Radio romances (July-Dec 1945)

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Enchanted Continued from page 25 people who work in the daytime like to be able to come in the evening. That Mr. James, for instance. He buys horsemeat for his Paddy, the Irish terrier, but he never gets home until after seven. My being open at night is convenient for him. And for people like Mrs. Finnelly, who — " He looked at me, and shook his head in mock dismay. "Oh, Penny, there you go again!" I felt my eyes go wide with amazement. "There I go again doing what, for goodness sake?" "Talking yourself into something. You do it all the time — no, listen to me, Penny. I mean it. You do it all the time — you talk all around in circles making excuses for yourself. Now look here — don't be angry!" "I'm not angry." The words sounded like stones being dropped from a great height. "Then prove it, and prove that all your talk is just talk, by going out to dinner and to the movies with me tonight. This is Friday, so they've got shrimp at Mercy's Grill, and the new Gary Cooper picture is playing at the Rialto. How about it?" To go out — on a date! A date! Suddenly I was appalled. Why, I hadn't even thought of such a thing. Ken had worked too hard, when he was home, for us to make many friends, and after he was gone, I didn't want to see people, or talk to them. Having Phil Reeves drop in all the time was strange enough, but to go out on a date with him — ! "Or, if that sounds too tame, we might go dancing at the Hilton," he was continuing. "They say that the new orchestra there is swell, and we — " "Oh, no!" I cried. "Oh, no, PhilPhil, I've told you that my husband — " I stopped, amazed that he could even ask me to go dancing. "Penny!" There was amusement and exasperation in his voice. "Penny, you're impossible. I'm no wolf — you sound as if I'd asked you to do something downright disgraceful. Lord, child, you can't stay shut up here for the rest of your life, you know. I may be a doctor for animals, but I know a lot about humans, too, and I know you're going to be a wreck if you don't talk to someone besides Cassy. Let's just say I prescribe an evening out for you — we'll go to the movies, if the idea of dancing is so dreadful. How about it?" Looking at it in the abstract, it sounded wonderful. If I were just a girl, if I'd never been married, if I hadn't known Ken, it would have sounded like a perfect evening, in perfect company. But to go to Mercy's Grill, where Ken and I had had dinner so often! To dance with someone who wasn't Ken, to feel arms about me that weren't the arms of my love — oh, no, I couldn't do it! "I can't," I repeated dully. "I can't. It's awfully nice of you to worry about me, Phil, but really — " But he wouldn't give up and in the end, I went — Phil was very persuasive. And I had a wonderful time. There were whole periods of time, whole seconds, minutes, hours, when the weight lifted from my aching heart, when I forgot that sadness was my companion, sorrow, my bedfellow. My voice fell easily "back into the pattern of laughter, my feet found easily the pattern // I was UNCERTAIN! Now I'm SURE!" "Yes, I am a blonde, but that isn't enough!" says Doris Bertel of New York, N. Y. "I was so shy — didn't know how to meet people well!" "My Eden 'Photo-Revise' was a real wonder-worker!" says delighted Doris! Gave me a new hair-style and make-up advice that really transformed me!" "It's a thrill now to wear a smart bathing suit!" says Doris. Would YOU look as good ? Want to? Then why not do as Doris did? Mail this Coupon NOW Write John Robert Powers today. Creator of the famous Powers Models. Confidant of motion picture stars. For 25 years teacher of the Powers Way to beauty, self-confidence, happiness. He has helped thousand*, lust like you. 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