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When you wash your hair
as a precaution against
Infectious Dandruff
The infectious type of dandruff is more prevalent than most people suppose . . . it may get a head start on you before you know it.
And, once started, it is nothing to laugh about; those ugly flakes and scales, that bothersome itching, may be symptoms of a troublesome condition that may persist a long time if neglected.
Be Constantly on Guard
As the name implies, infectious dandruff is "catching." For the sake of your scalp and hair the wise thing is to be always on guard against it.
Why not take sensible precautions regularly and often ? Why not use this delightful antiseptic every time you wash your hair? Thousands of men and women are doing just that and are simply delighted with results.
Kills "Bottle Bacillus"
If the infection has already started, Listerine Antiseptic goes after it in a hurry . . . kills millions of the germs on your scalp, including Pityrosporum ovale, the stubborn "bottle bacillus" which many authorities recognize as a causative agent in the infectious type of dandruff. Both scalp and hair are given an antiseptic bath — which your common sense tells you is a sensible thing to do when infection is present.
Excess flakes and scales begin to disappear, irritation is quickly relieved, the hair feels delightfully fresh. Your scalp glows and tingles.
If the infection is not present the scalp and hair have had the benefit of an exhilarating and refreshing treatment.
j6% Improved in Tests
Remember, the Listerine Antiseptic treatment is a tested method ... its merit revealed in clinical research. In a series of tests 76% of the patients showed complete disappearance of, or marked improvement in, the symptoms of dandruff at the end of four weeks of the twice-a-day Listerine Antiseptic treatment.
Lambert Pharmacal Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Pityrosporum ovale, the strange "bottle bacillus" regarded by many leading authorities as a causative agent of infectious dandruff.
WOMEN: Part the hair at various places, and apply Listerine Antiseptic. MEN: Douse full strength Listerine on the scalp morning and night.
Always follow with vigorous and persistent massage. Listerine is the same antiseptic that has been famous for more than 60 years in the field of oral hygiene.
LAUGH— with Billie Burke
every Saturday morning over your C. B. S. Station.
See your local paper for time and station