Radio mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR POMPEIAM cAliik c/tlaMaqe Chernn Today your skin can have the benefits of milk in a new way . . . with Pompeian Milk Massage Cream which is actually 70% milk. Don't give up your favorite cosmetics. But, once each week, give your face a complete change of diet from fatty creams to oil-free Pompeian. It removes cosmetics thoroughly, frees choked pores, stimulates circulation, leaves your skin radiantly lovely. Try it! AT ALL DRUG, DEP'T. AND 10< STORES The Pompeian Company, Inc. Bloomfield, N. J. WAN TED : NEW W RITE RSI Earn while learning! Write for magazines, books, newspapers, etc.! FREE literature! No obligation! U. S. SCHOOL OF WRITING. Dept. W-l, 20 West 60th St., N. Y. C. This Beautiful Lifelike Uil'H'liWH SEND NO MONE 48c NEWEST SENSA SEND TION! Send any NO MONEY! snapshot or photo and we'll reproduce it in this beautiful like ring. Indestructible! (Hand-tinted Waterproof! 25c extra) Enclose strip of paper for ring size. Pay postman plus a few cents postage. If you send 48c — will pay postage. PHOTO MOVETTE RING Dept. 3, 626 Vine Street. Cincinnati, Ohio. CO., PHOTO ^*FB2HS Clear enlargement, bast, full viyx'— length or part group, pets < other eub jecte made from any phi. to, onapohotor tintypeatlowprice of 49c each; 3 for $1.00. Send as many photos as yon desire. Re. torn of original photos guaranteed SEND NO MONEY Just mail photo with Dame and address. In a few days postman will deliver beautiful enlargement that will never fade. Pay only 49c plus postage or 50c— 8 for % 1 . 00 , and we will pay postage ourselves CARVED FRAMEf"lf fct.with the HIGH . „ ">cnes quality of oar work we will frame, until further notice, all pastel colored enlargements FREE. Illustrations of beautifully carved frames for your choice wilt be sent with your enlargement. Don'tdelay. Act now. Mailyour Photos today. Write NEW ERA PORTRAIT COMPANY 11 E. HURON STREET DEPT. 718 CHICAGO. ILLINOIS AND LOOK 10 YEARS YOUNGER • At home — quickly and safely you can tint those streaks of graytolustrousshadesof blonde, | brown or black. A small brush and BROWNATONE does it. Guaranteed harmless. Active coloring agent is purely vegetable. Cannot affect waving of hair. Economical and lasting — will not wash out. Imparts rich, beautiful color with amazing speed. Easy to prove by tinting a lock of your own hair. BROWNATONE is only 50c— at all drug or toilet counters — always on a money-back guarantee. 98 Walk in Beauty {Continued from page 51) little skye terrier out of her precious lily beds. The dog was Panouche, whose name means "Dirty Rag" in the argot of Miss Pons' native province, and the lily beds were just beginning to bloom from the bulbs she herself had planted. 'Though this is hardly the costume in which to discuss Easter fashions," she laughed, indicating the trim slacks and comfortable brogues she always wears in the country, as we sank into the wicker chairs on the paved terrace, "this is one style which goes all year 'round out here. "But there is a fashion secret even in that. _ The Frenchwoman has found that the simplest way of achieving chic is to find one model which is becoming to her and then have it copied in various colors and materials. I find one dress which is becoming to me and then need waste no more time. So I stick to one model which I know is suited to a little person like myself. This spring, for instance, I can have a winter evening dress copied in a fresh, lively print." "Stick to a few colors, also, that you have learned by experience are becoming. For example, 1 am going to wear much, much black and beige this Easter and spring. This principle makes it so much easier, of course, to plan a smart matching wardrobe of accessories — and every woman knows that accessories are the tiny items which point up a costume, which add a certain spring gaiety and make the difference between a really smart ensemble and a costume which makes little impression indeed." One accessory for evening of which Miss Pons is particularly fond is fresh flowers for the hair. At the opening of the Metropolitan Opera this past season, she was in the audience with dark red carnations in her coiffure, worn with a black velvet princess gown and a hip-length silver fox cape. A huge antique Florentine brooch fastened the high neck above two daring diamond-shaped openings (one of which exposed her throat and upper bosom, and one just below the bust) and wide diamond bracelets covered her left arm from wrist to elbow. This is the same dress which she has had copied for spring in beige and black. The print, incidentally, is a lily-of-the-valley design which was specially created in her honor, and with it she wears a spray of these favorite flowers in her hair. Also carrying out this new spring color scheme, she has purchased two tailored suits, one beige with a black blouse and the other black with a beige blouse. You can see how easily the accessory problem can be solved this way, achieving quite different effects. DECENTLY, for her first New York re■» cital in three years, at Carnegie Hall, she wore a medieval gown of silver lame with a tight bodice (a feature of most of her costumes, since it sets off her tiny waist), very full skirt with a train, and infinitesimal puffed sleeves. Sable edged the square neckline, and she carried a sable muff. This same style was then copied in pink taffeta for her Washington, D. C, engagement and will probably be made up in still lighter materials for spring and early summer. All her clothes are made right here in America, most of them being designed by Valentine, though she still buys her handmade lingerie in Europe and her shoes in Buenos Aires, where she has found a perfect last for her size \y2 feet. In selecting footwear, too, she finds one model she likes and buys it in different colors and materials. This season she has chosen an open-toed, strapless design for Corns Come Back Bigger, Uglier unless removed Root* and All • Don't take chances by paring corns at home. Corns come back bigger, uglier, more painful than ever, unless removed Root and All. End that corn for good with this new, double-action Blue-Jay method. Pain stops instantly, by removing the pressure. Then the corn lifts out, Root and All in 3 short days. (Exceptionally stubborn cases may require a second application.) Blue-Jay is a tiny, modern, scientific corn plaster, held snugly in place by Wet-Pruf adhesive. Try this Blue-Jay method now. BLUE-JAY BAUER 6. BLACK SCIENTIFIC CORN PLASTERS *A plug of dead cells root-like in form and position. If left may serve as focal point for renewed development. n|1/f|J-LAD!ES! 34 pc. COLORED GLASS DINNER SET I **■ ■ fc" or big cash commission. Send name and address. Beau1 tifnl Cherry Blossom design. CHOICE of green or pink glass: 61 plates, 6 tumblers, 6 caps, 6 saucers, 6 nappies, 1 each, sngar. I cream, vegetable and platter. This Is only one of nearly a hundred I articles featured in onr catalog, which we GIVE for selling our fa I moos WHITE CLOVERINE SALVE for cats, barns, sores, chaps, I etc. to friends at 26c a box with a beautifully colored Art Picture I FREE and remitting as per new premium plan book. 42nd year. I WE ARE FAIR AND SQUARE. Start now by sending for one I dozen boxes. SEND NO MONEY — We trust you. BE FIRST. I WILSON CHEM. CO., Inc. Dept. 6S-A Tyrone, Pa. I ON APPROVAL!! To introduce our ladies and gentlemen's solid gold effect, richly designed rings set with full carat brilliant bluewhite facsimile diamond, we will send one to you ON APPROVAL. Simply send 25 cents to cover cost of packing, shipping, etc. Wear at our risk. Pay two monthly $2.25 payments (total $4.50). Nothing more to pay. .Ring shipped in rich Gift Case, postage fully paid to your door, by RETURN MAIL. Rush 25 cents in stamps or coin to BRADLEY. Dept. 384. Newton. Mass. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE... Without Calomel— And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. Your whole system is poisoned and you feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. Laxatives are only makeshifts. A mere bowel movement doesn't get at the cause. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you feel "up and up". Harmless, gentle, yet amazing in making bile flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by name. Stubbornly refuse anything else. 25c.