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Just You and Lin all Chicago
"Wonderful to "be with you again," you said— "I've dreamed of your soft hands." I thought thankfully of Jergens Lotion. Jergens supplies the beautifying moisture that helps keep my hands soft.
We'd meet at the Pump Room Saturdays. "I know these soft, smooth hands," you'd say. Just imagine a wife letting her hands get rough 1 Jergens Lotion hand care is so easy.
New York Models— so charming — use Jergens Lotion, nearly 5 to 1.
Your hands, too, have protection against roughness, with Jergens. Two ingredients in Jergens Lotion have such "know-how" in helping hard
used skin toward "lovelywoman" smoothness and softness, that many doctors use them. Simple! No discouraging stickiness. 10$ to $1.00, plus tax. Be smart— use this famous Jergens Lotion.
For the softest, adorable Hands, USE
At first, when they stopped seeing each other, I lay awake at night figuring out little schemes to bring them together again. But I was almost afraid to meddle, now. The responsibility of dabbling in the lives of persons you love is too great for anyone except a god. And I'm not a god — I'm just plain Doris Corwin, an unmarried woman, who loves to sit back and look at romance. I made a vow to pin my lips together and "let the molasses run."
One night, however, when Jim and I were talking about his future, I couldn't resist asking him about Betty.
"What about Betty, Jim?" I asked point-blank. "You were hitting it off so well for awhile."
"A man-woman relationship doesn't keep going along one straight road," he explained. "It goes forward or it stops."
"You mean you either get married or you don't," I suggested softly.
"Yes — and I never will marry," Jim said emphatically. "I had one love affair— and that was enough for me — I'll never marry," he repeated, "and neither will Betty. She told me so."
"Then why not go on seeing each other?" I suggested.
"Because we can't tell. One of us might go 'all out' again. And neither of us will risk another hurt."
Now I understood what had happened. Both of them were terribly afraid of being hurt again. So they had built up this crazy defense. They had tried to use reason instead of emotion this time. Together, they had goneover their whole situation logically. And they had , come to the conclusion that they must stop seeing each other before one of them was hurt.
I tried to explain to Jim how silly he was.
"Can't you see," I argued, "how superior Betty is to Marybelle? She's intelligent and kind as well as pretty and appealing. She's your kind of person — the kind of mother you want for your children."
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