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One point for each, correct answer — check yours with those on page 76. A score between 11 and 14 is good, 7-12, fair, and below 7 — well, listen in more often, won't you?
1. Can you name the motion picture stars of the following radio shows?
a. Mayor of the Town
b. The Saint
c. Man Called X
d. Adventures of Topper
e. Sherlock Holmes
2. The Blue Network recently changed its name. What's the new one?
3. Complete the following names of day-time dramas:
a. The Romance of
b. Pepper Young's
c. When a Girl
4. Can you name the famous radio crooner who was once a barber?
5. What are the first names of the three Andrews Sisters?
6. Give the occupations of the following radio characters:
a. Lorenzo Jones
b. Joyce Jordan
c. Brenda Cummings
7. Name two dramatic shows on the air with stories about the F.B.I.
8. One of the following is not a network vocalist. Know which one?
c. Joan Brooks d. Peggy Mann a. Mary Small b. Jo Lyons
9. Are the following facts true or false?
a. "Rochester" 's real name is Eddie Anderson
b. Fred Waring is the originator of the famous Waring household mixer
c. Frank Sinatra is the brother of bandleader Ray Sinatra
d. Famous novelist Kathleen Norris writes Bright Horizon
10. Do you know the quizmasters on the following shows?
a. Thanks to the Yanks
b. Truth or Consequences
c. Information Please
11. Unscramble the names of the following news commentators.
a. Raymond Schubert b. Walter Thomas c. Paul Winchell d. Lowell Swing
12. Who's the happy host of ABC's Breakfast Club?
13. Who's the famous baritone who takes a lot of kidding because his name is made of three first names?
14. What's the name of Henry Aldrich's famous side-kick?
RADIO ROMANCES, published monthly by MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS. INC.. Dunellen, N. J. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO: 205 East 42nd St.. New York 17, N. Y. (Executive. Advertising and Editorial Offices). O. J. Elder. President: Carroll Rheinstrom, Executive Vice President; Harold A. Wise. Senior Vice President: 'S. O. Shapiro, Vice President; Mever Dworkin, Secretary ad Treasurer; Walter Hanlon. Advertising1 Director. Chica o Office: 221 North La Salle St.. E. F. Lethen Jr.. Mgr. Pacific Coast Offices: San Francisco, 420 Market Street, Hollywood, 8949 Sunset Blvd., Lee Andrews, Manaerer. Reente-ed as second-class matter March 10th, 1945 at the Post Offi-e at Dunellen, New Jersey, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription rates: U. S. and Possessions, Canada and Newfoundland. 2 years S3. 60; 3 years $5.40. Cuba. Mexico. Haiti. Dominican Republic. S"pain and Possessions, a d Central and South American countries, excepting: British Honduras. British. Dutch and French Guiana, 2 years $5.60; 3 vears $8.40. All other countries, 2 years $7.60; 3 years $11.40. Price per copy. 15c in the United States and Canada. While Manuscripts, Photographs, and Drawings are submitted at the owners' risk, every effort will be made to return those found unavailable if accompanied by sufficient first class postae-e ; nd explicit name and address. Contributors are especially advised to be sure to retain copies of their contributions: otherwise they are taking unnecessary risk. The contents of this magazine may not be printed, either wholly or in part without permission.
(Member of Macfadden Women's Group) Copvriffht, 1945 by the Macfadden Publications. Inc. Title trademark registered in U. S. Patent Office. CoP"ri°iit also in Canada, registered at Stationers' Hall, Great Britain. Printed in U. S. A. by Art Color Printing Company, Dunellen, New Jersey.
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