisite in flavor, ric in iodine and health-giving roin erals. Perfect for Parties, Luncheons and all meals. BUY 2 CANS FROM YOUR GROCER TODAY Money refunded if you are not delighted. Then mail 2 labels to Bailen'e, Chicago, and we will Bend fork and ii:pe booklet — postpaid. Offer limited, act at once. If Your Grocer Cannot Supply You — CI Mail Coupon Below with ^'i FOR 2 FULL HALF-LB. CANS BAILEN'S I LOBSTER. FORK AND RECIPES FREE. baTleh'sTisF MlfiiMiSiFm^HicAGoTiir Enclosed find $1.00. Send me postpaid 2 full half lb. cans Bailen's Imported Lobster. The fork and recipe booklet are FREE. Name Address City My Grocer's Name is him speak, because she thinks he has the "loveliest voice." Allen is still dodging another fan, a man who also thinks his own voice is wonderful. To prove it, the guy starts singing at the top of his voice whenever Allen comes on the scene. But a few Detroit fans had their hands full recently, especially if they took their autographs home with them. A Detroit newspaper selected eleven of radio's headliners, including Eddie Cantor and Kate Smith, to autograph radio sets sold at auction, the proceeds to purchase sets for shut-ins. For which, congratulations to newspaper, stars, and fans. This last bit of fan news may or may not surprise you, depending upon what kind of clothes you wear. Anyway, WLW designed its For Men Only program for just what it says, and the bulk of the hundreds of fan letters received are from women only. * * * Philadelphia: A new broadcasting web, the Quaker State Network, was recently announced by Donald Withycomb, general manager of WFIL. The key station of the new chain is WFIL, Philadelphia. The stations comprising the network are located in all of the important cities of Pennsylvania from Erie on the northwest border to Philadelphia on the southeast extremity. The new network blankets fifty-five of the state's sixty-seven counties and makes itself accessible to an estimated 2,000,000 radio receivers in a population of more than 9,000,000 people. Negotiations are under way to add a New York outlet when the chain's regular sustaining service is established in the spring. STATION TREE If microphones ever feel humble, those in Chicago's WBBM must rank with the humblest when they realize the important ancestry they face each day. On the Poetic Melodies program it's tenor Jack Fulton, direct descendant of the steamboat inventor, Robert Fulton. . . . Marie Nelson of the Bachelor's Children program springs from the line of Pierre Cote, old French Royalist who followed Frontenac's army westward. Where Detroit, Michigan's, City Hall now stands, Marie's Great-grandpappy Cote once pastured his cows. . . . Olan Soule, also of Bachelor's Children, traces his family tree back to Captain Miles Standish. Olan's thrice great-grandfather married the Captain's daughter, Sarah Standish. Now, there is a station with a family tree to be reckoned with. THOSE BELLS AGAIN Des Moines, la.: Latest to join the newlywed ranks from the Iowa Broadcasting System was Wayne A. Welch, secretary to IBS commercial manager, Craig Lawrence. Mr. Welch married Janet Wright of Harbor Springs, Michigan. Cupid seems to have the range of IBS hearts, having snared fifteen in the organization in the past few months. Hollywood: Radio audiences were invisible guests recently at KNX's first studio wedding when Doris Sena Miller and Kenneth Merle Nelson said their "I do's" there. We hope the bride and groom didn't have a playful Gracie Allen to contend with as did a couple similarly wedded in the "Big Broadcast of 1937." Mr. Nelson sings regularly as a member of the Haven of Rest's male quartet on Paul Meyers' mythical craft Good Ship Grace. In another Hollywood ceremony Jackson Wheeler, KNX announcer on the recent Goose Creek Parson CBS show, was the Mr. while Edna Mae Jones, 20th Sensational Guaranteed $1025-° Model NOW Only $44?° Cash on Easy Terms SMALL CARRY ING CHARGE 10 Day Trial No Money Down Positively the greatest bargain ever offered. A genuine full sized $102.50 office model refinished Underwood No. 5 for only $44.90 (cash) or on easy terms. Has up-to-date improvements, including standard 4-row keyboard, backspacer, automatic ribbon reverse, shiftlock key, 2-color ribbon, etc. The perfect all purpose typewriter. Complete rebuilt and FULLY GUARANTEED. Money Back Guarantee Send coupon for 10-day trial — if you decide to keep It pay only $3.00 a month until $49.90 (term price) is paid. Limited offer — act at once. Fully GUARANTEED Learn Touch Typewriting Complete (Home Study) Course of the f amouB Van Sant Speed Typewriting System — fully illustrated, easily learned, given durine this offer. INTERNATIONAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 231 West Monroe St., Chicago, III., Dept. 303 Send Underwood No. 5 (K.O.B. Chicago) at once for 10 days' trial. If I am not perfectly satisfied I can return it expresB collect. If I keep it I will pay $3.00 a month until I have paid $49.90 (term price) in full. For quick shipment give references and occupation. Name Age Address ' Town State IS.™. JUNIOR GUITAR your Get this handsome Instru meat NOW. Here's How. Just send your name and address (SEND NO MONEY). WE TRUST YOU with 24 packs of Garden Seeds to sell at 10c a packet, When sold send $2.40 collected and WE WILL SEND this mahogany finish guitar and Five Minute Instruction Book absolutely FREE. Write for seeds NOW. A post card will do. Address : LANCASTER COUNTY SEED COMPANY . Station 209, Paradise, Pennsylvania ANY PHOTO ENLARGED Size 8 x lO inches or smaller if desired. Same price for full length or bust form, groups, landscapes, pet animals, etc., or enlargements of any part of group picture. Safe return of original photo guaranteed , 47 3 for $1.00 SEND NO MONEY ^Tjpfh0^ (any size) and within a week you will receive your beautiful enlargement, guaranteed fadeless. Pay postman 47c plus postage— or send 49c | with order and we pay postage. Big 16x20inch enlargement sent C. O.I). 78c plus post ' age or send 80c and we pay postage. Take advantage of this amazing offer now. Send your photos today. Specify size wanted. STANDARD ART STUDIOS 104 S. Jefferson St. . Dept. 1547-C CHICAGO. ILLINOIS DON'TLET COUGHING TEAR YOUR THROAT MILLIONS USE PERTUSSIN FOR QUICK RELIEF It's the drying of tiny moisture glands in your throat and bronchial tract that often causes coughs. Sticky phlegm collects, irritates, and you cough. Pertussin stimulates these glands to again pour out their natural moisture. Sticky mucus is loosened and easily expelled. Irritation goes away — coughing is relieved. Try Pertussin at our expense. Use coupon below. 30? PERTUSSIN Prescription , Seeck & Kade ,nc Dept_ s_5 FREE 44° Washington Street, N. Y. C, Please send me 2-oz. prescription of Pertussin FREE ... by return mall. 101