Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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£# z?0/2£ ^//^ ddevenirfoi ["it helps us grow strong] Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe says. 'Karo is the only syrup served to the Dionne Quintuplets. Its maltose and dextrose are ideal carbohydrates for growing children.'' WHILE KARO SYRUP is worldfamous as a splendid food for children, it is also energizing for active men and women. As a spread for bread, biscuits, pancakes and waffles, stirred in milk, used for candy -making and cooking, Karo is as delicious as it is nutritious. Both Blue Label and Red Label Karo Syrups are equally rich in Dextrose . . . equally rich in food-energy. ■**! Yvonne Dionni is one of 5 "bundles of loveliness anc adoration. These healthy, fascinating little girls are the modern "5 wonders of the world". KARO IS SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE *n<irot BlCtt^ wmgm^" All Reproductions Copyrighted 1937, NEA Service, Inc. L