Radio romances (July-Dec 1945)

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RINGS 6E NUINE DIAMOND Enjoy weari n g rich _ . , sparkling, genuine Diamond Rings. Diamond prices have gone up and ■ip, so this special offer of genuine Diamond Rings is all the more amazing. Engagement ring set with flashing Rose cut diamond solitaire. 10K yellow gold Wedding ring is set with 3 genuine chip Diamonds. Send for both Rings today and accept them on 10 days' trial. Money refunded if you wish to return the Rings. Send No Money #»«*«• and ring size. Either ring only $5.95 or both for $9.95 plus postage and 20% Federal Tax. Pay on arrival, then wear rings 10 days on money back guarantee. Dept. 53-DS Jefferson, Iowa DIAMOND CO. sWnidOti ADDRESS LABELS At Stationery Departments Everywhere UGLY WARTS GONE Now She's Beautiful Remove UGLY WARTS this quick, easy way. IOD-ISE, remarkable new preparation discovered by druggist, removes ugly warts. IOD-ISE dries up small, horny growths so they disappear. Will not injure skin. Leaves no scar. Results guaranteed or Money Back. At all druggists. 35c — or mail order direct to Dept. 30, lod-lse Co., Clifton, N. J. SHORTHAND in Weeks at Home Famous Speedwriting system. No signs or symbols : uses ABC's. Easy to learn, easy to write and transcribe. Fast preparation for a job. Surprisingly low cost. 100,000 taught by mail. Used in leading offices and Civil Service. Write for free booklet. SPEEDWRITING, DEPT. 611-5, 55 W. 42 St., N. Y. 18 Checked in a JIFFY Relieve itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions. Use cooling, medicated D.D.D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes, comforts and checks itching fast. 35c trial bottle proves it — or money back. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. Prescription. ENLARGEMENTS SPECIAL: 8 JUMBO 4x6 Enlargements. 50c — from negatives all of one size. 24-hour service. DELUXE QUALITY PROFESSIONAL ENLARGEMENTS— Pictures that thrill you with their breath-taking natural rendition. Made from any negative or photo you send. Skillfully colored by experts. 5x7 size SI. 25; 3 for S3; 5 for 54. 50. Superb 8x10 size $2.25— like photographer's $20 job; 3 for $5.50; 5 for $7.95. Camera News mailed FREE. RA IIC Developed 8 prints 24c;. ...16 prints 40c V/ L, b. J Reprints 4c; 10, 35c; 35, $1.00 OVERNIGHT STUDIO. 126 Spruce, Albany, Wise. H FRAMED IK'i'K" |% AND COLORED PHOTO ENLARGEMENT A $(,98 VALUE FOR ONLY any photo, film or ^ft-* No extra charges. QiJC Hade from any photo, film or snapshot. No extra charges. Include color hair, eyes, etc. SEND NO MONEY %g? SfirSii"} postage charge or send cash with order and we will pay postage. SIMS PORTRA ITS, Dept. C-2. P.O Bo* 164 Grand Central, New York 22. N. Y. or where you're doing it doesn't count at—" "Shhhhhhh!" That was the woman in front of us. And heads all over the theater were turning. As quickly, as quietly as possible, I fled up the aisle. Fortunately the picture was almost over and I could spend the next few minutes in the dressing room, changing out of my uniform. Fortunate — because I was too happy to stand still, too crazy with joy to remain at my post at the head of the aisle, too excited to really care what Mr. Birne thought or anyone else. I wanted Johnny. We walked home, our steps echoing softly through the silent, sleepy streets; barely a light showing through any of the curtained windows to tell us there were still folks up and keeping us company. We didn't need people. There were the stars and the soft, shaded pool of the street lamp — and we had each other. "I love your town, Mary Ellen, but without you in it it would be just houses and concrete and people living here I didn't give a darn about. And the same goes for your home — without you it would seem almost empty. If you go to Purdy then that will be home to me — because you are there." "You really want me to go?" I asked, wonderingly. HIS face was serious when he spoke and thoughtful. "I spent the day with Mrs. Gray — the woman I told you about who works in the war factory in Purdy and whose son is wounded. He was my friend overseas. She talked to me today." His hand groped for mine and found it. "She's been working ever since the war started and she told me, if it weren't for her son being in danger and then being wounded, this would almost be the happiest years of her life. She's useful and needed and she's doing a big job. She's alive. I saw her home. It isn't as neat and pretty as yours, but it has everything to make it a home. Comfort and warmth and space for fun and the little fixings that show it's a place where you can really enjoy yourself. I found out today you can't pour people into a mold and make them stay there. Big things are going on and both men and women have their place in them." I could hardly believe this was really Johnny talking . . . saying the things I had always wanted him to say. This was the real meaning of love, I knew then — -not imposing your will on the one you love, but loving him so much, or her so much, that you couldn't help but come around, sooner or later, to the loved one's way of thinking. Provided, of course, I admonished myself, that you meet him half way! And so I turned my face up to his, and my heart was singing. "And I discovered, Johnny, that looking after a man, wanting to do things for him, is not a sacrifice. It doesn't put me in an inferior position. Wanting to do things for each other is a part of the way we love each other." He stopped me then. Stopped me with his mouth on mine and his arms around me, holding me so tightly we seemed like one person and not two. And welling inside me was that trembling tide, made doubly precious by the anguish we had known and the danger we had just passed . . . the possibility that we might have lost each other and never again have known this feeling. And this kiss was like a pledge and we stayed that way for a long, long time. . . . NO DULL DRAB HAIR Whan You Use This Amazing 4 Purpose Rinse In one, simple, quick operation, LOVALON will do all of these 4 important things to give YOUR hair glamour and beauty: 1. Gives I ustrous highlights. 2. Rinses away shampoo film. 3. Tints the hair as it rinses. 4. Helps keep hair neatly In place. LOVALON does not permanently dye or bleach. It is a pure, odorless hair rinse, in 12 different shades. Try LOVALON. At stores which nil toilet goods 25i for 5 rinses 101 for 2 rinses BeanARTIS Trained artists are capable of earning: $30, ^'?? $50, $75 a week. By our practical method, we < teach you COMMERCIAL ART, DESIGNING ' and CARTOONING, step by step, all in ONE* complete course. Write today for FREE BOOK — "Art for Pleasure — Profit" describes training and commercial oportunities in art. No obligation. State age. STUDIO 8611P, WASHINGTON SCHOOL OF ART 1115— 15TH ST.. N. W. WASHINGTON 5, D. C. Vxavfng a BABy? I Start right with Hygeia • ; KSHfefc Nursing Bottles. Easy to __j clean — wide mouth and '— ~ ; rounded interior corners have no crevices where germs can hide. Red measuring scale aids in correct filling. 'Wide base prevents tipping. Tapered shape helps baby get last drop of formula. Famous breast-shaped nipple with patented airvent permits steady flow, prevents "windsucking." Cap keeps nipples and formula germ-free for storing or out-of-home feeding. NEW COMPLETE PACKAGE Ask your druggist for Hygeia's new package containing Bottle, Nipple, and Cap. No extra cost. It DOCTOR REGULARLY j