Radio romances (July-Dec 1945)

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Cm THIS IBWU* U , *S some c°"°s"ee°hoW dean *• Co^reo.e^ae.See^ ■L" _ Ji It's smart, modern, exciting, the new _ M j^y* %& ^Literally floats off pore -clogging make-up remnants, grease, grime ordinary "beauty" creams may miss . . . A CREAM must liquefy quickly and thoroughly to cleanse your skin of complexionfogging debris . . . dirt, grime, grease, stale, old makeup . . . and particularly, stubborn cake makeup! ALBOLENE CLEANSING CREAM LIQUEFIES INSTANTLY Albolene, 100% pure, crystal clear, liquefies on application, sweeping away gently and thoroughly these menaces to beauty . . . conditioning your complexion for truly subtle, flattering makeup effects. You see, Albolene is aW-cleansing . . . no fillers or chemicals . . . and none of the water most "beauty" creams contain. Smooths on, tissues off so easily and daintily. See the amazing difference in your skin texture . . . how infinitely softer and more flattering fresh makeup looks. Thrill to an Albolene Floating Facial today ! Albolene is the salon-type cleansing cream at a fraction of the cost— from 10$ trial size to big 16 oz. jar at $1.00. R II 100 -AND McKESSON MAKES !T feet again, and since I couldn't fight, I did the next best thing and took a job in a munitions factory. I worked at night and went to agricultural school in the daytime, until I was transferred here last month, to the branch factory. I admit that I didn't like it here at first. I've a better job, but we're making soap instead of ammunition, and I had to give up my school. Now — " and his dark, direct look set up a tumultuous response within me — "I'm convinced that there are compensations." Then I told him about myself. There wasn't much to tell, except that I was Betsey Winters, and that I lived in Saybury all my life, and that the last six of my twenty-four years had been spent helping Mother to run the little bakery she'd started when my father died. There wasn't much to tell — except that tonight I'd met a boy called John Patten, and because I'd met him life was suddenly far more wonderful and exciting than it had ever been before. XK7E WERE married a month later. It " was as inevitable as spring's turning into summer, as natural as the way I'd come to accept his physical disability, to fit my steps to his uneven ones, to sense when he was tired. He took me out the next night and every night after the picnic; he came to the house whenever he had a free hour during the day, until Mother said that I had better marry him to get him out from under foot. And when John said, "Get me out from under foot, eh? Well, I like that!" she answered calmly, "I don't see why you shouldn't like it. It's a compliment. I'm tired of working. I'd have quit long ago and gone to live with my sister in Florida, except that I didn't want to take Betsey away from her friends here. Now I think I can safely leave her in your hands." I didn't think that Mother was wholly serious about going away, but she meant it. She stayed in Saybury just long enough to see us married, and then she packed her bags and went to Florida, leaving her share of the bakery to me as a wedding present. John moved into our house, and I engaged a widow, a Mrs. Evenson, who was to come in days and help me with the baking. John wasn't entirely pleased with the arrangement. "We ought to have a place of our own," he said. "Even if it has to be small." "But this house is our own," I insisted. "Mother gave it to us, and you know yourself that she said I'd earned a good share of it. And besides, there isn't a vacant place in town, except perhaps a furnished room." John smiled ruefully, as if I hadn't quite understood him, but he dropped that part of the discussion. After all, there wasn't really any other place for us, and it did seem foolish to rent a room when we owned a house. "Still," he insisted, "I don't want you to work, except to keep house for me. I'd like to feel that I'm taking care of you." And at that I laughed and rubbed my cheek against his. "But you are taking care of me — didn't Mother say that she was leaving me in your hands? And it isn't as if I were going out to work, dear, instead of doing everything right here in the house. Why, I wouldn't know what to do with myself with you gone all day, if I didn't work . . . and then, the more money we make, the more we can save for the farm." That settled it. John pulled me to him and kissed me hard, and said in a half-choked voice, "Oh, sweet — sweetheart— " as if he were pleased beyond Now a NEW BLUE-JAY for Little Toes Yet, It Hat Pain-Curbing NUPCRCAINE! Here's a new, special relief for little toe corns, where shoes pinch worst. New Little Toe BlueJay conforms to toe's contour, permits more direct medication. Like standard size New Blue-Jay, it has anesthetic Nupercaine that deadens pain around core, while gentle medication loosens core; you soon lift it out! Soft Dura-Felt pad instantly stops torturing shoe pressure. Only New Blue-Jay has Nupercaine. At drug and toilet goods counters. A product of BAUER & BLACK, Division of The Kendall Company, Chicago 16. Gives Wonderful New Comfort SELL A EARN EXTRA MONEY DAILY! Show friends, and others Personal Christmas i Cards , 25 for $1 with sender's name. Make big; k profits. Noexperienceneeded. I Send for Free Personal Samples.1 I — details Special Offer on Box| I Assor't's. Personal Stationery. -^™ ( SOUTHERN GREETING CARD COMPANY McCall Bids., Oept. o-ll, Memphis 3, Tenn. v 25 FOR $1 QenuUte Quatartteed SWISS WATCH WITH JEWELED MOVEMENT Yes . . . even these days there, are bargains In hard-to-get jewelry! Distinctive, new, handsome — renowned for accurate time-keeping. Modernistic in style — finer quality. Built by Swiss craftsmen, noted for their outstanding excellence in materials and workmanship. Smart adjustable band sets off attractive chrome case to excellent advantage. You'll be thrilled with this beautiful Bturdy Precision GUARANTEED Swiss One Jewel Pin Lever movement. Easy to read dial. Beautiful gift box. SenH No Money— Wear at Our Risk Men's or Ladies' Watch only 9.95 each Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Simply send name, address and which watch wanted. Pay postman C. O. D. 9.95 plus few cents postage and 10% Federal Tax. Supply is limited, so order today. Immediate delivery. International Diamond Co., 2251 Calumet Are., Dept. 183, Chicago 16, 111. Do You Want LONGER Just try thi 9 System on your Hair 7 days — and see if yon are really enjoying the pleasure of Attractive Hair that so often captures Love and Romance. HAIR MAY GET LONGER When SCALP and HAIR conditions are i normal and the dry, brittle, breaking off J hair can be retarded it has a chance to get> longer and mncb more beautiful. Just try the JUELENE System 7 days and let your mirror prove results. Send $1.00 orC.O.D. plus postage. Fully guaranteed. Money back if you are not delighted. Write to IUElCO.,1930lryingParhRd.,DeptF-610,Chlcagol3ft