Radio romances (July-Dec 1945)

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How keep their hair shining bright for days! Leaves Hair So 'Spanking-Clean' Just Sparkling With Natural Gloss and Highlights When a girl is lucky enough— is beautiful enough— to meet the rigid requirements for becoming a 'million dollar' Powers Model, the very first beauty advice she receives is: "Your hair is one of your greatest assets. Use only Kreml Shampoo to wash it." And here is why— kmgf Kreml Shampoo thoroughly cleanses hair and scalp of dirt and loose dandruff. It actually 'unlocks" the natural sparkling beauty and highlights that lie concealed in the hair. ^h» It leaves hair shining bright for days. ™\ Kreml Shampoo positively contains no harsh, drying chemicals. . Instead, it has a beneficial oil base which helps ftL keep hair from becoming dry. F^ Kreml Shampoo never leaves any excess dull f /^ soapy film. It rinses out like a charm and keeps f^^ your hair looking its beautiful best for days ! Buy Large FAMILY SIZE. All drug, dept. and 10y stores Krentl SHAMPOO Stringy, Drab, Lifeless Looking, Too Oily or Dry DO THIS 5 Wash your hair with remarkably beautifying Kreml Shampoo. Excellent for every type, color and texture For Glamorous Hair Appeal FOR SIlKEN-SHfEN HAIR-EASIER TO ARRANGE MADE BY THE MAKERS OF THE FAMOUS KREML HAIR TONIC Guaranteed by '*\ Good Housekeeping Leaves hair softer, silkier gleaming with natural lustre entertainment-world beauty, and her highbrow aims. We'll just hurry along with what happened: for ten dollars a week, she played the piano on local New York radio stations, doing one show a day. Meanwhile, she also attended Hunter College. This went on for a year, and then Joan sat looking in her mirror and decided that maybe a voice would be becoming — both to her looks and to her piano! So for two more years she sang as well as played on local radio stations. This dual performance won her several appearances with Rudy Vallee's show — as a result of which she was offered her own radio show with NBC. Enter Paul Whiteman. He decided she should be star singer on his show, and forget the playing and orchestra leading for a while. Hence Joan's year with Whiteman, subsequent appearances with nation-wide shows— and her eventual record-breaking four-year stint with Your Hit Parade. She met and married a musician (of course). He is Julius Schachter, one of America's topflight violinists. Judy Ann Schachter was born to them in October, 1943, and is (of course) already a Conover model, pint-size. The busy Schachter family lives right now in a big apartment on West 57th Street in New York City, which they had a melodramatic time in pinning down to a lease. It entailed taking the landlord to dinner every single night for eight weeks. "But we finally won him over," Joan explains now — and, at any rate, they finally moved in to their present home. It boasts six rooms and three baths; its dark-and-light paneling is set off by chintz drapes; and its inmates dash into it like homing pigeons at 6:00 p. m. every evening, and sit down to dinner exactly fifteen minutes thereafter — thus proving what an influence subway-rushing can become! In this bit of Paradise Joan and Julius play gin rummy whenever they are alone evenings, which is almost never. Usually the apartment is jammed with friends — mainly Joan's high school and college chums who have subsequently married doctors, dentists, and lawyers. Despite this influx of the non-musical world, most of the Edwards-Schachter parties wind up musical — with Joan and Julius at various instruments and (once in a while) with Joan's two musical friends Frank Sinatra and Barry Wood singing. Late in the evening, everyone joins Joan in her come-whatmay midnight snack. That evening snack is as regular a part of Joan's day as the fact that she eats salad at every single meal except breakfast. Aside from salad, her diet consists almost solely of spaghetti and steak (when she can get it). To the rest of the world of food she turns up an indifferent nose. As to what you'd notice most about her own bedroom, it would undoubtedly be her dozens upon dozens of perfume bottles. Also her enormous closet, filled with dressmaker-type suits — never mannish; and with slick evening gowns — never slinky; and over half of both tinted yellow. In her dreams of the future lies Hollywood, naturally; but if that one doesn't come true she won't be despondent. Because she also has another dream: a house on Long Island, in which she and Julius will live surrounded by four children, two boys and two girls. All of whom, it is quite apparent, will march down the highway of life armed with musical instruments, smiles, and a garland of success.