Radio Mirror (Nov 1936-Apr 1937)

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PREVENT BLACKHEADS Sensational Beautifier Refines Skin Women all over the country who formerly were miserable over a skin heladen with blackheads, whiteheads, large pores and other skin faults, are now enthusiastic about a new beautifier. This remarkable preparation, which contains oxygen, penetrates into the mouths of the pores and prevents the formation of fatty blackheads. When the oxygen frees the pores of disfiguring dirt and grease, the skin resumes its natural, clean appearance. It becomes soft and smooth to the touch. The name of this new beautifier is Dioxogen Cream. It is the only preparation in the world containing Dioxogen, and is approved by Good Housekeeping Bureau. Prove to yourself that you too can have a skin free from blackheads, open pores and other skin faults. Dioxogen Cream is not drying and benefits any type of skin to which it is applied. 50^ and $1 jars at dept. stores and high class drug stores. DIOXOGEN SCREAM PICTURE RING m Marvelous new secretprocess! Any photo or picture repi duced, permanently on « quisite gem like ring, priceless keepsake! Guaran-j teed! Sample ring' from any' photo you send only SEND NO MONEY-Everyonc wants PICTURE RING. Show ring— take orders make money! Just send photo with strip of paper trimmed so ends meet around finger for size. Pay postman only 48c, plus few cents postage. Photo returned with ring. Money back if not dejjgnted. Order NOW! PICTURE RING CO.. Dept. X-69, Cincinnati, O. Sensational urn Guaranteed $1025-° Model NOW Only $44?2 Cash on Easy Terms SMALL CARRYING CHARGE 10-Day Trial No Money Down Fully GUARANTEED Positively the greatest bargain ever offered. A genuine full sized $102.50 office model re finished Underwood No. 5 for only $44.90 (cash) or on easy terms. Has up-to-date Improvements, including standard 4-row keyboard, backspacer, automatic ribbon reverse, sluftlock key, 2-color ribbon, etc. The perfect all purpose typewriter. Complete rebuilt and FULLY GUARANTEED. Money Back Guarantee Send coupon for 10-day trial — if you decide to keep it pay only $3.00 a month until $49.90 (term price) is paid Limited offer — act at once. Learn Touch Typewriting Complete (Home Study) Course of the famous Van Sant Speed Typewriting System— fully illustrated, easily learned, given d urine this offer. I INTERNATIONAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 231 West Monroe St., Chicago, III., Dept. 403 . Send Underwood No. 5 (F.O.B. Chicago) at once for 10 days' trial. I If I am not perfectly satisfied I can return it express collect. If I ! keep it I will pay $3.00 a month until I have paid $4!).!)0 (term price) I in full. For quick shipment give references and occupation. I Name Age Address I Town State 100 " RADIO MIRROR More News! {Continued from page 7) squelched her so thoroughly that it begins to look permanent. MOTHER KNOWS BEST. Helen Broderick is sitting up nights trying to figure how she can heal the breach between her son, Broderick Crawford, and Peg LaCentra, New York radio singer. Broderick has been rushing Lucille Ball, Paramount cutie, since his engagement to Peg was broken. OUGHT TO BE A LAW. There are sections of Hollywood's Fourth Estate which should very appropriately be run out of town. For instance, there is the trade paper which sent an advertising solicitor to drum up some business before the opening of the current Al Jolson series. He was asked to come back later, because everyone was too busy to talk with him. However, it turned out that the advertising solicitor doubled in dramatic criticism, so to speak, and one of his jobs was to review the Jolson premiere. He did — and how! He panned everyone on the show except Victor Young — who previously had taken an ad. You wouldn't think that advertising executives would be disturbed by such a thing, yet they were. ROMANCE TO ORDER. Buddy Rogers, who returns to his Twin Stars show when he finishes his British film commitment, will meet Mary Pickford, his mother, and Mary's niece on the Continent, and make the return voyage home with them. Mary and Buddy insist the newspapers were responsible for the inception of their romance. I asked Mary when they'd be married. She looked at Buddy and sighed. "I don't know," she admitted, "but 1 guess it will have to be when the newspapers tell us to." MEET THE BIG NOISE. At Al Jolson's party a woman insisted upon being presented to Joe Penner. "Are you really Joe Penner?" she asked when her request was granted. Joe bridled. "Yes," he admitted, "I'm Joe Penner." He waited for her to ask for his autograph, but she merely stared. "I just wanted to take a look at the man who teaches my son to make such horrible noises," she devastated. QUICKIES. Martha Raye and that Paramount musical director seem to be rushing into something . . . Gertrude Niesen, house shopping, is hunting one to which a nursery might be attached if and when necessary . . . Ben Bernie, all by himself, and looking very glum, at Santa Anita races . . . Al Jolson and Ruby Keeler at the track four days each week . . . Jan Garber in a coat you could play checkers on picking one winner after another — but not betting on it . . . Note to radio editors: Check up on the beautiful wife of a famous Hollywood star who recently spent ten days in Manhattan talking with sponsors . . . Three of Hollywood's leading seeresses have predicted death for a noted mistress of ceremonies . . . Edward Everett Horton feverishly calling the hospital where Kate Cantry, his press agent, is gravely injured as a result of an auto accident . . . Fred Astaire busy denying rumors that Mrs. Astaire was more seriously hurt than was generally supposed when her car crashed with that of Miriam Did Gray Hair Rob Them of $95 a Week? Now Comb Away Gray ThisEasy Way GRAY hair is risky. It screams :"You are getting: old!" To end gray hair handicaps all you now have to do Is comb it once a day for several days with a few drops of Kolor-Bak sprinkled on your comb, and afterwards regularly once or twice a week to keep your hair looking nice. Kolor-Bak is a solution for artificially coloring gray hair that imparts color and charm and abolishes gray hair worries. Grayness disappears within a week or two and users report the change is so gradual and so perfect that their friends forget they ever had a gray hair and no one knew they did a thing to. it. Make This Trial Test "Will you test Kolor-Bak without risking a single cent? Then, go to your drug or department store today and get a bottle of Kolor-Bak. Test it under our guarantee that it must make you look 10 years younger and far more attractive or we will pay back your money. i FREE Buy a b°ttle of KOLOR-BAK I ■ ' ""■ today and send top flap of car I ■ ton to United Remedies, Dept. 444. | I 644 So. Wells Street, Chicago— and I I receive TREE AND POSTPAID a 60c I ' box of KUBAK ShamDoo. ■ LEARH TO PLAY PIANO BY EAR* NO NOTE RCAD1N6-N0 SCALE PLAYING H you can whiitle. ling, or num a tune— You have TALENT. Let a popular Radio Pianljt trainyour hand* to play Piano by Ear. TEN LESSON METHOD «nt postpaid for $1.00. or pay U. S. Postman $1.00 plus postage. Nothing more to buy. Satisfaction assured — or your money refunded. Piano Accordion bass charts included Free. Order now! I MAJOR KORDgg-^VxAs FASCINATING WORK LUXURIOUS SURROUNDINGS SPLENDID .OPPORTUNITIES Train NOW for hotel, club and institutional field. Salaries up to $1,500 to $5,000 a year, living often included. Previous experience proved unnecessary. Qualify at home in leisure time. National Placement Service FREE of extra charge. Write name and address in margin and mail this ad today for FREE Book. Check positions in which you're interested. ( » Manager ( ) steward ( ) Assistant Manaqer ( ) Hostess ( ) Chief or FloorClerk( ) Housekeeper ( ) Auditor ( ) Cashier Kidneys Must Clean Out Acids Dr. T. J. Rastelli, well-known physician and surgeon of London, England, says: "The chief way your body cleans out acids and poisonous wastes in your blood is thru 9 million tiny, delicate Kidney tubes cr filters, but beware of cheap, drastic, irritating drugs." If functional Kidney or Bladder disorders make you suffer from Getting Up Nights, Nervousness, Leg Pains, Backache, Circles Under Eyes, Dizziness, Rheumatic Pains, Acidity, Burning, Smarting or Itching, don't take chances Get the Doctor's guaranteed prescription called Cystex. $10,000.00 deposited with Bank of America, Los Angeles, California, guarantees Cystex must bring new vitality in 48 hours and make you feel years younger in one week or money back on return of empty package. Telephone your druggist for guaranteed Cystes (Siss-tex) today. Dr. T. J. RASTELLI London Physician