Radio mirror (May-Oct 1936)

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RADIO MIRROR Can Samuel Insull Make His Comeback by Radio {Continued from page 25) permit him a fair trial, Samuel Insull (led from Paris to Italy, to Greece, which at first harbored him, but finally forced him to leave, soon after which he was arrested at Istanbul. All during this flight, his wife remained loyally by his side. When Insull married Margaret Anna Bird, who acted under the name of Gladys Wallis, she was known as the "vest pocket Venus." In 1926 and 1927, the magnate sank over a million dollars in trying to make a success of a repertory theater in which she was interested. Her faith in him even after he'd lost all the money with which she'd been able to live so lavishly, was characteristic of the loyalty which the unnamed friends have shown in supporting him in his new venture. Less than a year from the day on which the court directed a final acquittal on the third prosecution, Samuel Insull made a formal announcement of his new organization. EXPERIENCED broadcasting executives are already at work whipping the organization into shape. Directly under him is Ota Gygi, formerly an executive of the ill-fated Amalgamated Broadcasting Company, the venture into which Ed Wynn is said to have sunk about a quarter of a million dollars of his own money. Mr. Insull asserts that he wants no fanfare, that all the stations are in Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin, that they are local independent outlets with local support, and that he will continue with the calibre of entertainment which made them originally popular with their fallowings. Though he is reported as now receiving $21,000 in pensions from companies which he formerly controlled, he is said to have no money in the Affiliated Broadcasting Company. The disposition of the stock. 2,000 shares of no-par value preferred and 25,000 shares of no-par value common stock, has been kept secret. "Mr. Insull is a hired president," asserts Floyd E. Thompson, the firm's counsel, who represented the former magnate at the Federal and state trials growing out of the collapse of his utilities system. "He hasn't a dollar in the company and didn't have it to put in." Perhaps by the time you read this you will be listening to programs through one of the eighteen stations now under contract to the new organization. Perhaps the time will all have been bought by profitable commercial accounts, with Samuel Insull on his way to another fortune. Perhaps his representatives will be able to amend that dramatic message to: "Glad to inform you that Samuel Insull has made his comeback in radio at seventy-six years of age." Who is the obscure, far-away man to whom Harry Horlick, leader of the A. & P. Gypsies, owes his life, his career, his happiness? You'll find the answer in another "Hidden Moments in Their Lives" story — in the August Radio Mirror ii Say, Mary, can't we do something about this Batfitenmr Cktcr?' '*♦• ' Bathroom odor is a problem. 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If you prepare yourself along the simple lines he recommends, follow out the common sense instructions given, you can enter upon the ordeal of motherhood with a mind free from worry, and the glorious anticipation of the coming of fine, healthy, beautifully developed babies to fill your life with sunshine. This splendid book should be in every home. Send For This Book Today, Price $2.00 Macfadden Book Company, Inc. Dept. R.M.-7, 1926 Broadway, New York xnzfi 3he Best Remedy is Made at Home VOTJ can now make at home ■*■ a better gray hair remedy than you can buy, by following this simple recipe : To half pint of water add one ounce bay rum, a small box of Barba 1 7 Compound and one fourth ' ounce of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it yourself at very little cost. Apply to the hair twice a week until the desired shade is obtained. Barbo Imparts color to streaked, faded or gray hair, makes it soft and glossy and takes years off your looks. 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