Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR Here's a Qjueer Way # to Learn Music/ NO teacher — no monotonous exercises or confusing details. Just a simple, easy, homestudy method. Takes only a few minutes — averages only a few cents — a day. No "grind" or hard work. Every step is clear as crystal — simple as A-B-C throughout. You'll be surprised at your own rapid progress. From the start you are learning real tunes by note. Quickly learn to play "jazz" or classical selections — right at home in your spare time. Free Book and Demonstration Lesson Don't be a wallflower. Send for Free Booklet and Free Demonstration Lesson. These explain our wonderful home study method fully and show you how easily and quickly you can learn to play at little expense. Mention your favorite instrument. Instruments supplied when needed, cash or credit. Write NOW. U. S. SCHOOL OF MUSIC 3063 Brunswick Bldg., New York City Pick Your Course Piano Guitar Violin Saxophone Organ Mandolin Cornet Ukulele Trombone Harp Piccolo Clarinet Flute 'Cello Hawaiian Steel Guitar Trumpet Piano Accordion Italian and German Accordion Voice and Speech Culture Harmony and Composition Drums and Traps IDA BAILEY ALLEN'S SERVICE COOK BOOK Send 25c to Ann Morland, Food Editor, RADIO MIRROR, 205 East 42nd Street, New York City. N<lJoke To Be Deaf —Every deaf person knows that— Mr. Way made himself bear his watch tick af tec being deaf for twenty-five years , with bis Artificial Ear Drums. He wore them day and night. iThey stopped his bead 'noises. They are invisible and comfortable, do wires or batteries. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Write for TRUE STORY. Also booklet on Deafness. Artificial Ear Drum I THE WAY COMPANY 719 Hofmann Bldg. Detroit, Michigan I MANY FOLKS NOW SAY THE NEW PE-RU-NAl ^ The Great New Cold' Fighter Often Wins Fight With a Cold By Helping to Build Up Cold-Fighting Resistance Z&J AT ALL DRUGGISTS .-—SEND FOR FREE SAMPLE-—; I For free sample bottle of The NEW i^i^S PERUNA, address PERUNA, 544 !■■■ S. Wells St., Chicago, III. Dept. 163 I </is our «~*l»* ,rf know" UP^kFBEt'desoyoucar>d«fescinatog^^Uo^ngto '0ulU8tCcU.Gloriiy^ UP' t TODi«>, y&wm S"WAV N.V.I 10k and 20< at leading 5 & 10* STORES The Magnificent Obsession That Rules Eddie Cantor (Continued from page 25) When you have some worthy cause to promote, I will cooperate gladly." You have read the columnist's attacks on Cantor since the incident. Was all this the bread coming back as mountains of ice cream? No. That wasn't what Eddie meant. Just before he came to New York for a few weeks this winter he was working like a Trojan — preparing a radio script, revamping the script of his next picture, "Saratoga Chips," in his odd moments, packing, making last-minute arrangements for leaving. In the midst of all the work there came a telegram from San Francisco, asking him to appear in a community chest appeal. "But how can I?" he muttered to himself as he read the wire. Then his face cleared. "Well, I suppose I could fly," he said philosophically. Eddie is mortally afraid of airplanes. He was exhausted from his days and nights of work. How much easier it would have been to write a substantial check. But no. Anyone who was rich could give money. And Eddie boarded a plane and whisked through the skies to San Francisco, working over scripts on the way to forget his fear. iV FEW weeks later he was in Boston. *» The theater was filled for every show. Once they had to put three hundred chairs on the stage. Trade papers carried headlines telling how much Cantor made in Boston. They didn't tell, because they didn't know, that most of the money went to his pet Boston charity — and they didn't know about the Chicago date, either. _ Eddie's Boston success brought a lucrative offer of an engagement in Chicago. It would undoubtedly have been as profitable as the Boston week. Yet Eddie turned it down. He was too busy with a Y. M. C. A. benefit in New York, after which he had two days earmarked for working out additional plans, while in the East, for the expansion of the Adirondack children's camp. In the story of those few crowded weeks —more or less typical weeks out of Eddie's life— there is the explanation of his magnificent obsession — that all the bread he casts on the waters returns to him as ice cream. He told me about it, his brow furrowed with the effort to find simple words and phrases that might make his point clear. He spoke as you might speak to a little child, trying to penetrate its mind with the truth that no matter how it seems, the world really is round. "It's like this. I'm all tired out. Dead tired. Like I was when the telegram came asking me to go to San Francisco. I could say I couldn't go— but instead I say to myself, 'Well, I can't, but I'm going to, just the same.' You'd think dropping everything and going up there to San Francisco and appearing right in the middle of a dozen other things when you were all played out would make you a lot more played out, wouldn't you? That would be natural, wouldn't it? "But that's not the way it turns out. You get a feeling inside. You know, like when you come down fast in an elevator. Exhilaration. Well, then you come back to work. Now would you believe it, you're not tired any more. You feel swell. Wheel You tear into things to make up for the time you've lost — and by golly, WHO WANTS TO MARRY A GIRL? Certainly, there is a girl you want to marry! But how are you ever going to make this dream come true on the money you're making? The wonder is not new to you, is it? Quit wondering — start acting I Thousands of men have acted by making themselves worth more money by acquiring more training for the job at hand and the job ahead. They have gotten this training in spare time. Their very first step was mailing this coupon to the International Correspondence Schools at Scranton. Why don't you do it? INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Box 2295-C, Scranton, Penna. Without cost, please send me full particulars about the subject before which I have marked X: TECHNICAL AND INDUSTRIAL COURSES □ Sanitary Engineer □ Steam Engineer □ Marine Engineer I D Bridge Engineer J D Bridge Foreman D Building Foreman D Diesel Engines D Aviation Engines D Automobile Work D Plumbing □ Steam Fitting □ Heating □ Ventilation □ Air Conditioning G Refrigeration □ Pharmacy □ R. R. Locomotives □ R. R. Section Foreman D R. R. 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IT'S to treat both the irritated throat and / si inflamed bronchial tubes at the same time! / ** With double-acting FOLEY'S HONEY /7/L,. /& TAR.oneingredient-groupcoatsthe / \A/&l4 ZO raw throat, quickly relieves tickling, / ■■■■■■■ hacking and coughing . while the /DEI ICl/C other actually enters blood, acts on / RELIEVE affected bronchial tubes, loosens phlegm, helps break up cough, speedsrecovery. Tocheckyour cough before it gets worse, before others catch it , for speedy relief and speeded-up recovery, insist upon mrwm COUGHS QcdcJou HONEYS TAR COMPOUND