Radio romances (July-Dec 1945)

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"jdpe... tknksioMdol/' ••• M 84 Can you imagine yourself setting the pace — showing the way on "those days" when you used to curl up like a sick kitten, because menstruation's functional cramps, headache and "blues" made you miserable? It can be done. It is being done by girls and women everywhere who know about Midol. So before you break another date or lose another day due to menstrual suffering, try Midol! These effective tablets are offered specifically to relieve functional periodic pain. They contain no opiates, yet act ' quickly in three ways : Ease Cramps — Soothe Headache— Stimulate mildly when you're "Blue" . If you take Midol as directed, you will soon discover how comfortable and carefree you can be. Your druggist has Midol. MM used more than all other products offered exclusively to relieve menstrual suffering CRAMPS -HEADACHE -"BLUES* went on. "It will be another kind, that's all. There are all kinds of happinesses in the world, dearest, and when you lose one, when one kind is gone past all redeeming, then you find yourself another kind. I want to be a second life for you, dearest — another happiness." "I was afraid," I cried, and the very sound of the word brought the memory of that fear welling back. "I was afraid, and so mixed up. At first, I knew I had to sell the place, to go away — I had to. And then Cassy — Cassy made me know that I couldn't do it. And between having to do something, and knowing that I couldn't. . . ." His hands on my shoulders were the very essence of gentleness and strength. His voice — oh, you couldn't help but believe, as the very core of truth, anything he said to you! This, I remember thinking, is why animals trust him so. Animals, who can't reason, but only trust by instinct. I tried to reason, but my instinct told me to trust him, even when my mind said I must surely thrust him aside. His voice — the voice you couldn't help but believe, because what he said was the truth — went on: "You haven't been running away from me, and from the shop, because both reminded you of Ken, Penny. It was because you were falling in love with me, and you felt it was wrong. Believe me, I know. But dear, it's not wrong — it's right. You weren't meant to be lonely, and afraid. You were meant to live. It isn't that you've lost your love for Ken, or betrayed him. Your love for him will always be there, and I'll always know it, and respect it. It's simply that you've found another love, to make you whole once more." I didn't answer. I didn't need to. Somehow I knew that he would feel, with me, the inner peace, the resolving of all fears, that had come into my heart. I didn't need to do anything at all, except to turn, once again, my lips up to his — that was answer enough, in itself. The demand for + RADIO ROMANCES this month is for at least ^ 125,000 COPIES more than the paper shortage permits us to print • Consequently, to insure getting your copy regularly, we suggest that you place a standing order with your regular newsdealer. He will be glad to oblige and you will be sure of your copy each month. RUN-R-STOP J }c in Canada At department, hosiery, shoe and 10c stores. CAM1LLE, INC., BernarJsville, N.J. CandleJfyakt Symbol of Romance For a reflection of perfection, your face should be sensuously smooth. A film of camera-clear loveliness is easily achieved with the exciting aid to beauty . . . Formula 301. The perfect base for glamorous make-up. ..equally effective as a daytime beautifier. Formula 301 helps conceal tiny lines and minor blemishes that may mar your complexion. See his eyes aleam with tenderness at the sight of a bewitching, lovelier you! At Drug & Dept. Stores 39c •$!.' $1.50 At All Ten Cent Stores TrialSizes 10c and 20c If unavailable in your locality, order from us. 10cD 20cQ 39cD $100D $150D (add20%tax) NAME ADDRESS