Radio romances (July-Dec 1945)

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llM PUT A GLEAM IN HIS EYE I How I envied the girls with bright, sparkling hair . . . until I discovered that my own bail could have the same gleaming loveliness when I used Nestle Colorinse. "There's no need for drablooking hair," my beauty shop girl confided. "For Nestle Colorinse rinses away dullness and gives your hair richer color, sheen and shining lustre. And Colorinse won't rub or brush off— though it's easily removed with shampooing. Remember," she added, "there's nothing that makes a girl more attractive than glamorous hair." Jim proved she was right? For when we were married, he confessed that my gleaming hair was the first thing B^^^pjjjjjl that caught his eye the day we met. Why not let Colorinse make your hair lovelier, too. Use it at home— tonight— after you shampoo... it's quick and easy to apply! Ask your btouiicion for on Opalescent Creme Wovt »y Nettli— originators of permanent woviag TUatU COLORINSE In 10 f and 25/ u'xei. At beauty counters everywhere. HAIR IN PLACE ALL DAY LO Delicately perfumed Nestle Hairlac keeps all styles of r i,. hairdos looking well-groomed /( II throughout the day. Also adds * sheen and lustre to your hair 2Vj oz. bottle 250. TlextlL HAIRLAC 78 we wanted to do with it. I haven't told you how I loved Ken, because that's simply something I can't talk about. There are no words for it. I thought — " "Penny, I didn't mean to — " But I hurried on, silencing him. "No, listen to me. I thought for a while, Phil, when I first knew you, that knowing you was going to ease my loneliness. But it hasn't. It's simply intensified it. And I can't bear it any longer. It's not your fault — it's simply that you're too much like Ken, in what you do and in what you want out of life. And I can't stand to have Ken brought home to me like this. So please, Phil — please go away, and don't come back again!" "But Penny—" Tears were running down my cheeks. "Please, Phil — oh, please!" He nodded. "I'll go now, Penny. I frightened you. I didn't mean to, and I'm sorry. But — I can't stay away. I think you know that." I had myself under control a little better now — enough so that I could say, calmly, "You'll have to, Phil. I don't want it any other way," and to sound convincing, as if I really meant it. When he was gone, the tears came again, and I felt helpless and sick, because I didn't know from what cause they sprang. My mind was a twisting torrent of thoughts — little, unconnected snatches of thought that had no beginning and no end, and no meaning. Quickly, blindly, I fed the animals, and, although it was only seven, I closed the shop. Taking Cassy with me, I climbed the stairs to the loneliness that always awaited me there — and which seemed, tonight, blacker, more terrifying, than ever. IT WAS shame I felt, I knew now. Not * because another man had kissed me — I hadn't invited that kiss. But because it had answered a need in me, because that kiss had been so wonderful a thing. What kind of woman was I? Was I so lonely, so locked away from the world that I was hungry for kisses simply for the sake of being kissed — any man's kisses, any man's lips where only Ken's belonged? My love for Ken hadn't lessened one whit — then why, why, did Phil's kiss make me feel, for just a moment, as if I were right with the world once more? I didn't love Phil — then how could his mouth on mine bring out in me all the response, the warm, lovely feeling, that a lover's kiss brings? And once again there came to my mind that cry to which never again would there be any answer — Ken, what shall I do — what shall I do? And, at last, the answer came. At least, it was like an answer, remembering what Ken had said to me, that last day at the railroad station, before he went away. He'd said, tipping my chin up so that I had to look at him, had to let him see what must have been in my eyes, "Don't be sad, sweetheart — be happy, always be happy! My girl couldn't be anything but a happy girl." And I had answered, "Darling, ask me anything but that. I'll be brave, I'll be good — but don't ask me to be happy until you're safely back to me! I can't be!" He had been silent a moment after that, and then he had grinned at me. "Don't ever say can't, sweetheart — anything in the world you've got to do, you can do, if you really set your mind to it. But honey — well, all I can say is this: if you can't be happy, do the best you can! And now, smile HOLLYMODE of CALIFORNIA Dept. 0. 6400 Sunset Blvd.. Hollywood 28, Calif. Please send me— . pairs of Starlet Earrings at $3 pair, postage prepaid, tax Included. PRINT name or initials desired on separate sheet of paper. Cashier's check D Money Order D C.O.D. Q NAME ADDRESS CITY Zone State Sa Folding Q UJH re^yj Rehabilitate the handicapped EVEREST & JENNINGS WHEEL CHAIRS ?o(d For Travel! Work! Play! your OEAIER CAN SUPHV YOU OR WRITE EVEREST & JENNINGS 7748R SANTA MONICA BLVD. . LOS ANGELES 46. CALIF.