Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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RADIO MIRROR Relieves TEETHING PAINS iVtthiti \ 1 MINUTE ^*</», w WHEN your baby suffers from teething pains, just rub a few drops of Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion on the sore, tender, little gums and the pain will be relieved in one minute. Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion is the prescription of a famous baby specialist, contains no narcotics and has been used by mothers for over fifty years. One bottle is usually enough for one baby for the entire teething period. JUST RUB IT ON THE GUMS DR.HANDS Teething Lotion Buy Dr.Hand's from your druggist today OgrAetMMef MAKE Up To $65 WEEKLY in new kind of wholesale business. Place famous line 6c-10c merchandise with stores . Merchants grab our FREE GOODS Deals. 200 fast-selling products— all on salesmaking Counter Displays. Up to 140% profit for yon and merchant. No experience or investment needed to start. Get biff catalog FREE. World's Products Co.,Deipl,4897,Spencer,lnd. AMAZING NEW BUSINESS Sell to Stores LIGHTEN YOUR HAIR the NEW CREAM WAY As Little or as Much as You Want— Safely— Quickly! Not a Drug-Store Liquid! Lechler's Lightning Hair Lightener is an amazing product; an antiseptic, white, creamy paste. It has many advantages over liquid preparations. You can uBe it to lighten the roots and scalp only. Cannot run to the ends of the hair like a liquid. Can't make the hair life -, _ lesB, dry or brittle. Lightens blonde hair grown dark. Can \ ■ not streak or over-bleach. Actually Beneficial to v ■ bleached hair and permanents. Used by famous stage I and screen beauties for over 20 years. Harmless — guaran I I teed. Mailed complete with application brush for only I J? T> FIT With first order — $6-page booklet r M\.EjEj -the new art of lightening HAIR" m LECHLER LABORATORIES, INC. 560 Broadway, Dept. A, New York, N. Y. m TASTE LIKE CANDY The Sensational MCCOY'S Cod Liver Oil Tablets Check fall of Vitamins "A" and "0 Have remarkably helped many boys and girle. men and women, to Put On Firm * IwwO Starting Today 3*~ i e.„.j. Take 2 McCoy's Cod TO / rounds Liver Oil Tablets after Quickly each meal. 60c and ' * $1 size—all Druggists |"—SEND FOR FREE SAMPLE-™1* **l McCoy's, 644 S. Wells St., Chicago I "^ ft* I Dept. 24 I •»* ! Rush Free Sample of McCoy's Cod | I Liver OH Tablets to ■ Name | | Address j V" City State both daytime and evening wear. When you have assembled your Easter costume and decided upon the colors and fashions you prefer for spring, are you going to wear them well? Or are you, like so many of us, going to ruin the charming effect you've planned with your posture and carriage? You can guard against this, if you'll only follow these simple instructions from Mariana Smille, head of the Empire Mannequin School, who has trained so many girls for commercial photography, motion pictures, the stage, fashion shows, society debuts — in fact, anyone who must meet a critical public! "American girls," she advises, "should remember that their ideal type is the outdoor girl, which doesn't necessarily mean one active in all sports, but one who has the fine figure and carriage associated with athletic ability. That means broad shoulders, flat tummy and narrow hips. If one doesn't already have these, they can still be acquired by exercise and emphasized by one's carriage. That latter is so important. True beauty depends upon it, and carriage itself depends upon the way you hold your chest — which, in turn, depends upon your breathing. This should be done from the diaphragm, the upper stomach and not lower, for the main object is to carry the chest high, not out. At the same time, this brings the derriere in where it belongs." In addition, as Mariana Smille explained it to me, the back of the neck should be straight, the head high and the chin up. The shoulders should be well back, with your shoulder blades flat, and should not swing or sway as you walk. To get your shoulders erect and straight, raise your arms to shoulder level on either side, swing them back as far and as high as possible, until your hands touch; do this several times and you'll find your shoulders are in just the right position, from which they should not vary. On the other hand, you should be relaxed from the waist down, so that you swing along naturally and easily. TO avoid the awkward swaying and wobling of the hips which are such common faults, mannequins are trained first to walk with their hands on their hips. This gives a sense of proper balance and makes it possible to tell if the hips are moving out of line. Keep your knees straight (but not rigid, of course) and take fairly good sized steps. Never walk with bent knees. That's what's responsible for the heel-first gait which makes one walk jerkily and runs down the heels of one's shoes. Here's a good way to break yourself of that heelfirst habit — just try walking on the balls of your bare feet, with your heels just about as far from the ground as they are when you have on your high heels. And, finally, to cultivate a steady, well-balanced stride, try walking along the cracks in the sidewalk whenever you're out-ofdoors. Relax and don't look at your feet. Put these simple rules all together and they spell good posture, a better figure and thus better-fitting clothes. So face the springtime confidently, wear your newest bib-and-tucker with assurance — and walk in beauty in the Easter parade! Lily Pons has two precious beauty secrets which I'd like to tell you about. One is her recipe for a home cucumber mask, with the simplest possible ingredients and instructions for use. Also, I have six "do's" and " don't' s" for selecting one's wardrobe which were given to me by Travis Bant on, the famous Paramount stylist. Just send a large stamped, self -addressed envelope with your query to Joyce Anderson, Radio Mirror, III East 42nd Street, New York City, and they're all yours for the asking! FOR BABY! Kleinert's *SOFTEX Baby Pants are made of soft transparent SILK, fully waterproofed. They weigh less than an ounce — and are unbelievably durable. When you buy *SOFTEX, you are buying real COMFORT for your baby! ( *Softex is a SILK fabric, waterproofed without the use of rubber. f(lelaetit% ^. *T. M. Beg. U. S. Pat. Off. * SOFTEX BABY PANTS 485 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK, N. Y. PHOTO Amazing Offer! Send 3 negatives (FILMS) with thia ad and 25c coin (No Stamps); receive postpaid 3 Beautiful 5x7-inch Enlargements; 12 for $1; postpaid. I for 10c, plus 5c postage. Neg. Ret. Canada, too. M4. Unique Art Service, 260 E. 138 St., N. Y. C. ENLARGEMENTS Iff COLOR YOUR HAIR ™""w FRENCH WAY Shampooandcoioryourhalratthe sametlme.l any shade. SHAMPO-KOLOR won t rub off.l Colors roots;leaveshair soft, natural; permitsi^™—^— perm.wave. Free Book.UallijnyProd.Inc, Dept. 1 8-A.254 W.31 SI..N.V. Iff ^^ Easy Terms i 9 Only 10c a Day J Save over J-£ on all standard office models. Also portables at reduced prices. SEND NO MONEY AH late models completely refumhed like brand new. FULLY GUARANTEED. Big free catalog Bhowe actual machines id full colors. Lowest prices. Send at o Free course in typing included. International Typewriter Exch., lilt, A-4030.ncheicaSeo *&A CICCTRIC ARC WClDCff Works Off Any Storage Battery or Ordinary Light Socket This new electric arc welder is made possible by the invention of a low voltage carbon. Auto batteries may be used without removing from car. Uses about same current as four headlight bulbs. Broken parts are simply melted together by the white hot electric arc, in just a few seconds. Produces about 7000 degrees heat. Hottest Flame Known ^W Melts iron and steel instantly. Welds 1 '* fenders, radiators, holes in bodies, f< milk cans, tanks, brazes broken castings. Works on anything iron, steel, brass, copper, tin or galvanized metal. Permanent repairs made for almost nothing. Used by factories in many operations. Positive money back guarantee by a responsible firm. TRINDL PRODUCTS AGENTS Men wltn cars to sell mechanics, repairmen, farmers, radio and battery shops, factories. Five minute demonstratl on Up to lBO^o profit. Write today. 2229EU CALUMET AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. 99