Radio romances (July-Dec 1945)

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Chest Cold Misery Relieved by Moist Heat of ANTIPHLOGISTINE SIMPLE CHEST COLD SORE THROAT BRONCHIAL IRRITATION SIMPLE SPRAIN, BRUISE SORE MUSCLES CHARLEY HORSE The moist heat of an ANTIPHLOGISTINE poultice relieves cough, tightness of chest muscle soreness due to chest cold, bronchial irritation and simple sore throat. Apply ANTIPHLOGISTINE poultice just hot enough to be comfortable — then feel the moist heat go right to work on that cough, tightness of chest muscle soreness. Does good, feels good for several hours. The moist heat of an ANTIPHLOGISTINE poultice also relieves pain . . . reduces swelling, limbers up stiff aching muscles due to a simple sprain, bruise, charley horse, similar injury or condition. Get ANTIPHLOGISTINE (Aunty Flo) in tube or can at any drug store NOW. rAntipnlogistine The White Package with the Orange Band iS^-^Sg? R R 104 ^a/zJz~£{4<e<£ EYELASH DARKENER To keep lashes and brows bewitchingly dark and alluring . . . even after swimming, crying or perspiring, use "Dark-Eyes". This indelible darkener never runs, smarts or smudges. One application lasts 4 to 5 weeks . . . thus ending daily eye make-up bother. Caution: Use only as directed on the label. Try it ! Get a package of "Dark-Eyes" today! $1.00 (plus tax) at leading drug and department stores. If your favorite dealer does not yet carry "Dark-Eyes", mail coupon today! r^'Dark^Eyes", Dept~ JK -T " J 218 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago 4, 111. I enclose $1.20 (tax included) for regular size I I package of "Dark-Eyes", and directions. | I Check shades : D Black D Brown I Name ■ J Addrtss I I Town ■••• Slate ' and lived out their lives together." His voice was sure and confident and I lost my confusion in the tenderness of his kisses. In the days that followed my love grew and grew. It was Johnny who filled my every waking thought and my last sleepy day-dream at night. When I found him waiting for me outside the theater, the dark streets took on brilliance. We lunched together in the cafeteria near the business school and my fingers would fly over the pothooks I scrawled in my stenographic notebook as I watched the hands of the clock inch to noontime. Our coming home every night took on the air of a party. Mom outdid herself to feed Johnny on his favorite midnight snacks and Kate took to having a nap in the middle of the day so she could stay up and chat with us. I could see how much these family gatherings meant to him. "When the war is over, we'll have a home like that," he told me over and over again, with a longing that showed how much he had missed being one of a real family in his childhood. But I wondered. Couldn't he see the pathetic emptiness that lay behind the warmth of our house — an emptiness that was only banished by his own presence? Couldn't he see the frustrations, the narrowness of Mom's life and of Kate's? Hadn't he seen the pleading in my mother's eyes when she hinted that Johnny and I should make our home with her after the war, when we were married? I tried to put it into words but it was impossible. I loved my family so much ... I couldn't discuss them. "WfHEN you come back," I would " protest, lightly, "I'll be working in Purdy. I'll have a real job that will be worthwhile. We will have a home, Johnny, but you needn't think I'll just be sitting there waiting for you to come in nights. We'll be partners, you and I, and when evening comes we'll have all sorts of interesting, real things to tell each other." "And what do you plan to do with Johnny, Junior? Put him in a filing cabinet while you sit in your office taking dictation?" he asked, the teasing twinkle coming into his eyes again. "I can't seem to make you understand." Hopelessness tinged my voice. "Being a mother is a full-time job — yes. But children grow up. Nursery schools are wonderful things, where children can learn to get along with others, in rooms planned specially for them — with toys they can't break — without a mother always snatching things away and saying, 'Mustn't touch.' A home never stays the same. Children grow up and leave, conditions are different— I want to grow and change with them. I want a chance first, before there are children, to find out what I can do. I want to be in the swim of things, have outside interests of my own so that I'll never be useless or dependent, not stuck away on the sidestreets of my husband's life.'" But the meaning of my words seemed to have escaped Johnny completely. He pulled me into his arms in a fierce gesture of love, burying his face in my hair. "I don't think I can stand it, Mary Ellen." His voice was muffled. "It's so darned sweet — and so far away — our getting married and having a home and children — " his kiss was hungry on my lips. There were only ten days left of his ^ 0 CAJTS^JK V 7/ ^0* ^ 0 ^ f% In &utoerHeel*S°le YOUR the way you like it •f( FREE— GRAY HAIR ANALYSIS! * • Send name and address with a few strands of . your bair for FREE confidential color analysia ~K • and expert advice. » (CAUTION: Use only as directed on label) T* RAP-I-DOL DISTRIBUTING CORPORATION , it 151 West 46th Street Dept.221 1.New York 19. N.Y. -ft RAP-I-DOX. SHAMPOO TINT WHIRLING SPRAY SYRINGE <r/ Women Free Booklet— The Marvel Co., 1111 East St.. New Hav STAMMER? This new 128-page book. "Stammering, Its Cause and Correction," describes the BogueUnit Method for scientific correction of stammering and stuttering— successful for 44 years. Benj. N. Bogue. Deot. 1177. Circle Tower, Indianapolis 4. Ind. Fine 'Conqueror' Pen GIVEN AWAY Mail us $1.00 and we wilt Bend you by prepaid mail 4 boxes of famous Rosebud Salve (25c size) and will include with salve this guaranteed precision-built "Conqueror" PEN with instant push-button filler, deep pocket military clip, aih/er palladium alloy point. In Jet Black, Dubonnet, Gray or Green color. You can sell the 4 salve to friends at 25c a box to get back the $1.00 and have fine Pen without cost. ROSEBUD PERFUME CO. Box SI. W00DSB0RO, MARYLAND. 7b0TffACHE? )M ^r*r*m~ DUE TO CAVITY JET QUICK relief with Dent'a Tootli Gum or Dent's Tooth Dropel "Cavity Toothache" frequently strikes .it night. Be prepared. Buy either package from your druggist today. Keep it handy for childrt and adults. Follow easy directions. ncuTC tooth cum L/tn I D TOOTH DROPS FALSE TEETH KLUTCH holds them tighter KLVTCH forms a comfort cushion; holds dental plates so much firmer and snugger that one can eat and talk with greater comfort and security; in many cases almost as well as with natural teeth. Klutch lessens the constani fear of a dropping, rocking, chafing plate. 25c and 50c at druggists. ... If your druggist hasn't It, don't waste money on substitutes, but send us 10c and we will mail you a generous trial box. ©I. P. INC. KLUTCH CO. Box 4586-K ELMIRA, N. Y. *