Radio romances (July-Dec 1945)

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DON'T CUT CUTICLES This clever preparation removes rough, dead cuticle ■without scissors, and helps keep nails more flexible, easy to shape. Manicare brings out their narural beauty. It is a cuticle oil and a stain remover, all in one. Keep nails nice. Avoid hangnails or brittleness. Use Manicare! Plus tax Sold by leading department stores, L drug stores and 10f* stores A Hair OFF Face Lips. ..Arms. ..Legs NOW Happy. I had ugly superfluous hair . . . was unloved . . • discouraged. Tried many things ... even razors. Nothing was satisfactory. Then I developed a simple, painless, inexpensive method. It has helped thousand's win beauty, love, happiness. My FREE book, "Howto Overcome Superfluous Hair Problem" explains method. Mailed in plain envelope. Also trial offer. Write Mme. Annette Lanzette, P.O. Box 4040, Merchandise Mart, Dept. 203,Chicago 64. IIL DON'T DYE GRAY HAIR . . . until you try the new color-control method of Mary T. Goldman's! Then watch your hair take on the beautiful, natural looking color you desire, quickly — or so gradually your friends won't guess. Simply do this: Buy a bottle Mary T. Goldman's . . . just comb it through your gray, bleached, or faded hair. See how this new scientific color-control gives you the youthful hair shade you want. Pronounced harmless by competent medical authorities (no skin test needed). Will not harm your wave or change the smooth, soft texture of your hair. It's inexpensive and easy to apply, too. For over SO years millions have found new 90 hair beauty by using Mary T. Goldman's in the privacy of their homes. So help yourself to beautiful hair — today I Buy a bottle of Mary T. Goldman's at your drug or department store on money-back guarantee. Or, if you'd rather try it first, mail coupon below for free test kit. p — -_j Mary T. Goldman Co., 685,Goldman Bldg. I I St. Paul 2, Minn. Send free sample. Check color | | D Black D Dark Brown □ Light Brown | ■ D Medium *rown □ Blonde Q Auburn. ' ■ Name _ I Address ■ ■ City State J of people, and I asked myself a hundred questions." He took his eyes from the window and looked at me. "Every question I asked myself involved you," he said. "I was floundering like a drowning man, and suddenly I knew I had to come back here and be with you." I didn't say anything but I knew he was still floundering, just as badly as I was; but it takes a person in distress to recognize another's problem. That made it easier for me. I encouraged him with my eyes and h'e went on. "Willie . . . we're supposed to go to the Waldorf Roof tonight . . . guests of the convention. Willie ... I don't know what's wrong with me, but I don't want to go to the Waldorf Roof." My heart was laughing then. "You, Barney. You want to go to The Eagle's Nest, don't you? You found something there last night, Barney. I found it, too. We both found it, so we have to share it." He was laughing happily, then. And he was putting his arm around my shoulder. I was telling him I had to make myself ready if we were to go to dinner. He was telling me to hurry, not to bother about getting dolled up. "But what would Chink Murphy say if I didn't powder my nose, Barney?" No one would take us for children, but who could deny our youthful spirits? It wasn't time or people or cities or countries that made people happy. It was something else that ran like a deeper river in life and for the first time Barney and I were experiencing it.' His eyes were like a college boy's, his embrace just as confident. "It will only take me ten minutes to get ready, Barney." "Then what?" "Then The Eagle's Nest." "Then what?" "Then back to Worth City tomorrow." "Then what?" I refused to answer, but he knew and I knew that we would be together from that day on. His job and mine would be joined, and maybe I wouldn't have any job but be the wife of Barnsley T. Geller. It was looking ahead, 'way ahead. And do you know that all of it has come true? RESERVE YOUR COPY OF NEXT MONTH'S RADIO MIRROR The Magatlne of Radio Romance* TODAY Paper restrictions make it impossible for us to print enough copies of RADIO MIRROR to go round these days. The best way to make sure that you get every issue is to buy your copy from the same newsdealer each month and tell " him to save RADIO MIRROR for you regularly. Place a standing order with your dealer — don't risk disappointment.