Radio romances (July-Dec 1945)

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ABC: Glamour Manor CBS: Kate Smith Speaks CBS: Big Sister CBS: Irene Beasley MBS: Morton Downey CBS: Romance of Helen Trent ABC: Farm and Home Makers NBC: Sky High CBS: Our Gal Sunday CBS: Life Can Be Beautiful ABC: Baukhage Talking CBS: Ma Perkins ABC: Constance Bennett MBS: Luncheon with Lopez CBS: Bernardine Flynn, News MBS: Paula Stone & Phil Brito ABC: Chicago Varieties CBS: Young Dr. Malone MBS: John J. Anthony MBC: The Guiding Light ABC: John B. Kennedy, News CBS: Two on a Clue ABC: Ethel and Albert NBC: Today's Children CBS: Rosemary CBS: Perry Mason ABC: The Fitzgeralds NBC: Woman in White MBS: Jane Cowl MBS: Queen for a Day CBS: Tena & Tim NBC: Hymns of All Churches CBS: Milton Bacon ABC: Best Sellers NBC: A Woman of America ABC: Appointment with Life NBC: Ma Perkins CBS: Michael Scott NBC: Pepper Young's Family ABC: Ladies, Be Seated MBS: The Smoothies NBC: Right to Happiness CBS: Sing Along ABC: Jack Berch CBS: House Party NBC: Backstage Wife NBC: Stella Dallas ABC: Report From Abroad NBC: Lorenzo Jones CBS: Danny O'Neil ABC: Hop Harrigan NBC: Young Widder Brown CBS: Milt Herth Trio CBS: Service Time ABC: Terry and the Pirates NBC: When a Girl Marries MBS: Here's How with Peter Howe NBC Portia Faces Life ABC: Dick Tracy MBS: Superman CBS: Cimarron Tavern ABC: Jack Armstrong MBS: House of Mystery NBC: Just Plain Bill ABC: Tennessee Jed NBC: Front Page Farrell CBS: Sparrow and the Hawk MBS: Tom Mix CBS: Calling Pan America NBC: Serenade to America NBC: Clem McCarthy CBS: The World Today NBC: Lowell Thomas ABC: Chan NBC: Chesterfield Supper Club CBS: Mommie and the Men CBS: Jack Smith ABC: Raymond Gram Swing CBS: Mr. Keen NBC: Bob Burns NBC: Burns and Allen ABC: Lum 'n' Abner CBS: Suspense CBS: FBI in Peace and War ABC: America's Town Meeting NBC: Dinah Shore's Open House MBS: Agatha Christie's Poirot CBS: Bill Henry CBS: Chrysler Show MBS: Gabriel Heatter NBC: Kraft Music Hall MBS: Real Stories ABC: Variations by Van Cleave CBS: Hobby Lobby MBS: Treasure Hour of Song NBC: Jack Haley ABC: Coronet Story Teller CBS: The First Line ABC: One Foot In Heaven MBS: Arch Oboler's Plays CBS: Romance, Rhythm & Ripley NBC: Rudy Vallee MBS: Swing's the Thing INTERNATIONAL LADY... Frances Chaney's assignment to play Marion Kerby on NBC's Adventures of Topper series was one of her happiest bits of casting. She has a great deal of the impish, pixie quality of that ectoplasmic character. Her face, with its high cheekbones and gently slanted gray eyes and wide, childish mouth, has a special mobility that flashes from sparkling, almost glittering, gaiety to moody pathos. Frances was born in Odessa, but not long afterward her family moved to Istanbul, where at the proper time Fanya, as she was then called, was entered in an English school. Then her family came to New York and Fanya went to American schools, where her accent was found slightly peculiar. She isn't quite sure just when she was bitten by the theater bug, but it was early in her life. Long before she started going to Hunter College a good part of her interest was the stage. As a result she cut so many of her classes at college that her impression is she was more of a visitor there than anything else. Soon this began to seem rather silly to her, so she decided that the only thing to do was get herself some kind of a job. She talked herself into a full-time job at Macy's and got herself taken on as an apprentice at the Provincetown Playhouse, working in the evenings. In the fall, Fanya — she still hadn't started using the American verson of her name — won a scholarship at the Neighborhood Playhouse School and studied there for two years. In the summers she played at various "straw hat" theaters. After her graduation from the dramatic school, Fanya began haunting the producers again. This time, however, she also made the rounds of the radio studios. In a short time, she realized that Fanya, as a name, might limit her in radio. For some reason, directors always expected her to have a thick Russian accent. So Fanya adopted her American name and was soon so busy on radio that she scarcely had time to try for parts in the theater. She's been on the air in practically all the major shows, 'among them Mr. District Attorney, Mystery Theater, Grand Central Station and Words at War. Frances Chaney is one of the performers to whom the U. S. Army is extremely grateful. Busy as she was, Frances frequently gave up important roles — high-paying roles — in order to appear on the radio shows put on by the Armed Forces Radio Service. She worked steadily on the Assignment Home series, for instance, giving that preference over any other shows. And this wasn't always easy for Frances after D-Day in Normandy. Many of the lines she had to read in the scripts must have hurt deeply. Because David Lardner, the New Yorker correspondent, to whom she was married, was killed shortly after D-Day, when the jeep in which he was riding went over a land mine. 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CBS: Aunt Jenny's Stories ; ABC: Ted Malone NBC: David Harum I MBS: What's Your Idea? " I ABC: Glamour Manor I CBS: Kate Smith Speaks i CBS: Big Sister i MBS: Morton Downey i NBC: U. S. Marine Band I CBS: Romance of Helen Trent i ABC: Farm and Home Makers i CBS: Our Gal Sunday I CBS: Life Can Be Beautiful I ABC: Baukhage Talking i ABC: Constance Bennett CBS: Ma Perkins ■ MBS: Luncheon with Lopez I CBS: Bernadine Flynn, News i CBS: Young Dr. Malone • NBC: W. W. Chaplin ! MBS: John J. Anthony I NBC: The Guiding Light I ABC: John B. Kennedy, News I CBS: Two on a Clue i NBC: Today's Children IABC: Ethel and Albert i CBS: Rosemary ; MBS: Jane Cowl I CBS: Perry Mason I ABC: The Fitzgeralds I NBC: Woman in White I MBS: Queen for a Day i CBS: Tena & Tim i NBC: Betty Crocker IABC: Bestsellers I NBC: A Woman of America IABC: Appointment With Life I NBC: Ma Perkins ! CBS: Michael Scott I CBS: Sing Along Club I ABC: Ladies, Be Seated I NBC: Pepper Young's Family i NBC: Right to Happiness I ABC: Jack Berch I CBS: House Party I NBC: Backstage Wife ; NBC: Stella Dallas I CBS: Feature Story, Bob Trout I NBC: Lorenzo Jones I CBS: Danny O'Neil, Songs ABC: Hop Harrigan NBC: Young Widder Brown > CBS: Johnson Family, Songs I CBS: Service Time I ABC: Terry and the Pirates I NBC: When A Girl Marries MBS: Here's How with Peter Howe NBC: Portia Faces Life 1 ABC: Dick Tracy MBS: Superman' i CBS: Cimarron Tavern i ABC ; Jack Armstrong MBS: House of Mystery i NBC: Just Plain Bill i NBC: Front Page Farrell l ABC: Dick Tracy ; CBS: Wilderness Road i CBS: Sparrow and the Hawk > ABC: Tennessee Jed I MBS: Tom Mix i ABC: Kiernan's News Corner i CBS: Jimmy Carroll, Songs • NBC: Serenade to America I CBS: Sally Moore & Eileen Farrell I NBC: Clem McCarthy > NBC: Lowell Thomas i ABC: Charlie Chan I CBS: The World Today ; CBS: Joseph C. Harsch I CBS: Mommie & the Men i NBC: Chesterfield Music Shop ABC: Raymond Gram Swing ; CBS: Jack Smith NBC: This Woman's Secret I CBS: Jerry Wayne Show : ABC: The Lone Ranger I CBS: The Aldrich Family i NBC: Highways in Melody — Paul Lavalle ABC: Blind Date ABC: This Is Your FBI NBC: Duffy's Tavern CBS: Kate Smith Hour MBS: Freedom of Opportunity CBS: Bill Henry ABC: Famous Jury Trials MBS: Gabriel Heatter NBC: Waltz Time MBS: Real Stories CBS: Those Websters ABC: The Sheriff . MBS: Double or Nothing NBC: People Are Funny ABC: Coronet Story Teller NBC: Amos 'n' Andy CBS: Durante and Moore CBS: Harry James and Band NBC: Bill Stern 53