Radio mirror (May-Oct 1936)

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RADIO M IRKOK wait for me. It was his fault that I was ill, had had so much trouble. I determined to outwit him. I would fight with every ounce of strength I possessed. And if fighting meant being quiet and doing what the doctors ordered, I'd be a model patient. "Of course I was afraid of Death. Who isn't?" Within three years she had improved so greatly that the doctors permitted her to resume a normal life. She was started well on her singing career before Death again struck at I ur , ten years later. Along with some two thousand other people. Virginia was celebrating the birth of the New Year, 1034, at the Bohemian Gardens, a Los Angeles night club. It had rained all day long in Los Angeles, and at midnight the storm reached the height of its fury. Streams of water poured in from all sides. Before the startled patrons knew what was happening, they were up to their chins in water. The lights went out. Panic reigned. Screaming and pushing, the guests fought their way to the exits, only to find them blocked by a wall of water. Virginia stood horrified, in her icy bath. Again the clammy fingers of Death reached out to claim her. I ler lungs had not bothered her for years and she had thought them cured. But what would happen now? An hour later the fire department reached the club, and firemen began to throw lifelines to the frenzied mob. It was three hours before Virginia was towed out, icy and stiff. So chilled was she that it was with difficulty she grasped the rope. «.NE whole week Virginia spent in bed, recovering from the shock. And the only other bad effect she sustained was a series of rope burns around her waist, where the tow line had been fastened! How has facing Death affected Virginia Verrill? Very strangely. She seems to be a girl without nerves. I've seen her at auditions, at her opening night on station WABC, at broadcasts. She had not a trace of embarrassment, the nervousness you'd expect in a nineteen year old singer catapulted to fame. I've never once seen her ruffled or flustered. When she came East to star on the Socony Sketch Book, the towering buildings of New York, the speed of New York life, which she was seeing for the first time, brought no exclamations of wonder or enthusiasm from her. She took them all in her stride — calmly, almost indulgently. And I think it's because, having come ro close to the ultimate Victor, Death, she doesn't view Life as any tremendous mystery. She has acquired a sense of perspective, of proportion, far beyond her years. The Story We've Always Wanted to Print! Shyest of all the stars is Wayne King . . . hardest to see . . . hardest to persuade to talk. It took one of Radio Mirror's topnotch writers to secure from him the only authentic story ever published of his romance and marriage. It's intimate, it's heartwarming, and it will be in the November RADIO MIRROR GIVE A "FACE POWDER PARTY"! See If You and Your Girl Friends Use the Right Shade of Face Powder Y ' ^CttClM Cl£&£A. You're sure about the shade of face powder you use, aren't you? You' re convinced it's the right shade for you, or you wouldn't use it. Your girl friends feel the same way about the shades they use. Each is certain she uses the right shade. All right— I'll tell you what I'll do: I'll let you hold a "face powder party" at my expense. What's that? ■ Well,it's a party at which you can have a lot of fun and , at the same time, learn someth ing of great value. You can hold this party at home or you can hold it at the office during lunch hour. The Test That Tells! Here's what you do: First, send for all five shades of my Lady Esther Face Powder, which I offer you free. Then call in several of your girl friends. Try to get girls of different coloring — blondes, brunettes and redheads. Let each girl select what she thinks is her best shade of face powder. Have her try that shade on. Then, have her "try on" all the other four shades. Let the rest of you act as judges while each girl tries on the five shades. Then, see how right or wrong each girl has been! Note that in most cases, if not in all, the shade of face powder that proves the most becoming is not the one the girl selected. On the contrary', you'll probably find that the shade that proves most flattering to a girl is one she would never think of using at all. You can instantly tell which shade is most becoming to a girl. It immediately makes her stand out — makes her look her youngest and freshest. The other shades, you will observe, have just the opposite effect. Thty make her look drab and years older than she really is. Why Look Older Than You Really Are? It's amazing the women that use the wrong shade of face powder. I see evidences of it on every side. Artists and make-up experts also bemoan the fact. There is one and only one sound way of telling your most becoming shade of face powder and that is by trying on all five shades as I have described above. Trying to select a shade of face powder according to "type" is all wrong because you are not a "type," but an individual. Anyone knows that a blonde may have any one of a number of c colorings of skin while a brunette may have the same. So, trying to match a "type" is fundamentally unsound if not impossible, and may lead to some weird effects. Prove My Principle! Be sound, be practical, in the selection of your shade of face powder. Use the test method as I have described here. Clip the coupon now for all five shades of my Lady Esther Face Powder. I will also send you a 7-days' supply of my Face Cream. I You can patu this on a penny poslrara FREE Lady Esther. 20JJRidge Ave., Evanston. 111. I — i'lease send me by return mail a liberal supply of all five shades of Lady Esther Face Powder: also a 7 -days' tupp\y "f your Lady Esther Four-Purpose Face Cream. ATame_ City. J/ you fit* i» Canada, tvriu Lady Either. Ltd.. Toront. 75