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wrong with his soul, too. I've seen his crankiness, and his moods, and I've seen him clam up like a — well, like a clam, many times. And I've seen her the picture of misery and her face all red from crying — "
I still don't recall turning and leaving the church. Blinding fury possessed me, drove me on; I'd walked half way home before I realized where I was, before I had some semblance of thought. Those stupid, stupid women and their prying, pitying tongues! Pitying me for having married John! Oh, I should have told them — told them — You, Mrs. Farley, why do you think it isn't so easy, being married to a cripple? What do you know about it? John's twisted body inconveniences him sometimes, and hurts him sometimes, and at those times it hurts me, too, but otherwise I am no more bothered by the fact that he doesn't look like other men than you are bothered by your husband's having blue eyes. And anyway, no man is crippled who has John's goodness and his strength and his gift of laughter —
I turned in at the house, started up the steps, continuing my furious, unspoken tirade. And you, Mrs. Evenson, what have you seen — And then it was as if a hand had reached out and touched my shoulder, as if another voice had repeated, "What have you seen, Mrs. Evenson?"
I sat down on the steps suddenly, struck down by realization. Mrs. Evenson had seen something that I hadn't seen at all. She had seen the tight lines around John's mouth, and she'd noticed his silences, and the forbidding withdrawn expressions that crossed his face — and she had known what they meant. I hadn't.
"Something wrong with his soul," I whispered to myself. There'd been nothing wrong with John's soul when I'd first met him. It had been a whole and a hopeful and a happy soul. He had changed, and it was I who had changed him — by keeping him at a job that was too small for him, by trying to keep him safe and secure, by doing for him the things that he should have been doing for me, that he wanted to do for me. I'd been afraid to take a chance, to give up my house and my business. . . I turned my head, looked over my shoulder at the dark bulk of the house. An empty house — and what was
Agnes Moorehead, of Columbia's Mayor of the Town, steps out of character into a smart new suit of lemon-colored gabardine.
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