Radio romances (July-Dec 1945)

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. avoid crowds when you have a cold. Not only do you expose yourself to other germs, you expose other people to yours! If you must be near others, use absorbent Sitroux Tissues for protection. I ... eat the right foods! Have » plenty of citrus fruit in the house — oranges, grapefruit, lemons. Get plenty of rest, too. Avoid draughts, especially when sleeping. . . use absorbent Sitroux Tissues for "overblown" noses! They're kind to tender skin — more sanitary, because you can so easily dispose of them! Saves laundry bills, too. (Use sparingly, don't waste Sitroux. * ) ^^^^J-^ . _, faced with * Tissue -no""*0^ and production rawmaterialshoMoges ^^ difficulties . • • b«t .^ many ,evel best to suppW Y ,ei And, ,ke Sitroux Tissues o f our best to all others, we ?re a ondet °ie the fi"es,mrnf Restrictions. For SITROUX \^> TISSUES DECEMBER, 1945 VOL. 25, NO. 1 CONTENTS THE GLORY OF IT 19 A Leave It to the Girls Story THANKSGIVING DAY WITH BACHELOR'S CHILDREN 22 FALSE DREAMS 26 The way back to Kel's arms wasn't easy TO THE END OF THE JOURNEY 28 Part Two of a John J. Anthony Problem THE RIGHT TO HAPPINESS— IN LIVING PORTRAITS 31 ALL OUR TOMORROWS 36 A My True Story Romance UNSEEN ENEMY 40 Dr. Jim Brent warns against Rheumatic Fever TO BE REALLY YOURS 42 A Stars Over Hollywood Story "MOST BEAUTIFUL OF ALL" 46 The Love Story of Danny Thomas LADY LUCK— SONG OF THE MONTH 48 FOR CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS— KATE SMITH'S COOKING PAGE 50 ADDED ATTRACTIONS FACING THE MUSIC by Ken Alden 4 WHAT'S NEW FROM COAST TO COAST by Dale Banks 8 Cover Girl by Eleanor Harris 14 Sweet Sleep 16 Inside Radio 51 ON THE COVER — Harriet Hilliard. of CBS's Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet. Color Portrait by Salvatore Consentino, Yalcour Studios. Miss Hilliard's suit and muff, a "Capri Original", New York. FRED R. SAMMIS Editorial Director DORIS MoFERRAN EVELYN L. FIORE Editor Assistant Editor JACK ZASORIN Art Director RADIO MIRROR, published monthly by MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS. INC.. Dunellen. N. J. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO: 205 East 42nd St., New York 17, N. Y. (Executive. Advertising and Editorial Offices). O. J. Elder, President: Carroll Rheins-trom, Executive Vice President: Harold A. Wise, Senior Vice President; S. O. Shapiro, Vice President: Meyer Dworkin, Secretary and Treasurer: Walter Hanlon, Advertising; Director. Chicago Office: 22 1 North La Salle St.. E. F, Lethen Jr.. Mur. Pacific Coast Offices: San Francisco, 420 Market Street, Hollywood., 8949 Sunset Blvd., Lee Andrews. Manager. Reentered as second-class matter March 10th, 1945 at the Post Office at Dunellen. New Jersey, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription rates: U. S. and Possessions. Canada and Newfoundland. 2 years $3.60: 3 years 35. 40. Cuba, Mexico. Haiti. Dominican Republic, Spain and Possessions, and Central and South American countries, excepting British Honduras. British, Dutch and French Guiana, 2 years $5.60: 3 years $8.40. All other countries. 2 years $7.60: 3 years $11.40. Price per copy. 15c in the United States and Canada. While Manuscripts. Photographs, and Drawings are submitted at the owners' risk, every effort will be made to return those found unavailable if accompanied by sufficient first class postage and explicit name and address. Contributors are especially advised to be sure to retain copies of their contributions: otherwise they are taking unnecessary risk. The contents of this magazine may not be printed, either wholly or in part without permission. (Member of Maefadden Women's Group) Copyright. 1945 by the Maefadden Publications. Inc. Copyright also in Canada, registered at Stationers' Hall. Great Britain. Printed in U. S. A. by Art Color Printing Company. Dunellen, New Jersey.