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Tampax has grown to be a famous name but many women still may not have clearly in mind just what advantages there are in this method of monthly sanitary protection. Here are the facts:
1 Tampax is made of pure surgical cotton, very absorbent and compressed to a small, dainty size. Tampax is worn internally, in accordance with the wellknown medical principle of "internal absorption."
2 The insertion is quickly and easily performed by the use of a patented disposable applicator — so dainty that your hands need not touch the Tampax.
3 No belts, pins or external "pads" are required at any time. Tampax can cause no bulges or ridges under the clothing — and no odor! Sanitary deodorant becomes unnecessary . . . And Tampax may be worn in tub or shower!
Drug stores and notion counters carry Tampax in 3 absorbency-sizes to suit individual needs as well as early and "waning" days . . . Remember, a whole month's average supply will slip right into an ordinary purse! Tampax Incorporated, Palmer, Mass.
3 absorbencies <
Accepted for Advertising
by the Journal of the American Medical Association
and remember that in most states they cannot be evicted without a final court order.
Whenever there is any question about rent control or evictions, it is a good idea to consult the Area Rent Director. This is especially necessary in cases of eviction, because each case has to be studied as a separate problem. As. there always have been, there are still a number of just reasons for evictions.
For instance, take veterans returning from the services. They may have rented their homes to tenants while they were away and, naturally, want to move back into them, now. Within the law, they have a perfect right to ask their tenants to move. On the other hand, it's a very different proposition for people who buy houses today and try to put out the present tenants to make room for themselves. There are restrictions against that.
It's reasonable, though, not to expect OPA to do anything about helping tenants who are far behind in their rents, or "committing a nuisance." Nor can OPA help people who are using a house for illegal or immoral purposes. These reasons for eviction were all in force before the Rent Control Act was passed and there were no valid arguments for changing them. The only thing OPA can do in these cases and in cases where a landlord wants to tear down a building or make big repairs which can't be done with the tenants on the premises, is to make sure that the reasons for eviction given by the landlord really do exist.
TT IS important to remember that -* OPA does not order evictions. OPA restrains evictions, except for specified reasons and even then proper notices have to be given to the tenant and the OPA. A tenant cannot be removed because he has refused to pay more than the legal rent, nor because his lease has expired — unless he refuses to sign a new lease at no more than the legal rent for a period of no more than one year.
Like all the different classifications that come ujider OPA regulation, rent control is a strong weapon against inflation. By this time, all of us know how important it is to fight inflation anywhere. None of us — not if we have any sense — wants a short boom period, when we can all feel and act like millionaires, if it will be followed by a period of depression when we'll all be faced by breadlines and unemployment and fear.
Certain things make sense to me. If rent ceilings keep real estate values from rocketing by the artificial jockeying of rents, I can see how that will protect home owners' property values. I can even see a little way ahead and wonder why we shouldn't be considering some such anti-inflationary controls for the future, too. We've all benefited by these controls during the war. We've all been able to get our fair share of food and clothing. We've all been able to relax about having a roof over our heads without it costing us twice or three times as much as we can afford — which was the situation that existed before the Rent Control Act was passed. I can't help wondering why we shouldn't think along this line of a fair share of everything for everybody after the war, too.
But that's a question that lies in the future. Our democracy has always met the needs of the times before. If we are alert, we can make sure that it will do so again.
3-way oil shampoo gives triple-action results
Here is a shampoo to help you bring out the rich sheen in your hair — a shampoo that leaves the hair so soft, so manageable you create more alluring hair-dos. The three rich beneficial oils in Laco Genuine Castile Shampoo give triple-action results:
1. Pure olive oil is so good for the hair and scalp.
2. Coconut oil helps build a creamy, close-clinging lather.
3. Castor oil helps whisk away dirt, grime and film in just one water rinse. No after -rinse needed.
Laco Shampoo contains no alcohol, no free alkali, no harsh acids or synthetic chemicals. Ask for Laco Genuine Castile Shampoo at your favorite drug countereverywhere.
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