Radio romances (July-Dec 1945)

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RADIO GIRL A rare, captivating perfume that bespeaks romance. Its delicate fragrance is so completely feminine, so appealing, it will tempt his heart. f^wi!^r^yr7TrrTT?H Fascinating' vocation learned at home by those with aptitude. Thrilling pastime. Koehne method brings ont life-like colors. Free booklet. NATIONAL PHOTO COLORING SCHOOL _ 1315 S. Michigan. Dept. 1387, Chicago 9 IF JUMPY NERVES KEEP ME AWAKE WHEN I NEED REST INSTEAD 1 TAKE A GLASS OF MILES , NERVINE BEFORE I GO TO BED 102 DON'T try to force sleep. This often makes your nerves even more tense. Instead, try DR. MILES NERVINE (Effervescent Tablets or Liquid) Dr. Miles Nervine is a scientific combination of mild but effective sedatives which relaxes nervous tension to permit refreshing sleep. Get it now to have it handy when you want it. Buy it at your drug store on our moneyback guarantee. Caution; read directions and use only as directed. Handyto-carry Effervescent Tablets. 35c and 75c; Liquid, 25c and $1.00. Miles Laboratories, Inc., Elkhart, Indiana. 7^M1DuRESNERVINE we can pay in easy installments — he says it'll give him a regular income." I walked on, hardly able to believe my ears. Spring! Next spring. . . . "But that's crazy!" I exclaimed. "You don't mean it, John — " "Why not?" I was too excited to notice the sudden stiffness in his tone. I laughed, helplessly. The answer seemed so obvious. "We simply couldn't afford it. I mean — surely you doii't plan to make our living off the farm! It's one thing to talk about it and think about it and read about it in books, and quite another to depend upon it for your livelihood. Why, you've never had any actual experience, really — " John went white. In silence he opened the door of the car; in silence he got in and started the motor. I began to realize how positive I'd sounded . . . almost as if I'd been ridiculing him. I would have given anything, then, to take the words back, to re-shape them more tactfully. Half-way into town I asked timidly, "Do you want me to drive?" Sometimes, when he was tired, driving was an effort for him, and he had done a great deal of walking this afternoon. Usually, he wasn't in the least hesitant about turning the wheel over to me, but now he said briefly, "No, thanks." We rode the rest of the way home without exchanging a word. As we went up our front walk, thick tears gathered in my throat; on the threshold I turned to him. "John, you can't freeze up this way. Surely we can talk it over — " XJE NODDED brusquely, as if he ■" didn't trust himself to speak, and opened the door. The bell rang in the back of the house, and Mrs. Evenson came hurrying in from the kitchen. "Oh — you," she said. "I thought it was a customer." "Only us," I said with false cheerfulness. "You can go home now, Mrs. Evenson. I'll take the shop." It wasn't time for her to go home. She was supposed to stay until after dinner, to help with the next day's orders. But she was eyeing us curiously, as if she'd guessed that something was wrong, and I wanted her out of the house. "Yes, Mrs. Patten." She hesitated. "Only, I was right in the middle of mince pie filling — " "I'll finish it. I went on out to the kitchen, where I got our own dinner while I stirred the fragrant kettles of mince meat, but all the while my thoughts were in the front of the house with John. Mrs. Evenson took off her apron and put on her coat and hat and left, and still John didn't come out to join me. I waited until I'd finished setting the table, and then I went into the living room to call him. He was sitting on the couch, his chin in his hands. I crossed over to him, knelt beside him. "Johnny, please — " He turned his head, laid his cheek against the back of my hand, kissed my palm. "I'm sorry, honey. Only, it's kind of a shock, to realize that we don't see eye-to-eye on this thing — " I felt better now, more confident, with his arm around me, with the warm current that flowed always between us started up again. But I knew that I must be cautious. I'd already said the wrong thing once. "It isn't that," I said carefully. "It's just that I think we ought to be sure before we start anything. We're doing well as it is — " "You're doing well, Betsey. I'm not. I'll never get anywhere with the job I've got because I'm just not cut out to be a business man. I want my own place; I want to feel that I'm my own KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Help 15 Miles of Kidney Tubes Flush Out Poisonous Waste If you have an excess of acids in your blood, your IS miles of kidney tubes may be over-worked. These tiny filters and tubes are working day and night to help Nature rid your system of excess acids and poisonous waste. When disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it may cause nagging backache, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffinesa under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes shows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Kidneys may need help the same as bowels, so ask your druggist for Doan's Pills, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. They give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from your blood. Get Doan's Pills. New 15 Minute Home Trial TINTS HAIR asjt shampoos... without extra rinse! This remarkable discovery, TINTZ Color Shampoo Cake, washes out dirt, loose dandruff, etc., as it safely gives hair a real smooth, colorful tint that fairly glows with life and lustre. Don't put up with dull, faded, off color hair a minute longer. Each shampoo with TINTZ leaves your hair more colorful, lovelier, softer and easier to manage. No dyed look. Won't hurt permanents. 4 million already sold. Get this richer lathering, quicker rinsing shampoo that gives fresh glowing color to your hair. Seven lovely shades: Black, Dark, Medium or Light Brown, Auburn (Titian), Henna or Blonde. Only 50c at most drug or toiletrie counters. Or write TINTZ. 205 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 1, III. ^Lw* T*^^k 1tV\l3h 9r»^3 W. mitac jM ^^«Im Select Your Very Own Simulated Birthstone January Garnet February Amethyst March • Aquamarine White Sapphire May Green Spinel JUD6 Alexandrite July Ruby August Peridot Septembe '-Sapphire November-Gold 'n Sapphire December -Zircon w 24 k. GOLD PLATED BIRTHSTONE RING Sweetheart Design! t BEAUTIFUL Heart SHAPED STONE LADIESI Wear this' lovely ring set with your very own Simulated Births tone. Genuine -"ti* Gold Plated Shank in smart, new. beautiful design is adjustable — will fie any size finger. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. AcrNowl War conditions may makeit impossibletoduplicato this sensational offer for years to come. SEND NO MONEY! Just name and month you were born. Pay postman only 98c plus Tax and postag* for 1 ring or $1.69 plus Tax for 2 rings. ILLINOIS MERCHANDISE MART SOO NORTH DEARBORN STREET DEPT. 6-C CHICAGO 10, ILL. 're S° y°° • «ed oDoot ^^ Each month you just meekly endure pain. Why don't you try Chi-Ches-Ters Pills? * * * * Yes, they menstrual pain. And really deaden simple morel One ingredient tends to relax muscular tension usually associated with periodic pain. Chi-Ches-Ters contain iron, too. It tends to help build up your blood. You're apt to get better results if you begin taking Chi-Ches-Ters three days before your period. * * * * No, they're not expensive. Only SO*1 a box at druggists'. * * * * Yes, that's the name. Chi-Ches-Ters Pills. * * * » CHI-CHES-TERS PILLS For relief from " periodic functional distress"