Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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Brighten Your Meals With Canned Milk (Continued from page 54) after singing with Gus Arnheim's orchestra on the Coast, where I also did some movie work, and had decided to try my luck in New York. So on I came — in a bus and nearly broke my back — with about seven dollars to my name when 1 landed here. I got a couple of solo spots on the air which paid my hotel bill, and had a few auditions. After one audition my accompanist and I were going down in an elevator in Radio City and ran into Dell — he and my accompanist were old friends but of course I didn't know him. "Well, Dell seemed to decide that I was a nice young girl who didn't know her way around in New York — and how right he was about that! — so he took me under his wing. We had dinner together, and went to movies when he had time off from his radio assignments. And we played Russian Bank together almost every night — Dell didn't know until after we were married that sometimes if I hadn't won half a dollar from him at Russian Bank I wouldn't have had breakfast the next morning. "Then I went back west — none of the auditions had resulted in a contract — wrote Dell a polite 'thank you' note, received one from him in return, and thought that was that. It wasn't until I returned to New York for one day before going on to Boston, and Dell took me to dinner and put me on my train, that I said to myself 'Meri Bell, I think you're in love.' I was, and so was Dell, and as soon as I got back to New York after finishing my New England contract in March, we were married." ^ELL took up the story. "The next step ■^ was to find a house, not a hotel apartment with kitchenette, and as soon as we found one, Meri Bell turned into a housewife as well as being a singer." "That was hard at first," Meri Bell said, "but we both wanted a home with real home-cooked meals. Dell hates restaurants." "I'll say I do." Dell broke in from behind his luncheon menu. "They're always like this — I ordered creamed chipped beef and it's all out." He gave the waiter a substitute order, then turned back to Meri Bell. "What are we going to have for dinner tonight?" "Mushrooms a la king and peppermint ice cream — how's that?" "Swell. We have the biggest refrigerator in captivity," he told me, "and Meri Bell makes the best ice cream you've ever tasted, not to mention the mushrooms." "They're both simple, really," Meri Bell said, "and the recipes are practically fool proof — they're made with canned milk — which is certainly a selling point for cooks as inexperienced as I was when I started out." Mushrooms a la King 3 tbl. butter TA lb. mushrooms, halved 3 tbl. flour I cup evaporated milk 1 cup water 1 tbl. cooking sherry 3 hard boiled eggs 1 cup diced cooked celery J4 cup sliced stuffed olives Ya cup grated American cheese Melt the butter in a skillet, add the mushrooms and cook until golden brown. Add the flour and stir until well blended. Combine milk and water, add it slowly, RADIO MIRROR tff, out Beat! Let ^^ Lipstick^' youca«a>a covet *e co\ox»ortawps „ you.Jus'sCnd<\tsGloli'yV A couP°" l ^~a ' NAME — ADCBESS 10* AND 20* AT LEADING 5 & 104 STORES Mfy fcru% Doctors and nurses everywhere recommend these "Anti-Colic" brand nipples. For FREE SAMPLE, mail this advertisement, before May 1st, stating preference: No. 147 or No. 151. Davol Rubber Company — Dept. B-2) Providence, Rhode Island No. 147] WORKED WONDERS FOR HER SKIN This advertisement is based on an actual experience reported in an unsolicited letter. Subscribed and sworn to before me. NOTARY P JBLIC RE you missing good times — suffering needless embarrassment — ■ because of a pimply, blemished skin? Then this true story from real life is meant for you! It's an actual experience, not an advertising claim. It came to us, a simple letter written in pencil — just one of thousands from grateful girls who have regained their natural beauty with the aid of pleasant-tasting Yeast Foam Tablets. Let Yeast Foam Tablets help rid your system, too, of the poisons which are the real cause of so many unsightly skins. This pasteurized yeast is rich in precious natural elements which often stimulate sluggish digestive organs — help to restore natural elimination — and thus cleanse the system of beauty-destroying wastes. You'll look better — and feel better — when Yeast Foam Tablets help you as they have helped thousands of others. Ask your druggist today for Yeast Foam Tablets — and refuse substitutes. %*££.' Mail Coupon NOW for Sample NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO 1750 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. I Please send free trial sample of Yeast Foam Tab | lets. (Only one to a family. Canadian readers please 1 send 10c to cover postage and duty.) RG 4-37 Name NOTE : The above letter is but one case, of course, but it is so typical of many others that it more than justifies a thorough trial of Yeast Foam Tablets in similar cases of skin or complexion disorders. I Address _ I I City Stale 75