Radio romances (July-Dec 1945)

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FOR QUICK RELIEF FROM HEADACHES NEURALGIC & MUSCULAR PAINS MONEY IN MASSAGE! Get into a dignified profession that pays GOOD MONEY to women with SKILL and TRAINING. Learn art and science of Swedish Massage at home. Help others stay healthy, remove fatty deposits. Write for FREE Success-Catalog. NELSON CO., Dept. W-13 321 S. Wabash, Chicago 4, 111. ANY PHOTO Size 8 x 10 Inches on DOUBLE-WEIGHT PAPER ENLARGED 57 3 for $1.25 Same price for fall length or bust form, groups, landscapes, pet animals, etc., or enlargements of any part of group picture. Original returned with your enlargement. SEND NO MONEY jTJS1 ,Qn photo, negative or snapshot (any size) and receive your enlargement, guaranteed fadeless, on beautiful double-weight portrait quality paper. Pay postman 57c pins postage— or send 59c with order and we pay postage. Take advantage of this amazing offer now. Send your photos today. STANDARD ART STUDIOS 100 East Ohio Street Dept. 1S55-M Chicago (11), III. Use Absorbine J whenever a liniment is indicated Off each day would take a good chunk of the profits, even if you could get the gasoline." I cried that night, curled forlornly on the far side of the bed from John's stiff, straight form. He must have heard me crying, and yet he didn't turn to me, didn't take me in his arms. And I knew then that I couldn't reach him, for all that I could have touched him by putting out my hand. We'd argued before, over other things, and not once had he hesitated to make up afterward, to kiss me and to smooth the trouble over. I slept late the next morning, and came downstairs to find John already gone. Mrs. Evenson had turned the bread out of the pans and was kneading it on the marble slab. She looked at me — knowingly, I thought, and I turned my face away, conscious of my swollen, reddened eyes. Then reaction set in after my tortured night, and I told myself angrily that I was making a spectacle of myself over very little. John was dissatisfied with his job, and consequently his farm, which belonged properly, practically, to the distant future, had become an immediate necessity to him, had become an obsession. Surely the obsession would pass. Something would happen to make it pass. He would be promoted at the office, or he'd be offered another job, or he would find another interest. . . SOMETHING did happen, but it was the last thing I expected. John bought the farm. When he came home that night he greeted me with an air of abstraction, of holding something back. And as soon as Mrs. Evenson had gone, he put down the paper he'd only been pretending to read and said, "Betsey, I bought the Corwin place today." "Bought it?" I repeated stupidly. "You don't mean — for yourself?" The news was so incredible that the first explanation that occurred to me was that John had bought the farm as an investment and intended to rent it out. "For us," he said pleadingly. "Please see it that way, Betsey, and say that you'll try it with me. You'll like the life; I know you will, and we just can't fail — " I hardly heard him. I was staring at the comfortable sitting room, at the deep chairs and the lamps placed for reading, at the soft colors of drapes and furnishings. We had everything one could reasonably want in life, every comfort, and John wanted to leave it. He wanted to give it all up for a wild chance on a job at which he'd never had any real experience. He wanted — "Before you answer," he was saying, "I want you to know that I've got to go, Betsey, whether you go with me or not. I — I can't stick it out here any longer. But please say you'll come with me — " "1 can't." Had I really spoken them — the words that ended everything between us? "I mean — " "You mean that you don't trust me to provide for you." I said nothing. In my heart I knew it was the truth. Already, at the back of my mind, a thought was stirring: suppose he tries the farm — and fails. We'll still have something left. We'll have this house, and the business. "If it only wouldn't mean giving up the bakery — " John's face was gray. "But it does," he said wearily. "It's no use, Betsey; you don't understand. Not only would you have to give up this place, but you'd have to give it up wholeheartedly, so that whatever happened, you %w^ Hair Rinse Gives a Tiny Tint cvttcL • • • Removes this dull film 1. Does not harm, permanently tint or bleach the hair. 2. Used after shampooing — your hair is not dry, unruly. 3. Instantly gives the soft, lovely effect obtained from tedious, vigorous brushings . . . plus a tiny tint — in these 12 shades. 1. Black 7. Titian Blonde 2. Dark Copper S. Golden Blonde 3. Sable Brown 9. Topaz Blonde 4. Golden Brown 10. Dark Auburn 5. Nut Brown It. Light Auburn 6. Silver 12. Lustre Glint 4. The improved Golden Glint contains only safe certified colors and pure Radien, all new, approved ingredients. Try Golden Glint. ..Over 50 million packages have been sold. ..Choose your shade at any cosmetic dealer. Price 10 and 25^ — or send for a ■—■— i FREE SAMPLE — — — Golden GlintCo.,Seattle,14, Wash. ,Bo»33S6B-8B Please send color No.. Name . at listed above. GOLDEN GLINT LEARN MILLINERY AT HOME Design and make exclusive hats under personal direction of one of America's noted designers. Complete materials, blocks, etc.. furnished. Every step illustrated. You make exclusive salable hats right from the start. We teach you how to start a profitable business in spare time. Low cost and easy terms. Expert milliners are in demand. Tree National Placement Dept. Send for free catalog. LOUIE MILLER SCHOOL OF MILLINERY 225 N. Wabash Ave., Dept. 1910. Chicago I. III. «ETT/LEGS BEAUTIFY CONTOURS, EASILY, QUICKLY ! New, lovely proportions for your \ ^pj ■■ legs: hips, thighs, calves, ankles, V^^BL \^H I etc.— in this healthful, new. asX^I^Bb^ \^H I tonishingly easy way. Only a few V^H Hb^^ EFFECTIVE, LASTING RESULTS! \ V^H Byfcz9 ^se^ successfully by hundreds \ \ ^■^■■■IBmbV of smart women everywhere. WRITE FOR FREE LITERATURE TODAY! Surprise everyone: get started now, without obligation, by mailing coupon immediately to ADRIENNE 915 SHREVE BLDG., Salon E. SAN FRANCISC0.8. CAL NAME — ADDRESS CITY STATE R ft '05