Radio romances (July-Dec 1945)

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1 . . ,Dw«s its great popularity to its consistent high quality and fine flavor, ? X »» i^ jl% _ at** IS** ***£& Of* ^ ff*s FlAVOR y 8£rcH-NUTGUMbynimd;''C'°0S As,t *»r — '" °y "erne. Beech-Nut GUM B R 80 This Is It Mother! Trouble-Saving, Time-Saving Tip From Other Busy Mothers Best-known home remedy you can use to relieve miseries of colds —is to rub warming, soothing Vicks VapoRub on throat, chest and back at bedtime. Results are so good because VapoRub Penetrates to cold-irritated upper bronchial tubes with special, soothing medicinal vapors. Stimulates chest and back surfaces like a warming poultice. Then For Hours VapoRub's special action keeps on working. Invites restful sleep. Often by morning most of the misery of the cold is gone! Only VapoRub gives you this special penetrating-stimulating action. So be sure you get the one and only VICKS VAPORUB. HOLLYWOOD GLAMOUR! ORDER BY MAIL! . r. . WE PAY POSTAGE AND ALL TAXES Rich, silverplated earrings. Two in For yourself or personalized gifts! YOU MUST BE SATISFIED or your money will be cheerfully refunded. WE PAY POSTAGE! f¥o£lcf(HOcte of California Deptl'i:H 6400 Sunset Blvd.. Hollywood 28, Calif. HOLLYMODE of CALIFORNIA Dept. MN. 6400 Sunset Blvd.. Hollywood 28, Calif. Please send me pairs of Starlet Earrings at $3 pair, postage prepaid, tax Included. PRINT name or initials desired on separate sheet of paper. Cashier's check Q Money Order D NAME ADDRESS CITY C.O.D. D -Zone nation in self defense will not be considered a breach of the peace. As a subsidiary body, under the General Assembly, the Charter also calls for an Economic and Social Council. This Council, to consist of eighteen members elected by the Assembly, will work to create the kind of international cooperation in economic and social matters which will promote throughout the world a. Higher standards of living, full employment, and conditions of economic and social progress and development; b. Solutions of international economic, social, health and related problems; and international educational and cultural cooperation; and c. Universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion. It's impossible in this short space to give you everything that's contained in the Charter. After all, in one way or another, it encompasses practically all of living in the whole present-day world. And, like all good Constitutions and by-laws, the Charter includes provisions for Amendments and specifies that a General Conference can be called at the request of two-thirds of the members, at any time, to examine whether the present Charter is fully meeting the needs of changing times and events. AS I said in the beginning, I feel *» very strongly about this Organization which we, as a nation, have joined. I feel especially strongly about it now, since that new weapon of destruction, the Atomic Bomb, has been perfected. Now, more than ever before, we need to work together with the other peoples of the world, for peace and cooperation and friendship. What has been discovered by one group of scientists can be worked out by other groups of scientists. We've got to make sure that there will never be any need to use this great, incredibly powerful force for evil and destruction. We've got to make sure that this tremendous new power is harnessed for the good of men — not for their enslavement. And the United Nations Organization is the way. President Truman, in his address to the delegates, put it much better. ". . . You have created a great instrument for peace and security and human progress in the world. "If we jail to use it, we shall betray all those who have died in order that we might meet here in freedom and safety to create it. If we seek to use it selfishly — for the advantage of any one nation or any small group of nations— we shall be equally guilty of that betrayal. "The successful use of this instrument will require the united will and firm determination of the free peoples who have created it. The job will tax the moral strength and fibre of us all." Sure, I feel as big and strong as the world, now. And I want ,to keep on feeling that way. It's a good, safe way to feel. That's why I slap down any talk against the United Nations that I happen to hear. And that's why I wish that every other citizen of these beautiful, rich, big United States would read the Charter from the first word to 'the last and defend it as I defend it. I'd like us to stay this way, big and rich and beautiful — and at peace with the world — and this is the way.