Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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do not , 3 INCHES -IB hJBg! lUCttES WAIST DAYS .it wi llcofty^L Thousands of attractive women owe lovely, slender figures to Periolastic! "DECAUSE we receive enthusiastic let'*-' ters from women all over the country in every mail . . . because we find that most Perfolastic wearers reduce more than 3 inches in ten days . . . we believe we are justified in making YOU this amazing offer. We are upheld by the experience of not one but thousands of women. The statements reproduced here are but a few representative examples chosen at random from their astonishing letters. No Diet, Drugs or Exercise You need not diet or deny yourself the good things of life. You need take no dangerous drugs or tiring exercises. You are absolutely SAFE when you wear the Perfolastic Girdle. Appear Smaller At Once You appear inches smaller the minute you step into your Perfolastic and then quickly, comfortably . . . without effort on your part ... it takes off the unwanted inches at hips, waist, thighs and diaphragm . . . the spots where fat first accumulates. "REDUCED FROM SIZE 48 TO SIZE 18" "I wore size 42 and now I wear an 18! I eat everything." Mrs. E. Faust, Minneapolis. Minn. "REDUCED 6K INCHES" "Lost 20 pounds, reduced hips 6 Y% inches and waist 5 inches." Mrs. 1. C. Thompson, Denver, Colo. "SMALLER AT ONCE" "I immediately became 3 inches smaller in the hips when first fitted." , Miss Ouida Browne, Briartliff Manor, N. Y. 'Reduced My Hips 9 Inches" so vs Miss Healy i 'I .im so enthusiastic about thu wonderful resuics from my Perfolastic Girdle. It seems almost impossible thai my hips have been reduced 9 indies without the slightest diet."— Miss Jean Healy, 299 Park Avenue. New York. "LOST 60 POUNDS" "I reduced my waist 9 inches, my hips 8 inches and have lost 60 pounds!" Mrs. W. P. Derr, Omaha, Neb. "A GIRDLE I LIKE" "I never owned a girdle I liked so much. I reduced 26 lbs." Miss Esther Marshall, Vallejo.Calif. "6 INCHES FROM HIPS" "I lost 6 inches from my hips, 4 inches from my waist and 20 lbs." Mrs. J. J. Thomas, New Castle, Pa. "HIPS 12 INCHES SMALLER" "I just can't praise your girdle enough. My hips are 12 inches smaller." Miss Zella Richardson, Scottdale, Pa. "LOST 49 POUNDS" "Since wearing my Perfolastic I have lost 49 pounds. I wore a size 40 dress and now wear size 36." Miss Mildred DuBois, Newark, N. J. "REDUCED FROM 43 TO 34^ INCHES!" "My hips measured 43 inches. I was advised to wear Perfolastic after a serious operation and now my hips are only 34J4 inches!" Miss Billie Brian, La Cjrange, Ky. Surely you would like to test the PERFOLASTIC GIRDLE and BRASSIERE ... for 10 days without cost) You cannot afford to miss this chance to prove to yourself the quick reducing qualities of Perfolastic! Because we are so sure you will be thrilled with the results, we want you to test it for 10 days at our expense. Note how delightful the soft, silky lining feels next to the body ... hear the admiring comments of friends. Let us send you a sample of material and FREE illustrated booklet, giving description of garments, details of our 10day trial offer and many amazing letters from Perfolastic wearers. Mail coupon today! The excerpts from unsolicited letters herewith are grenuine and are quoted with full permission of the writers. Notary Public PERFOLASTI C, INC. Dept. 284, 41 E. 42nd St, New York City Please send me FREE BOOKLET describing and illustrating the new Perfolastic Girdle and Uplift Brassiere, also sample of perforated material and particulars of your 10-DAY FREE TRIAL OFFER! Name . . . Address. City .State.. THE All time given is Eastern Standard JOE COOK'S SHELL SHOW, broadcast Saturday over the NBC Red network at 9:30, combines the best and worst features of a radio variety hour. An average of a dozen guest stars parade before the mike each hour and perform under Joe's playful prodding. The best feature is the ever changing performance, the worst feature the endless amount of talk necessary to introduce each act. It gets downright boring at times. But the program does deserve a trial. Tune in at least once. JACK OAKIE'S COLLEGE, Tuesday at 9:30 on CBS, introduces another of Hollywood's bright boys to radio in his first sponsored series. Jack's the president of a mythical college, and if you've never thought of him in that profession before, that's the reason it's funny. Add Benny Goodman's and Georgie Stoll's orchestras, assorted Hollywood guest stars, and college glee clubs from here, there, and everywhere, and you have the show. Yes, it's another variety hour, but with a difference. Mrs. Oakie's boy is one of the most definite personalities Hollywood has given radio, and his efforts hold all these diverse elements together in a bright, swiftly paced hour of entertainment. You ought to like it. PALMOLIVE BEAUTY BOX, starring Jessica Dragonette, at 9:30 Wednesday on CBS, got off to a shaky start when Miss Dragonette had to stay in bed with the flu. Lanny Ross, rushed in as a last minute substitute, did a very special job of pinch hitting. Ruby Mercer in the feminine lead did practically as well. It's amazing how easily this program squeezes a whole musical comedy into the brief space of thirty minutes and still allows time for soap to be sold. I'll still take the Beauty Box in a full hour, but I'm not paying the bills. If you were a staunch fan of the old Beauty Box, I think you'll like this as the next best thing. WATCH THE FUN GO BY, with Al Pearce and his gang, Tuesday on CBS at 9:00, is the first of the two half-hour shows which take the place of Fred Waring's orchestra. Al's a veteran air comedian, and he has most of his veteran gang with him — Tizzie Lish, Arlene Harris, Elmer Blurp, Lord Bilgewater, and Eb and Zeb (Eb and Elmer, in case you didn't know, being Al himself). Not all of them on each program, however. Sometimes the hu 14