Radio romances (July-Dec 1945)

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SCALP ODOR Even the most fastidious woman can be guilty of offending with Scalp Odor! She forgets that the scalp perspires, just as freely as the rest of the body does. And hair, particularly oily hair, absorbs unpleasant odors. The offensive result is Scalp Odor! The easy, pleasant way to avoid having Scalp Odor is by regular use of Packer's Pine Tar Shampoo. This marvelous shampoo was developed especially to promote dainty, fresh hair and scalp. The pure medicinal pine tar does its work— then disappears. Try this gentle, effective shampoo tonight. On sale at all drug, department and ten-cent stores. MM* S HUM HO ^P> YOU'LL SAY IT'S |^ WONDERFUL FOR JoneBack Want REAL relief from your sore, stiff, aching back? Then get a bottle of Sayman Liniment and massage it on gently. Feel "tight" muscles loosen up, pain subside, soreness vanish. Works PAST . . . costs only 50c — is simply wonderful for muscular aches, pains, stiffness and soreness due to local congestion caused by exposure, fatigue or over-exertion. SAYMAN LINIMENT 106 | Made by the Makers of SAYMAN SALVE wouldn't reproach yourself afterward. The way you feel now, I — I don't even feel that I can ask you again to come with me." I didn't understand, not any of it. I moved through the next day or two numb with bewilderment, cleaning his clothes, helping him to pack, to sort the papers in his desk. None of it seemed real. He wasn't really going — not John, who loved me, who was dearer to me than my own life. And even after he had gone, and the house was as queerly silent and still as if death had visited it, I still didn't believe it. I had to remind myself not to set his place at the table; I lay wakeful and tense at night, listening for — expecting — John's step on the stairs, John's voice calling my name. And every morning I awoke with a sense of anticipation. Today I might hear from John. Surely today he would call me, or he would come into town, and I would meet him, even if by chance, on the street. When people asked about him, I told them that he'd bought the farm and had gone out there to "get it started" — as if at any time we would be together again. BUT the days passed, and there was no word, no sign from him. March became April, and the weather turned warm, and the whole world was achingly sweet with spring, and then I began to tell myself, "I must be patient; I must be prepared to wait a long time. Next fall — surely by next fall he will have given up." Mercifully, I didn't realize that he would never give up, and that he would certainly never come back, a failure, to me and to the security I had to offer. I was wretched enough in those weeks; I had trouble enough filling the lonely days, the empty nights, and I worked twice as hard as ever before. When the Methodist Church held its twenty-fifth anniversary celebration, I went all out — baked dozens of loaves of bread for the dinner, dozens of pies and cakes — and I outdid myself on the anniversary cake, a magnificent three-tiered structure, glistening white, with the name of the church traced in silver beads. I didn't trust anyone else with that cake. I carried it to the church myself, just before the dinner was scheduled to start, carefully maneuvered my delicate burden through the basement door which opened on the serving pantry. The little pantry was deserted at the moment; as I set the cake down to rest my arms I heard the chatter in the kitchen, the banging of oven doors and the clatter of crockery as the women prepared the dinner. I heard something else, too — my own name, and John's. ". . . mighty funny to me," a woman's voice was saying. "Betsey says John's gone out to get the farm started. What's there to start about the Corwin place, I'd like to know? The way old man Gorwin left it, all anyone would have to do would be to take over. My guess is that there's some trouble between them — " There was a murmur of agreement and then someone — -Mrs. Farley — said moderately, "After all, it can't be too easy, living with a cripple — " And then came Mrs. Evenson's voice, rising positively. "Of course it isn't! Believe me, I'd have thought twice before I married him, if I'd been in her shoes. In the first place, a woman doesn't feel the same way about a crippled husband as she would a normal man, and in the second place, a man that's got something wrong with his body is likely to have something "You will find a single drop of this will last a week." ONLY S^.OO I prepaid For This $2.00 Bottle Temptation — one of the most exquisite perfumes ever created. A single drop lasts a week, charms and attracts men and women to you. The fragrance of living flowers. Bottles with elongated stopper encased in a polished maple case 4 times the size of the picture. Tend No Money Pay the postman when he hands you the package or (if you prefer) send money order, currency, stamps or check for $1.00. Money back if not satisfied. (Est. 1872.) PAUL RIEGER, 229 Art Center Bldg., San Francisco PHOTO-RING ANY PHOTO OR PICTURE of Sweetheart, Relative or Friend, reproduced perm a A -vH nently in this beau «fp ■ tiful onyx like ring featuring the New Magnified Setting! Will last a lifetime! Indestructible! Waterproof! Enclose strip of paper «^H> for ring size. Pay postman plus a few cents, . . . . postage. If vou send cash we pay postage. (.txpsniypsinrts 25c extri) CINCINNATI, O. LEARN NURSING AT HOME High school not necessary. No age limit. Send for FREE "Nursing Facts" and sample lesson pages. Earn while learning. Act nowl EASY WAY TO EXTRA CASH Take CHRISTMAS CARD Orders Show people our amazing value Personal Christmas Cards with name. 25 for $1. Each order pays you liberal cash profit. I Other Personal Christmas Cards. Also Box I Assortments incladinK Everyday Cards. No | experience needed. FREE Personal Samples. Also ask for sample box of 21 Card I $1 Assortment on approval. Write today I I PhillipsCardCo., 363 HuntSt., Newton. Mass. ">AIRV DIAMOND RINGS Just to get acquainted we will send you smart, new lOK yellow gold engagement ring or wedding ring. Romance design engagement ring set with flashing. Rose cut diamond solitaire in sentimental, sweetheart mounting. Wedding ring is deeply embossed. lOK yellow gold, set with 3 genuine chip Diamonds. Either ring only $5.95 or both for $9.95 plus postage and 20Cb Federal tax.. SEND NO MONEY with order, just name and ring size. Pay on arrival then weax ring 10 days on money-back guarantee. Rush order now! EMPIRE DIAMONt CO., Dept. 50-DS. Jefferson, Iowa Fine 'Conqueror' Pen GIVEN AWAY Mail us $1.00 and we will send you by prepaid mail 4 boxes of famous Rosebud Salve (25c eize) and will include with salve this guaranteed precision -built "Conqueror" PEN with instant push-button (iller . deep pocket military clip, ■Uver palladium alloy point. In Jet Black, Dubonnet, Gray or Green color. You can sell the 4 salve to friends at 25c a box to get back, the $1.00 and have line Pen without cost. ROSEBUD PERFUME CO, Box II. W00DSB0R0, MARYLAND. Emmr-a: Have them made into beautiful Book Ends. Shoes finished in Blue Pearl, Pink Pear) or White Pearl. SEND NO MONEY! Simply. mail Baby Shoes and slate col or desired. Pay S4.95 plu» postage on arrival for Com* plete Set of Book Ends. WILFRA PRODUCTS. "gp» Ml, Btrwyn, 1117 DON'T CUT CUTICLES Manicare is a smart cosmetic which beautifies nails while it softens cuticle. MANICARE is a cuticle remover, cuticle oil and stain remover, all in one. *A& emtcabe 35^ a jar Drug and Dept. Stora