Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR the carefree life he and his classmates had led. "I'm not going back to school," he told Myrt. "I want to go to work. Be independent." Looking at him, Myrt saw past the determined set of his jaw to the scared, confused, rudderless state of his mind. She saw, too, the mistake she herself had made. A good education. Yes, it had been that, the best that money could buy — and what good had it done her boy? He talked about earning his own living, but what was there that his education had fitted him to do? Nothing. It had not even taught him to care for money which was given him, much less earn that money for himself. "What kind of work do you want to do, George?" she asked. Stumblingly, he tried to hide from her his lack of confidence. He'd like to work on a newspaper — he'd always liked journalism in school. Of course, he knew it was pretty hard to get newspaper jobs without any experience. But there was the stage. He'd gone on a personal appearance tour with Myrt and Marge the summer before, so he had a little experience in that profession, and perhaps, if he couldn't get on a newspaper. . . . JulVRT looked swiftly back, down the "■ years of her own experience on the stage. She knew what the stage could be, and usually was. Why, thirteen days after George was born she'd been rehearsing in a new vaudeville act — she'd had to, to get money to feed him and Donna. And when George was twelve she'd pawned her wedding ring to buy a new dress for the audition which sold the Myrt and Marge series to the radio. As for newspapers — frankly, she didn't believe an eighteenyear-old boy without any experience could find work on any of them. Nor could she help hm if she did what she had been making up her mind to do — give up radio, go to Hollywood, and try to write for the movies. She could give him a little money, the money she had set aside for him to go to college on, but what good would that do? George didn't want money; he wanted, and needed, a job. Something to tide him over a difficult period in his life, something to assure him of his usefulness in the world. There was only one way she could help him, and yet not appear to be helping him. "How would you like to go on the air with me?" she asked him. "I can write in a part in Myrt and Marge for you, and as soon as we sell it you'll be making a small salary — just what I'd pay any other actor." George leaped at the idea, naturally; and Myrt, with a small sigh, put aside her dreams of a life in California, away from the treadmill of writing, rehearsing, broadcasting, writing, rehearsing, broadcasting, day after day, week after week. Now, if she could only get a sponsor — It wasn't easy. Several times, that summer and fall, negotiations seemed to have progressed with this sponsor or that, practically to the dotted-line point; but something always happened. Out in Hollywood, Donna waited, her trunks all packed, ready to come East at a day's notice. At last, after eight months off the air, Myrt's confidence in the program was rewarded. Under the sponsorship of Super Suds, Myrt and Marge took over the 2:45 spot on CBS every afternoon except Saturdays and Sundays. I was in the studio the afternoon George made his air debut. He had a song to sing, and a few lines to speak. His singing voice is naturally sweet, but untrained. As to his lines, Myrt had been firm in her LITTLE ''COAL MINES" IN YOUR SKIN! THAT'S WHAT BLACKHEADS REALLY ARE! Here's How to Deal with Them Those little black specks that keep showing up in your skin — do you know what they really are? They're nothing more than little "coal mines" in your skin ! They're imbedded dirt — dirt that has found its way deeply into your pores. This dirt isn't easily removed, as you know, or you wouldn't have blackheads. Like Black Little Candles In Your Skin This dirt is stiff and waxy. It's a combination of fatty waste from the body, dust, soot and dead skin cells. It forms little plugs or wedges in your pores that stop them up and make them larger and larger. It's the blackened tops of these wedges that you see as blackheads. These waxy wedges must be dissolved to be removed. That's the only correct and scientific way to deal with them. You can't just moisten them. You can't just loosen them. They must actually be dissolved. When dissolved, they can be removed with a simple wiping of the face which is the right way! When you try to squeeze them out orsteam them out, you do more harm than good. You destroy delicate skin tissue and make tiny scars in your skin. Not only that, you make the pores still larger so they can collect still more dirt. Dissolves Waxy Dirt Lady Esther Face Cream deals with this waxy dirt in the scientific way. It softens it — dissolves it. It makes it so soft that a very light wiping of your skin takes it off. There is no taxing of your skin, no stretching of your pores. When your pores are completely cleansed of the plugging matter, blackheads automatically disappear. Also your pores automatically come down in size. Responding to Nature, they reduce themselves to their original, invisible smallness. I'll Pay for a Test! Let me prove to you the soundness of the Lady Esther Face Cream method. Just mail me your name and address and I'll send you a pursesize tube of Lady Esther Face Cream postpaid and free. To hasten results, use up the whole tube at one time. Put on one application of the cream after another. Leave on each application for 5 minutes before removing. The whole job will only take 15 minutes. Notice how soft your skin is after this cleansing. That shows you are softening the dirt within the pores — dirt that has probably been there for months or longer. As you continue the daily use of Lady Esther Face Cream, you make this waxy dirt softer and softer and more and more of it comes out. Finally, your pores are relieved of their longstanding burden. Clean Pores Become Small As you relieve the pores, they come down in size. They become smaller and smaller each day, until they have regained their original smallness and you no longer can see them with the naked eye.You can almost see the improvement taking place in your skin. Act Now! But start proving this to yourself at my expense. Mail coupon today for your free pursesize tube of Lady Esther Face Cream. FREE (You can paste this on a penny postcard) (32) Lady Esther, 2034 Ridge Avenue, Evanston, Illinois Please send me by return mail a purse-size tube of Lady Esther Four-Purpose Face Cream; also all five shades of your Face Powder. Name . City State (If you live in Canada, write Lady Esther, Ltd., Toronto, Ont.) 73